What exactly causes the farting sound?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I mean serious question, is it the anus muscles quickly closing? I assume when a silent fart happens, the gas escapes rather slowly, so the muscles open less wide and close slowly, thus no noise....
Vibration of the skin of the ass cheeks and anus as air escapes. Like a reed in a clarinet, as air passes any object that is at once in tension and with enough flexibility to move, sound will be produced. The greater the airflow, the greater the sound.

Maybe we should ask this guy...I'd bet he'd know.

. . . the sound is caused by one's asshole systematically slamming-shut in rapid succession . . .yes, it is allied with fart volume and intestinal gas pressure . . . .
the sound is relative to the tightness of your ass. Low pitch farts are when your ass is loose and the high pitch of a fart is when you are a tight ass . Course sphincter control will allow you to play " Beethoven 5th " if you have a good enough ear . That would allow you to smell "Beethoven's 5th" in a new way. I wonder what "Stairway to heaven"would smell like ?
Why do farts make noise?

LOL...are you serious?

Fill a balloon with air then let it out through the stem while squeezing.

Forced farts make a loud noise due to the volume of air you are forcing out at one time, under extreme pressure. That is my own impression anyhoo.

Hold on...ahhhh.