what event would make you Disbelieve in your beliefs


Registered Senior Member
Curious to know for all the religious people out there if there
was an event that would make you question your believes
what would it be? would there even be one? (eg death in the family,war
aliens coming to earth, going bankrupt)

and for you nonreligious people out there what event would make you believe
in mono/polytheism.
Neurocomp2003 said:
Curious to know for all the religious people out there if there was an event that would make you question your believes what would it be? would there even be one? (eg death in the family,war aliens coming to earth, going bankrupt) and for you nonreligious people out there what event would make you believe in mono/polytheism.
M*W: I'm not religious. I do not believe in any organized religion. I follow my spirit. I've already been down the dark road of Christianity, and I know there is nothing there to believe in. I've been down the road of an agnostic, but that's the easy way out. I cannot claim to be an atheist, because I believe in a "higher power," not a supernatural being but a force of positive-negative energy that created all things. I cannot call this energy "God." The name "God" is just a contraction of the English word "Good." The only higher power I believe resides in me and in all creation. All creation except for humanity is passive power. Humanity is filled with positive energy. The evil side is inert and/or is a negative like a "vacuum." As far as we know, human beings are the greatest creation because we can "think" as opposed to living by our instincts.

The only thing that would make me "believe" is when Christianity completely dies out and more people come to realize the "kingdom of 'God' has always been WITHIN." When this is experienced in the human race, there will be no more need for religion.
man thats deep...thx you for your post, it really enlightened me. I used to be a strong atheist but over a rough couple of years i've had my doubts.
Torn between "maybe" wanting to believe and what I know frmo science & what I believe from science its been a real headache. I do not believe in a higher power like you. I do not think there ever wasa being that created a universe but I will admit that I can believe in beings far superior to the human race which i firmly call "aliens" not gods.

Its really funny though my family(mother and father side, blood relatives) has 3 christians 4 catholics 2-3 self-proclaimed buddhist 1 japanese religion 1 indian religion 1) apparently one cult dude. and I'm sure a couple of thai religions and of course people who believe in a higher power...what the chinese call "lawl tien yei" meaning higher father. THen there's me ...i think the only atheist in thefamily
thus it really messed a kid up when he has no firm foundation of beliefs and having to develop your own its hard.
Do you think people are really happieer if they believe in a higher power?
Neurocomp2003 said:
man thats deep...thx you for your post, it really enlightened me. I used to be a strong atheist but over a rough couple of years i've had my doubts. Torn between "maybe" wanting to believe and what I know frmo science & what I believe from science its been a real headache. I do not believe in a higher power like you. I do not think there ever wasa being that created a universe but I will admit that I can believe in beings far superior to the human race which i firmly call "aliens" not gods.
M*W: It's arrogant for us to think that we are alone in the universe. I do believe that there are different dimensions, ones we cannot see or cross over into until perhaps death or maybe even enlightenment. All death is is shedding our Earthsuit, but our spirit goes into another dimension. The soul NEVER dies.
Its really funny though my family(mother and father side, blood relatives) has 3 christians 4 catholics 2-3 self-proclaimed buddhist 1 japanese religion 1 indian religion 1) apparently one cult dude. and I'm sure a couple of thai religions and of course people who believe in a higher power...what the chinese call "lawl tien yei" meaning higher father. THen there's me ...i think the only atheist in thefamily thus it really messed a kid up when he has no firm foundation of beliefs and having to develop your own its hard. Do you think people are really happieer if they believe in a higher power?
M*W: I think people would be happier if they would just realize God dwells within them (the entire human race). God dwells within every grain of sand, every rock, every tree, every bird... etc., but the human being as far as we know is the greatest creation. We have the power within our human spirit to conquer the world and space and other dimensions! Everything is possible if we would just realize the potential that lies within our very own soul. Believe in fairy tales only stifles our spirit. We need to take responsibility not only for our failures but our successes as well. Focusing on the positive will bring about the positive. Focusing on fairy tales will get us nowhere.
As a muslim I can say nothing will ever influce my beliefs, in fact, the more clamities I see, the stronger Muslim I become.

