What Does It Take To Get Into Heaven?

Does it matter? there are countless religions, so just interpret whatever you want and that'll be your own religion.

For me, all I just is try to follow all good examples.
soteriological criterion?

You can't wear shorts, you can't listen to rock music, you must read the kjv, you must not smoke or drink, you must not curse, you must not believe in evolution, you must not deny biblical inerrancy, you must not read and enjoy harry potter or the lord of the rings, you must not entertain homosexuaol thoughts or engage in homosecual acts, you can't drink caffienated coffee or soda etc etc.

It seems that many things have been inaccurately regarded as a criterion for salvation in place of what should have been.

Of course, I could be falsely equating going to heaven and salvation with my highly Christian background but its not the only framweork one can answer the question in.
*Originally posted by will_ebert
Whats you're opinion? What do you need to do to get into heaven?

Why do you want to go there?
Nobody will be there when you think you might want to be there.

Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
(Acts 1:11, KJV).

Since he went from earth to heaven, he will be returning from heaven to earth.

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

(Revelation 21:2,3, KJV).

God himself will be living on the earth.

*Originally posted by ilgwamh
Of course, I could be falsely equating going to heaven and salvation with my highly Christian background but its not the only framweork one can answer the question in.

You certainly are, however, it's stuff like that leads people to suspect that you have a non-Christian foreground.
Btw, what is a "highly Christian" background, anyway?
Does that mean you had pictures of churches on your bedroom wall as a kid?
"""You certainly are, """

Are what? Falsley equating going to heaven and salvation?

""""however, it's stuff like that leads people to suspect that you have a non-Christian foreground. """

Or possibly I have a liberal foreground. Maybe I do accept Christian salvation = heaven but do not accept everyone else is doomed to eternal conscience punishment in hell, purgatory, separation from God, annihilationism (which is what you endorse if I remember correctly) or any other argued state in the afterlife.

""""Btw, what is a "highly Christian" background, anyway? """"""

The opposite of a "limited Christian" background.

""""Does that mean you had pictures of churches on your bedroom wall as a kid?"""""

*Originally posted by ilgwamh
Maybe I do accept Christian salvation = heaven but do not accept everyone else is doomed to eternal conscience punishment in hell, purgatory, separation from God, annihilationism (which is what you endorse if I remember correctly) or any other argued state in the afterlife.

You're too funny!!
Cris calls you an apologist, but I call you a comic.

Let me get this straight, you believe in being saved, but you you don't believe in being saved FROM anything.

That's cute.
Kudos to your religious demons for coming up with a new twist on things.

*The opposite of a "limited Christian" background.*

Cute, but not true.
"Limited" is not the opposite of "highly."
I suspect that what you call a highly Christian background, is no more than the typical religious-looking upbringing, where you were simply told not to do things.
"""""Let me get this straight, you believe in being saved, but you you don't believe in being saved FROM anything. """""

I didn't say that (its not what I meant anyways). My point was that I don't think fundamentalism has the salvation market cornered.

I find I am largely agnostic about the afterlife.

""""Cris calls you an apologist, but I call you a comic. """""

When did Cris call me an apologist?

""""""Limited" is not the opposite of "highly." '""""""

In this context it delineates opposite ends of the spectrum.

"""""I suspect that what you call a highly Christian background, is no more than the typical religious-looking upbringing, where you were simply told not to do things."""""""

I suspect you are wrong. I was not explicity raised Christian. Converted around age 16 or 17 though.