What Electricity Really Is


Registered Senior Member
What Electricity Is Really Made Of
Theories of Ed Leedskalnin, inventor of coral castle in Florida.

Backed up by experiments. You can buy his books and research his experiments
yourself. They are real elementary physics experiments.

I'll summarize what he found out by experimenting with magnets. Just like
physics considers an electron or proton to be the smallest unit of electric
charge, there is a smallest unit of magnetism which he calls north and south
pole individual magnets. They are free to flow in metals, in the air and in
other things. The iron shavings around a bar magnet trace their path. From
the North end of a magnet, there are many north pole magnets flowing out and
going around the outside of the magnet and coming into the south pole of the
magnet and then running in the metal and returning to the North pole. From
the South pole of the magnet, there are many south pole magnets flowing out
and going around the outside of the magnet and going into the North pole and
flowing through the metal and returing to the South pole. Some flow straight
out from the poles and don't return, but are replaced by others from the

Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Life, Copyright October 1945 By Edward
Leedskalnin Quote:
"The North pole magnets come out of the battery's positive terminal and
South pole magnets come out of car battery's negative terminal. To be sure
it is so, you get two pieces of soft steel welding rod four inches long, put
them in clips and connect them with the car battery. Put those two loose rod
ends together until the rod gets hot. Now test each of those rod ends you
were putting together with a small needle-like horizontally hanging magnet.
Then you will see the one which is connected with positive terminal is North
pole magnet, and the one which is connected with negative terminal is South
pole magnet (Like poles repulses, and unlike poles attract). You can change
the rod peices, but every time the one is connected with positive terminal
will be North pole magnet, and the one connected with negative terminal will
be South pole magnet".

Experimenting with small magnets hung over a wire carring a current he
concludes this: Electricity is really north pole magnets flowing out from
the + terminal of a battery and flowing through the wire with a right hand
twist and there is an opposite flow of south pole magnets coming out of
the - terminal of a battery and flowing in the wire with a right hand twist.
Modern electronics developed with the theoretical notion of a positive
current flowing through a wire, but this is only a way of thinking about
electricity to describe and quantify its effects. There is no real positive
current flowing through the wire, because protons will not flow through a
wire like electricity. Free electrons in the wire only have a slow drift
speed, so negative charge cannot flow through a wire like electricity
either. This idea of opposing north and south pole magnetic units flowing
through a wire might be what is really happening in an electric current.

Summary: Electromagnetic theory needs to be reduced to just magnetism. It
will always have contradictions until it is.

Electron is really a south magnetic pole unit.

Leedskalnin believed that electostatic force was really a magnetic force. He
would describe an electrostatically charged piece of rubber this way: IN
rubber the north and south pole magnetic units are not flowing like they are
in a bar iron magnet, (he said the magnetic units flowing in an iron magnet
are excess magnetic units that were added to the metal when it was
magnetized) but in rubber they are stationary and they are the north and
south pole magnetic forces that hold the rubber molecules together. This
causes many small north and south magnetic poles on the same side of the
rubber, and this is what causes the electrostatic charge. He proves this to
be a magnetic force by
attracting iron filings to an electrostatically charged rubber, and bringing
a metal bar magnet near. When the bar magnet's poles are reversed by turning
it to the other end, some of the iron filings jump off of the rubber. He
believed the first approach of the bar magnet with its stronger field,
reversed the magnetic fields of some of the iron filings and when the magnet
was turned around, the magnetic fields repelled each other. He believed it
was magnetic and not electrostatic.

He also detected South pole magnetic units flowing upward and North pole
magnetic units flowing downward in the northern hemisphere, by hanging a
long magnet in the middle and the south pole end would always hang down. To
make it level, the south pole end needed to be longer. -- magnetic
declination of compass needles.

Scientists cannot explain how Leedskalnin built coral castle. It was
featured on IN Search of with Leonard Nimoy. He moved coral stones weighing
as much as 28 tons with equipment designed to only lift 10 tons, and only
lift it, not move it. People spying on him with binoculars signed sworn
affidavits that they saw coral stones weighing tons, floating in the air
like helium balloons.

My best guess is: He put a strong negative electric charge on them, (at
night to avoid the photo electric effect) and the Earth's magnetic field
pushed up on them and they floated.

According to him, a strong negative charge is really filling it with south
magnetic pole units and the whole stone becomes a south magnetic monopole.

I experimented and made a cement brick weighing 15 pounds, to weigh 13
pounds. Did it twice and never tried it again.

