what happened at Easter?

err firstly the passover which is a jewish festival which jesus celibrated is on "holy thursday" (theres a question for spock, is the passover ALWAYS on a thursday?)

This is where jedus betrayed jesus to the romans and he was arested, lost his faith in his father, regained his faith and agreed to get torched and murdered (or suicide anyway)

Good friday he was marched through the streets with his cross. Speaking of which, a funny story, i actually saw someone walking along south road on good friday carrying a cross. Of course his cross had a wheel on it and he was probably just dilvering it to a church because he wasnt being followed by anyone and people who do the stations of the cross that way tend to dress up as jesus rather than like they are going to a rock conceret but anyway Then he was stabed, torchered like a Gitmo in mate and then hung on the cross, lost faith in his father again and died (all the otheres had to have there legs broken except him)

Sat boring, nothing happened

Sunday women went to aniont the body only to find some prick had nicked it and then he jumped out on them and yelled "gotch ya"
There was an interesting book -- "Jesus Lived in India" by Holger Kersten.

Anyway, the Bible is full of enough half truths to put the full truth together.

First, Crucifixian is not a very lethal weapon. It is akin to hanging a person in a cage and letting them slowly starve to death in full public view. Being in a cage is only lethal because of the effects of starvation and exposure. This is almost equally true of Crucifixion. Nails in one's hands and feet are not really so extremely fatal, are they. yes, I have read articles which say that it is difficult to breath when hanging upon a cross all day, but even then, we have no historical references that insist that Crucifixion was typically fatal in the short term. What history does tell us is that Crucifixion was a form of SLOW torture, where the entire idea was to stretch out the suffering over a great deal of time. Crucifixion was a Poor Man's Iron Cage.

And Jesus only spent several hours on the Cross until a very Rich and Influential Man name Joseph of (Name of Huge Estate) came forward and paid the Roman's to bring Jesus down early. Now, Jesus was beaten up very severely and he had been flogged. To be intellectually honest, it has been known that some people actually do die from severe floggings -- you see, people go into shock. Flogging has always been one of those punishments where it greatly matters whether one has friends or not. If a flogging victim is immediately cared for -- treated for infection and kept warm, then the chances for recovery are good. But if a flogging victim is simply thrown to his own devices -- and who can treat wounds on one's own back? -- then flogging can be almost certainly fatal. Anyway, it is likely that Jesus was not treated for his Flogging Wounds, but was immediately put on track to be Crucified. So, to be honest, Jesus could not have been expected to Live Forever under those conditions. But he was a strong, healthy strapping young man, and so if anybody could have survived...

We know what the Bible says, but Holger Kersten has been able to find at least some hints of documentation that indicate that Jesus may have gone on to Damascus, to get outside of Roman Jurisdiction, and then went on to India.
christians celebrate jesus' triumph over death...the resurrection...being brought back to life. it coincides with the first of spring. you know, when everything comes back to life after being dead all winter. either that or it's when some mythical rabbit turned a bunch of eggs pastel colors, and was frozen into a chocolate statue and some christians ate it.