A point that is often made by athiests when discussing with theists, is that they don't have a full understanding of 'atheism.
This thread is based on a discussion myself and phlogistian is currently having, who believes I do not understand atheism, and atheists.
My understanding of 'atheism' is simply this; one who does not believe in God for whatever reason. I believe this is an adequate definition of atheism, anything more just confuses the issue.
So what is atheism? The first place to look for definitions is the dictionary, and everyone i have looked in more or less agrees with my definition.
Next is to look at the definitions given by atheists themselves, as they seem to believe only they have full understanding.
I will examine the definition given by Cris, as he is a respected, and intelligent atheist on these forums.
My aim is to show that no matter how much spin you cast on the term, it means nothing more than my definition. one who does not believe in God for whatever reason.
Cutting through the verbiage, he says here that "Atheism is characterized by an "bsence of belief in the existence of gods."
The difference between this def, and my def, comes down to 1word, "absence. Other than that it is basically as I stated; one who does not believe in God for whatever reason. "Absence" means, not there, not present. So ones belief in God is
not present, meaning one does not believe in God.
Next, Cris says
Let me remind you of my definition; one who does not believe in God for whatever reason.
Whether or not one is regarded as a "weak" or "strong" atheist, their position of being an "atheist" does not change. They still adhere to my definition of atheism.
Cris goes on to say;
Here, all that Cris is saying is that there are different variations of atheism. It actually makes no difference in real terms whether one is weak or soft, the underlying thing is, they don't believe in God, for whatever reason, which is what atheism actually means.
Please note that these are also relivant to theism.
So please explain where I have misunderstood the atheism.
This thread is based on a discussion myself and phlogistian is currently having, who believes I do not understand atheism, and atheists.
My understanding of 'atheism' is simply this; one who does not believe in God for whatever reason. I believe this is an adequate definition of atheism, anything more just confuses the issue.
So what is atheism? The first place to look for definitions is the dictionary, and everyone i have looked in more or less agrees with my definition.
Next is to look at the definitions given by atheists themselves, as they seem to believe only they have full understanding.
I will examine the definition given by Cris, as he is a respected, and intelligent atheist on these forums.
My aim is to show that no matter how much spin you cast on the term, it means nothing more than my definition. one who does not believe in God for whatever reason.
Atheism is characterized by an absence of belief in the existence of gods. This absence of belief generally comes about either through deliberate choice, or from an inherent inability to believe religious teachings which seem literally incredible. It is not a lack of belief born out of simple ignorance of religious teachings.
Cutting through the verbiage, he says here that "Atheism is characterized by an "bsence of belief in the existence of gods."
The difference between this def, and my def, comes down to 1word, "absence. Other than that it is basically as I stated; one who does not believe in God for whatever reason. "Absence" means, not there, not present. So ones belief in God is
not present, meaning one does not believe in God.
Next, Cris says
"Some atheists go beyond a mere absence of belief in gods: they actively believe that particular gods, or all gods, do not exist. Just lacking belief in Gods is often referred to as the "weak atheist" position; whereas believing that gods do not (or cannot) exist is known as "strong atheism".
Let me remind you of my definition; one who does not believe in God for whatever reason.
Whether or not one is regarded as a "weak" or "strong" atheist, their position of being an "atheist" does not change. They still adhere to my definition of atheism.
Cris goes on to say;
"t is important, however, to note the difference between the strong and weak atheist positions. "Weak atheism" is simple scepticism; disbelief in the existence of God. "Strong atheism" is an explicitly held belief that God does not exist. Please do not fall into the trap of assuming that all atheists are "strong atheists". There is a qualitative difference in the "strong" and "weak" positions; it's not just a matter of degree.
Here, all that Cris is saying is that there are different variations of atheism. It actually makes no difference in real terms whether one is weak or soft, the underlying thing is, they don't believe in God, for whatever reason, which is what atheism actually means.
Please note that these are also relivant to theism.
So please explain where I have misunderstood the atheism.