What Happened?


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What Happended to the Robot that Climbed over the 1000 km mountain?
Originally posted by pooyak
What Happended to the Robot that Climbed over the 1000 km mountain?


No disassemble number five!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually I have no idea what you are talking about.
A moderator deleted all his posts when he realized that he was spamming the board with irrelevencies.

We can only hope.
I am talking about the Robot that Honda created. The one that talks, walks, or even walks up the stairs. I recently heard that it was going to climb the mountain.
Re: Re: What Happened?

Originally posted by Joeman


No disassemble number five!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you guys remember what movie is that from?
is reminded of the movie "batteries not included". I loved that movie when i was little........
Guttenberg, Sheedy, and El Debarge

It was Short Circuit.

Sadly--as some would have it--I have very fond associations to this film. Besides an affinity for several certain bad movies of the 1980s, Johnny Five was a first for me. Certes, IQ9 (Star Blazers), C3P0 and R2D2 (Star Wars) and so forth were granted in my conscience as individuals, but Johnny Five and also HAL (2001: A Space Odyssey) were the first times I ever really undertook the ethical questions of artificial intelligence. With HAL, it had been sort of a tragic necessity in my conscience; Johnny Five, being somewhat anthropomorphic, invoked even greater sympathy to the point that I would eventually rethink my sentiments toward HAL. By the time we get to Commander Data, the question has already been settled (though it was a moving episode). But isn't it ironic that Short Circuit is an essential stepping stone in my present interpretation of 2001? (Actually, no it isn't. Short Circuit was directed by John Badham, whose resume is impressive, and who was on a roll with ethical & moral films at that period: Whose Life is it, Anyway?, Wargames, American Flyers, and Short Circuit.)

File under "M" for "More than you cared to know". :D

Incidentally, I could swear I saw a Honda advert that featured the dastardly little robot fetching the morning newspaper.

Tiassa :cool:
uh oh. i cant remember whichi s which between short circuit and Bateries not included. which one had the little spacehip guys and the diner? i dont remember alot of details.. i think i was 7 or 8 the last time i saw it)
'Number Five is Alive'


I used to watch that when I as younger.


That Honda robot. Thats the Blue and Cream one. Well, they've made it play Football/Soccer. Didn't know about the mountain thingy
Well, if its out to climb a 1000km mountain, its probably still out there, searching. The tallest mountain on Earth, Mt. Everest is about 8.5km tall.:p