Cement brick weighing 15 pounds on bathroom scale. Check bathroom scale to
see that it will weigh the same if taken off and put back on the scale.
Car battery charger rated at 20 amps.
Experiment must be done on a dark night, to avoid the photoelectric effect
of light knocking the electrons (south pole magnets as E. L calls them) off
of the cement. I did it on a cold night. The colder temperature might help
keep resistance lower. I used a flashlight; don't point it at the brick. Use
it to see the scale reading. [Leedskalnin did his work at night.]
Experiment done on cement pavement in my back yard.
+ terminal connected to a large metal T shaped pole stuck in the concrete
pavement. (I reasoned that I should channel away plus charge to allow a good
amount of negative charge to get on the brick; so I connected to the pole.
Cement brick is sitting on the scale. Soak the cement brick and cement
pavement (between brick and pole and under scale) with water to help
conductivity of the current.
The negative terminal is connected to the brick on the scale. Battery
charger has clamps. Run the charger for 6 or 7 minutes or longer or shorter
vary it to get results. Run the charger at the highest power it will go if
you have power settings.
This is the important part. How you break the connection. The current is
going from the plus terminal down the pole through cement pavement up
through scale and through brick to the negative clamp that is on the brick.
Break the connection by taking the cement brick off the scale. Turn off
current and take off clamp from brick. Put brick back on scale. Check the
weight and see if it decreased any.
I did this 6 years ago and am telling you this from memory.
You might vary this a little. I may be forgetting some minute details.
Maybe I held the brick as I turned off the current or maybe I put it down in
some dry place and then picked it up to put on the scale. Maybe I kept
holding it and put it right back on the scale without putting it down
first. - don't remember. Play around with it and do it slightly different
ways, and check the weight when you put it back on the scale. If there is a
slight 2 lb lessening in weight. Take brick off scale. Put it down. Pick it
up a little while later and put in on scale again. See if weight went back
up to the original amount.
I have this written down somewhere, but I am writing this from memory. Play
around with it and see if you get the lessening in weight.
I did it twice and got the same 2 lb lessening in weight.
Checked the scale to see if it was faulty. The scale wasn't faulty. It gave
an accurate repeatable reading.

This experiment by Leedskalnin proves that magnetic monopoles do exist:

Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Life, Copyright October 1945 By Edward
Leedskalnin Quote:
"The North pole magnets come out of the battery's positive terminal and
South pole magnets come out of car battery's negative terminal. To be sure
it is so, you get two pieces of soft steel welding rod four inches long, put
them in clips and connect them with the car battery. Put those two loose rod
ends together until the rod gets hot. Now test each of those rod ends you
were putting together with a small needle-like horizontally hanging magnet.
Then you will see the one which is connected with positive terminal is North
pole magnet, and the one which is connected with negative terminal is South
pole magnet (Like poles repulses, and unlike poles attract). You can change
the rod peices, but every time the one is connected with positive terminal
will be North pole magnet, and the one connected with negative terminal will
be South pole magnet".

Modern physics about magnetism and electricity would say that those welding
rods, after being disconnected, should not turn a compass needle.
Leedskalnin shows that they do and each of them is a monopole.
That experiment shows that modern physics is wrong to think that there is no
such thing as a magnetic monopole.

That false assumption by science is what led to the invention of the
electron. If there are no magnetic monopoles, then what is coming off the
cathode in a cathode ray cannot be magnetic. So, J J thompson invented the
electron to explain it. He should not have. Leedskalnin proves that
monopoles exist with that experiment and what is coming off the cathode can
be magnetic.
Leedskanlnin's experiments showed that it is all magnetic, even what is
flowing through the wire. He said, It is all magnetic, so where do these
mysterious electron's come from?

Electrons do exist, but they are really south magnetic pole units. [Smallest
unit of south magnetic magnetism.]
Leedskalnin would call an electron a south pole magnet.

So what would be a proton. Maybe a neutron with a north pole magnet stuck to

What would be a photon? Maybe a north and south pole magnet orbiting each
other and the wave effect of light is the same wave effect in the
particle/wave duality of small particles in quantum mechanics. The faster
they orbit, the higher the energy (more mass) and shorter wavelength of the
particle wave.-- This is all speculation, trying to match Leedskalnin's
ideas to other parts of electro/magnetism.

Atomic model. Nucleus is north pole magnets and neutrons with south pole
magnets orbiting. -- maybe!

Getting it right is important. It can lead to a new understanding, new
experiments and new ways to use it.

