What gives God the Right?


Mere Sinndoor
Registered Senior Member
To do as he pleases in matters that could possibly not need his involvement? Do you think that God would refarin from such actions?
ArpusDogma said:
To do as he pleases in matters that could possibly not need his involvement? Do you think that God would refarin from such actions?

Who is to say that a matter does not need His involvement?

And if you are talking about the God who created the Universe and gave people life, then He also has the ultimate rule over them.
His involvement was responsible for creating so why would he no longer get to have control or intervention in his own creation? I do some pencil art and every once in a while I pick up an old drawing and make changes to it as it is not a finished product.
God sustains all things in being. Therefore God is involved in all things.
water said:
Who is to say that a matter does not need His involvement?

And if you are talking about the God who created the Universe and gave people life, then He also has the ultimate rule over them.

I am not talking about the ultimate numinous as I believed in my years at Seton Hall, instead i guess I would call them Demi-Gods, ones below His level that are of other religions. Hypothetically, what would you think if a God from another religion other than your own intervined in your lifestyle?
God?? what god??

People and animals have free minds, if this so called god had power he would have made us remote controlled idiots.

Look at all the things we have accomplished and its not down to a god its down to imagination, the same thing that created a god is imagination but that aint facts, The facts are we can now even clone humans, This is itself shows there is ways and means in an evolutionary way, but by being tampered by humans.

Also science tells us that the sun will eventually expand probably making the earth too hot too live, before imploding and going super nova, why do you think we are exploring space?? correct to find other life sustaining planets.

We humans are here by a chance and we are intelligent, but also cockroach like with wiping out other creatures, all this has nothing to do with a so called god.
Dug-T said:
People and animals have free minds, if this so called god had power he would have made us remote controlled idiots.

Animals don't have free minds, they are controlled by God (our subconscious self), that's why they never do wrong.

We humans are here by a chance and we are intelligent, but also cockroach like with wiping out other creatures, all this has nothing to do with a so called god.

It has nothing to do with your perception of God. How can you reject God? You were nothing and now you exist. The universe... what power created it and why? What do you mean we are here by a "chance"? Is there such a thing like a chance?
Animals don't have free minds, they are controlled by God (our subconscious self), that's why they never do wrong.

They aren't controlled by God. God may intervene or "use" an animal for his purpose, thus controlling it, but overall, animals follow natural order.

The natural order of cause and effect.
Yorda said:
Animals don't have free minds, they are controlled by God (our subconscious self), that's why they never do wrong.

It has nothing to do with your perception of God. How can you reject God? You were nothing and now you exist. The universe... what power created it and why? What do you mean we are here by a "chance"? Is there such a thing like a chance?

All i can say is open your eyes...
Quigly said:
They aren't controlled by God. God may intervene or "use" an animal for his purpose, thus controlling it, but overall, animals follow natural order.

The natural order of cause and effect.

You could say so. But I think God is in everything. In a trees, animals and humans. When God (the self) is in a tree, he can only express himself like a tree, and when he's in the body of an animal, he can only express himself as an animal, and when he's in the body of a human, he can only express himself as a human. Humans are the only creatures who are able to fully express God (ourselves), just like Jesus did.

Dug-T said:
All i can say is open your eyes...

They're already open, but it's also important to open our minds and hearts. If our mind is open, we can see with our mind's eye.

Eyes observe the physical... mind observes the psychological (spiritual)... heart observes love.
Yorda said:
You could say so. But I think God is in everything. In a trees, animals and humans. When God (the self) is in a tree, he can only express himself like a tree, and when he's in the body of an animal, he can only express himself as an animal, and when he's in the body of a human, he can only express himself as a human. Humans are the only creatures who are able to fully express God (ourselves), just like Jesus did.

They're already open, but it's also important to open our minds and hearts. If our mind is open, we can see with our mind's eye.

Eyes observe the physical... mind observes the psychological (spiritual)... heart observes love.

First is this your own belief? Or have you gotten from someone else? If God is in everything then can he not express himself fully in all things. God being limited is makes Him not much of a God. Why would God be limited to the constraints of His creation. ( God is Omnipotent)
Ebed El Olam
ArpusDogma said:
To do as he pleases in matters that could possibly not need his involvement? Do you think that God would refarin from such actions?

Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Colossians 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

God created everything, and He created you too and every breath you ever took and all nourishment you ever had.

God's involvement is needed for anything in HIS UNIVERSE to exist.
Your question does not apply to reality.

Jeremiah 23:24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.
Ebed said:
First is this your own belief? Or have you gotten from someone else? If God is in everything then can he not express himself fully in all things. God being limited is makes Him not much of a God. Why would God be limited to the constraints of His creation. ( God is Omnipotent)
Ebed El Olam

(There is nothing which is not my own belief. What you believe is also my belief. It doesn't matter if someone else said it, if I agree with it. If I agree with something, it becomes my own belief. Other people are also just "me". The self is omnipresent)

God is omnipresent, isn't he?

Even your saviour, Jesus, confirms this: "It is I who am the light (that presides) over all. It is I who am the entirety: it is from me that the entirety has come, and to me that the entirety goes. Split a piece of wood: I am there. Lift a stone, and you will find me there."

Because God is within all things, he is omnipotent. He is so powerful that he can even become limited, as an ant, and powerful as the entire universe, and even greater, all the way to infinity. God is not limited. An ant is not God. An animal is not God. They can only express small aspects of themselves (God) When God becomes a human being (Christ), he is able to express himself fully.