What exactly is pus?


Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke
Valued Senior Member
I know it's not the most pleasant of subjects, but all of us will experience a bacterial infection of some sort during our lifetimes. I recently had a nasty little cut on my finger get infected, and as it oozed puss (eww...nasty) It made me realize I really didn't know what exactly puss was.

It made me wonder:

What is the exact medical name for puss?

What is puss made of and what produces it? Does it have any special properties?

Is puss the byproduct of the bacterial infection, or is it something the body creates on purpose as a defense mechanism?

I know one of ya'll "book smart" folks might be able to help me out.


Dead white blood cells (and dead bacteria of course).

For precise description:

"Eventually, the neutrophils die, and these dead cells are then phagocytosed by macrophages, which break them down further. Pus, therefore, is the viscous material composed of these dead neutrophils."

"Neutrophil granulocytes, generally referred to as neutrophils, are the most abundant type of white blood cells in humans and form an integral part of the immune system."
So it's just the dead bodies left over from the battle...oh ok..I didn't know if it was something the body produces, or just a byproduct of the infection.
You're a psychic...it went away for 2 months, but this morning I woke up, looking like I have a golf ball in my cheek. I just got dental insurance at my job, so I guess it's time to do something.
You're a psychic...it went away for 2 months, but this morning I woke up, looking like I have a golf ball in my cheek. I just got dental insurance at my job, so I guess it's time to do something.

Yea.. told ya :(

Make sure you get the longest and most potent antibiotics this time, for some reason they are really fuzzy about giving you the right amount.
They gave me penicillin last time,and it did two things...Jack and squat... I'm going to ask for something else. The first abscess I had they gave me menoxocilin (sp?) and knocked that shit out.
I got the lowest mg of Amoxicillin for a week the first two times. The third time I refused and said I wanted a heavier dosage and for two weeks. I got it, but not the heaviest available for the application..
It's still gone now after almost a year but there was a two year span between the first and the second time. I can only hope.
By the way, my dentist told me not to bother him with it the next time it comes back. He told me to go see the doctor.. :shrug: :mad:
Oh yeah...check out this bad boy:


You know the ladies love it!

Any chipmunk or related jokes would be greatly appreciated.

Makes me want to say: "Just a pinch between my cheek and gum gives me real tobacco favor, without lighten' up!"