As time passes by, I grow stronger in my Muslim beliefs, life events proved to me that Islam is the one that suits me the best.
some religious would quickly drop their beliefs.
some religious don't even think about it, so their beliefs wouldn't change because they don't pay attention.
some religious will hold fast in their beliefs despite everyone and everything telling them they are wrong, which is what beliefs and faith are... unfounded ideas.
true but...Some people lie in the grey line of believeing and disbelieving.
But i'm curious to know if theere would be situations...
1) like there was originally a post
about if aliens came to earth or if life was discovered on other planets, how would it
play a role in your believes.
2) Or if all your family was killed by a suicidal maniac and you were left as a result of him asking ifyou still believe in a god/s
3) one day the government made you go bankrupt
4) or if the human race was killed off by another alien race for the sure funness of it.
There is one thing that would make me believe in God. Meeting him face to face. (but even then I know I could be wrong - it can be hallucinated)
Neurocomp2003 said:
true but...Some people lie in the grey line of believeing and disbelieving.
But i'm curious to know if theere would be situations...
1) like there was originally a post
about if aliens came to earth or if life was discovered on other planets, how would it play a role in your believes.
I would still be atheist,I think there are aliens out there b/c universe is just too big for us to be alone.
the believers would probably just say that god created aliens too.
3) one day the government made you go bankrupt
funny you should mention that,
the commie/atheistic gov. made all people bankrupt in Czech rep where I was born,after 2nd WW they just devalued the currency,so everyone was flat broke overnight,Im guessing the reason was to keep people under control and to force them to work.
(here in capitalist system its hapening too,just more slowly)
should I blame god?NO,first I never believed in it,even as a litle kid I knew god is just a human invention,and miracles dont happen.
the churches were always exploiting/controling the gullible,narrow minded folk who can't think for themselves.
it aint gonna change anytime soon, :(
Mithadon said:
There is one thing that would make me believe in God. Meeting him face to face. (but even then I know I could be wrong - it can be hallucinated)

how would you know its God an not some very powerful alien,such as that rascal Q from Star Trek? :D
Well Mithy, if you do get the chance to meet him face to face, just make sure you sacrifice a cow with perfect testicles first.
how would you know its God an not some very powerful alien,such as that rascal Q from Star Trek
Good question..............satan, the bible says can appear as an angel of light.
How can you tell who's God, ...?
You would know Him by the Word.
He will be what His word said, He is the word.
Paul said; if an angel comes from hevean preaching another gosphel than this, let him be accursed.
You have to study to show thyself approved, put on the whole armor of God, and have your senses exercised in the discernment of good and evil.
There is a war on, and all the world will be deceived except those who's names are written on the Lamb's book.
Neurocomp2003 said:
...and for you nonreligious people out there what event would make you believe in mono/polytheism.
If god itself appeared and started strutting around doing miraculous things. Such as healing all the sick in an instant, cleaning up all the pollution, you know – god like things. Well, only an idiot wouldn't start believing in it. But we both know that’s not going to happen anytime to soon now is it :)
If god itself appeared and started strutting around doing miraculous things. Such as healing all the sick in an instant, cleaning up all the pollution, you know – god like things. Well, only an idiot wouldn't start believing in it. But we both know that’s not going to happen anytime to soon now is it
Yes it is, He said He will destroy them that are destroying the earth.......
The desert will bloom like a rose.
Read the Bible.
"-started strutting around "......such insolence, you have no idea who He is.
His nature is described in the bible and it doesn't descibe "struting around" .
It does descibe people who hate and despise those who are good, and mock and scoff at God and those who live for Him.
What category do you fall under....?
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TheVisitor said:
Yes it is, He said He will destroy them that are destroying the earth.......
The desert will bloom like a rose.
Read the Bible.
"-started strutting around "......such insolence, you have no idea who He is.
His nature is described in the bible and it doesn't descibe "struting around" .
OK, how’s this: if god today took a recognizable form (we’ll say human) and then caused all the sick in the world to instantly heal, all the old to be young, all the pollution to be cleaned – well then I’d believe in it.

See simple really.

But, The Visitor, we both know that is not going to happen today nor is it going to happen tomorrow nor the next day etcetera. You pick a day and I will guarantee you (with my psychic powers – sarcasm :) that those things will not happen on that day! Agreed?

TheVisitor said:
It does descibe people who hate and despise those who are good
Ooo big prediction. I guess it depends on which end of the stick you’re holding on to huh?

Let me give you an example: Do you love the pope? If not you’re one of the haters the Bible was talking about.

TheVisitor said:
.. and mock and scoff at God
yet another huge prediction. Well, peoples, there may come a day when other people question this fare flung fair-tale someday.

Give me a break.

TheVisitor said:
What category do you fall under....?