what does it take to be a religion?


Et in Arcadia Ego
Registered Senior Member
What does it take to be an official religion....how many members, when can something be considered a religion? What does it take? If i wanted to start the Holy order of the people who think Marcia brady created the world......when does it become official and start getting the tax breaks?

I'm not trying to offend "real" religions.....i just want to know..,.could i start one up?

It would be fun.....anyone want to join the aforementioned one?

If God is Marcia Brady, then Satan must be...... a football?

Sounds entertaining. I'll sign up if there's free food.


It's just a ride. - Bill Hicks :m:
nah, jan has to be satan, evil jan.....yeah, free food as soon it becomes an official religion with tax benefits....ooooh tax benefits! i want a religion....join up, y'all!
Wow... you even mention Marcia in your bio. You're more serious about this than I thought...

Are religions tax-exempt in Australia and Britain as well?


It's just a ride. Bill Hicks :m:
nah.....i got a religion, not based around the worship of the beauteous marcia in a swimsuit......but it would good to find out how to set up an official one....there are tax breaks for religions in Britain and Australia too.....
S'sposedly Jedi, (from star wars) would have become an official religion in Australia, if more than 10 000 people put that down on their census form. stupid nation couldnt even get 10 000 people to put it down
Question. Is it worng to have no proud in your religion. I belive you should get to pick and not be born into your parents way. Any suggestions
daydream_believer said:
What does it take to be an official religion....how many members, when can something be considered a religion?
What does it take? If i wanted to start the Holy order of the people who think Marcia brady created the world......when does it become official and start getting the tax breaks?

I'm not trying to offend "real" religions.....i just want to know..,.could i start one up?
I think anyone can start a religion,a church,all you need is bunch of stupid dumfucks believing any $hit you say.
Ron Hubard created Scientology (religion)on a dare just to show how easy it is.
if youre only interested in tax breaks heres a religion for ya;
if you talk to god,you are a believer,if god talks to you,you are schizophrenic!
I was wondering, is it possible to in the USA to set up a Shinto Temple and receive some sort of tax break? How about Buddhist Temple? Does one need to be a Shinto or Buddhist priest to do this? What about in Oz?

Also, I live in Oz and am willing to sign the petition for Jedi to become a religion. How cool would that be :D