Leedskalnin apparently floated heavy coral stones on the earth's magnetic
field because he understood it a different way.
Note: Coral stone is full of cavities and maybe this will allow it to
collect a higher charge.

Give Leedskalnin a nobel prize posthumously.
Leedskalnin had a 4th grade formal education and weighed about 97 lbs. His
experiments are detailed, and repeatable, and reasonable. Science rejected
his views. -- Who would listen to him if he said his experiments show J J
Thompson to be wrong? [He mentioned that Thompson is wrong.]
I'm glad he put Coral Castle there in Florida. It seems like he was going to
show them that he was right by giving them a problem they can't figure out.
Sort of like getting revenge on the scientific community for rejecting him.
He taught himself about magnets and electricity. Read up on it and built his
own generator.
I stopped even quick skim of the non-sensical post 1* when I hit following level of ignorance:

"Summary: Electromagnetic theory needs to be reduced to just magnetism. It
will always have contradictions until it is."

It is hard to find any part of physics which is as contradiction free as that described by Maxwell's equations, which integrated the two previously separated fields of electricity and magnetism. About the only thing new in this area since then is the realization that EM packets are quantized and now called photons when in or near the frequencies of light, but this is an omission, not a contradiction in what Maxell developed.
* I usually enjoy reading non-sense. - It is more entertaining than what I already know and sometimes the opportunity for me to teach, which I especially like to do if there is a chance it will be appreciated rather than a wasted effort.
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What Electricity Is Really Made Of
Theories of Ed Leedskalnin, inventor of coral castle in Florida.

Backed up by experiments. You can buy his books and research his experiments
yourself. They are real elementary physics experiments.

I'll summarize what he found out by experimenting with magnets. Just like
physics considers an electron or proton to be the smallest unit of electric
charge, there is a smallest unit of magnetism which he calls north and south
pole individual magnets. They are free to flow in metals, in the air and in
other things. The iron shavings around a bar magnet trace their path. From
the North end of a magnet, there are many north pole magnets flowing out and
going around the outside of the magnet and coming into the south pole of the
magnet and then running in the metal and returning to the North pole. From
the South pole of the magnet, there are many south pole magnets flowing out
and going around the outside of the magnet and going into the North pole and
flowing through the metal and returing to the South pole. Some flow straight
out from the poles and don't return, but are replaced by others from the

Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Life, Copyright October 1945 By Edward
Leedskalnin Quote:
"The North pole magnets come out of the battery's positive terminal and
South pole magnets come out of car battery's negative terminal. To be sure
it is so, you get two pieces of soft steel welding rod four inches long, put
them in clips and connect them with the car battery. Put those two loose rod
ends together until the rod gets hot. Now test each of those rod ends you
were putting together with a small needle-like horizontally hanging magnet.
Then you will see the one which is connected with positive terminal is North
pole magnet, and the one which is connected with negative terminal is South
pole magnet (Like poles repulses, and unlike poles attract). You can change
the rod peices, but every time the one is connected with positive terminal
will be North pole magnet, and the one connected with negative terminal will
be South pole magnet".

Experimenting with small magnets hung over a wire carring a current he
concludes this: Electricity is really north pole magnets flowing out from
the + terminal of a battery and flowing through the wire with a right hand
fallacy exposed.
magnets can be made by rubbing magnets on soft steel.
why does current need to be flowing to produce the effect if what you propose is true?
All we really know about magnetism is it causes electrons to flow when motion is involved. We also know that flowing electrons cause magnetism! Why this happens is still a mystery! Perhaps,Ed Leedskalnin found out somthing else in the puzzle!!!????
Take a Permanet Magnet Generator (PMG) and run it across a copper wire or conductor and this causes electrons to flow in it (Current)! The opposite is also true. Take a copper coil with electrons flowing through it and wrap it around a iron bar many times and the bar becomes magnetized!
Ughh. More Leedskalin crap. The significance-junkies and mystery-mongers never give up.
I stopped even quick skim of the non-sensical post 1* when I hit following level of ignorance:

"Summary: Electromagnetic theory needs to be reduced to just magnetism. It
will always have contradictions until it is."

It is hard to find any part of physics which is as contradiction free as that described by Maxwell's equations, which integrated the two previously separated fields of electricity and magnetism. About the only thing new in this area since then is the realization that EM packets are quantized and now called photons when in or near the frequencies of light, but this is an omission, not a contradiction in what Maxell developed.
* I usually enjoy reading non-sense. - It is more entertaining than what I already know and sometimes the opportunity for me to teach, which I especially like to do if there is a chance it will be appreciated rather than a wasted effort.

