What does it all mean?


Registered Member
Have you ever had the dream were u are something of complete darkness. The ultimate form of evil yet your soul is of pure holy being? I have. So what does it all mean?
I've had that dream before and I'm not quite sure what it means. One of my friends says it probably means I'm afraid that I'm not as pure as I think I am, like maybe I did something that I find horrible that I'm not telling anyone and I'm afraid I'm going to have to pay for it. She was sort of right. Maybe that is what the dream is saying. Maybe the darkness symbolizes punishment and being a being of evil but having a pure spirit symbolizes having a good inside and acting bad, or vice versa. I've had that dream quite a few times.
Ok, dreams that I've had that don't understand.....

I'm driving arround in a forest without any specific destination, I come to a clearing from which I can observe the cannopys of trees at a long distance. There some hundred meters over the tree tops is a snow coverd mountian levitating upside down and the 'top' is not vissible(too high up). I find myself ascending this upside down mountain. And Damn it's hard. But I want to reach the 'top'. There was somekind of deep secret or I like to post speculate, a source of meaning at the top which i was striving to reach. But I felt more like a daredevil while climbing, not like I was seeking the top, but rather chalenging the mountain. It proves an impossible task to reach the top. I wake up.