Electromagnetic theory is far from contradiction free. If you consider light as photon particles, to explain the photo electric effect, then it totally contradicts the wave nature of light. If you consider light as transverse waves of electric fields generating magnetic fields and vica versa, then it totally contradicts the photon particle nature of light.
A couple of years ago I down loaded a whole page full of mathematical contradictions in electromagnetic theory. [It isn't hard to find. Get on metacrawler search engine and look up contradictions in electromagnetism or use words similar to that.]
A guy on one of the scientific forums told me that if electromagnetic theory could be reduced to just magnetism, then Maxwell's equations would be more symmetrical.
fallacy exposed.
magnets can be made by rubbing magnets on soft steel.
why does current need to be flowing to produce the effect if what you propose is true?

Look at the experiment. In physics a magnet is produced by direct current flowing through a coiled wire. If a bar of steel is placed in the coil, it will become a magnet with a north and south pole.
Leedskalnin's eperiment does not use a coil, and the magnetized welding rods have only one pole. One is a completely north pole magnet, and the other is a completely south pole magnet. Accepted physics says that this is not possible. Accepted physics says you cannot have a piece of metal with only one magnetic pole. (a magnetic monopole)
Accepted physics is wrong if that experiment is true.
This has the implication that magnetic particles are flowing through the wire in electricity and what is coming off the cathode in a cathode ray tube is magnetic particles. So something called an electron did not need to be invented.
I stopped even quick skim of the non-sensical post 1* when I hit following level of ignorance:

"Summary: Electromagnetic theory needs to be reduced to just magnetism. It
will always have contradictions until it is."

It is hard to find any part of physics which is as contradiction free as that described by Maxwell's equations, which integrated the two previously separated fields of electricity and magnetism. About the only thing new in this area since then is the realization that EM packets are quantized and now called photons when in or near the frequencies of light, but this is an omission, not a contradiction in what Maxell developed.
* I usually enjoy reading non-sense. - It is more entertaining than what I already know and sometimes the opportunity for me to teach, which I especially like to do if there is a chance it will be appreciated rather than a wasted effort.

I stopped reading your post even before I saw that you are the author, but if I were to fall upon it after stumbling upon a stray shard of cat poo, and in a brief moment glimpse it, I would wonder :

what exactly are your concerns?

Your concerns may be true. Your concerns may be as worthless as used peanut butter. But: what exactly are your objections?
...what exactly are your objections?
I gave them in my post as:
"It is hard to find any part of physics which is as contradiction free as that described by Maxwell's equations, which integrated the two previously separated fields of electricity and magnetism. "

I.e. Both electricity and magnitism are very well understood.

Trying to convert electricity into USELESS WORDS about "Magnets" (instead of highly useful and well confirmed EQUATIONS) is NONSENSE.
I read an interesting analysis that someone once wrote about Leedskalnin. In effect, it said that he was uneducated (something like the 4th grade is as far as he went in school) and that his version of electricity and magnetism was much like how a child would make up their own explanation of things observed.

It would take a child-like mind to imagine tiny little magnets flowing through wires and producing the effects that electricity does. And it's quite easy to see how he came up with his line of reasoning if you try and view it through the eyes of an uneducated child.
Electromagnetic theory is far from contradiction free. If you consider light as photon particles, to explain the photo electric effect, then it totally contradicts the wave nature of light. If you consider light as transverse waves of electric fields generating magnetic fields and vica versa, then it totally contradicts the photon particle nature of light.
A couple of years ago I down loaded a whole page full of mathematical contradictions in electromagnetic theory. [It isn't hard to find. Get on metacrawler search engine and look up contradictions in electromagnetism or use words similar to that.]
A guy on one of the scientific forums told me that if electromagnetic theory could be reduced to just magnetism, then Maxwell's equations would be more symmetrical.
I already noted that Maxwell's equations do not include quantum effect (but none of classical physics does - that does not require discard of F = ma, etc.)

Maxwell's equations can easily be made symetric. (I have done so 40 years ago, but not sure I still could. - An interesting thing drops out when you do this as I recall. - There is a fixed relationship be the magnitude of the charge on the electron and that on the minium quantity of magnetic charge.)

Maxwell's equations are not normally written in symetric form because there appears to be no need to do so since there is no evidence for the existence of a magnetic charge. I.e. elecrtic charge comes in + and - and if it existed, magnetic charge would also come in two units, N and S. As with electric charge, they also would be a quantized - have minium amount - which usually are called "monopoles.")