What do you think?


a junkie's broken promise
Valued Senior Member
"Somewhere in the world a man has abducted a little girl. Soon he will rape, torture and kill her. If an atrocity of this kind is not occurring at precisely this moment, it will happen in a few hours, or days at most. Such is the confidence we can draw from the statistical laws that govern the lives of 6 billion human beings. The same statistics also suggest that this girl s parents believe at this very moment that an all-powerful and all-loving God is watching over them and their family. Are they right to believe this? Is it good that they believe this?"

What do you think?

"Such is the confidence we can draw from the statistical laws that govern the lives of 6 billion human beings."

What do you think?

That confidence in statistical law should also give evidence that, indeed, the Devil live among us.
"Somewhere in the world a man has abducted a little girl. Soon he will rape, torture and kill her. If an atrocity of this kind is not occurring at precisely this moment, it will happen in a few hours, or days at most. Such is the confidence we can draw from the statistical laws that govern the lives of 6 billion human beings. The same statistics also suggest that this girl s parents believe at this very moment that an all-powerful and all-loving God is watching over them and their family. Are they right to believe this? Is it good that they believe this?"

What do you think?


All these things happen through karma, cause and effect, if believing in an all-powerful, all-loving God gives the girl's parents hope, then whats wrong with that?
"All these things happen through karma, cause and effect, if believing in an all-powerful, all-loving God gives the girl's parents hope, then whats wrong with that?"

The obvious rational answer to the first quote is a simple "No". You cannot believe in an "all powerful" and "all loving" god who allows this to happen. This god is then either impotent, or evil. Or non-existent.
The obvious rational answer to the first quote is a simple "No". You cannot believe in an "all powerful" and "all loving" god who allows this to happen. This god is then either impotent, or evil. Or non-existent.

No! this basically proves that god is not omnibenevolent, since he allows evil to happen. But then again the theist will resort to "free will" thus evil happens cause of evil men. Alas! but what do they say if the little girl dies in an earthquake? It's god's will of course!

No matter how you try to educate the theist of the impossibility of god, by using reason or logic, they'll resort to their sense of warped logic, to excuse god of any wrong doing! Thus if the parents of the little girl are religious zealots, and this malevolent act of loosing their little girl to a rapists whims happens, they'll resort to "god's will" They more then likely blame themselves of doing wrong in the eyes of god, and are being punished.
"All these things happen through karma, cause and effect, if believing in an all-powerful, all-loving God gives the girl's parents hope, then whats wrong with that?"

The obvious rational answer to the first quote is a simple "No". You cannot believe in an "all powerful" and "all loving" god who allows this to happen. This god is then either impotent, or evil. Or non-existent.
assuming of course that the subjects involved have a blemish free history of utilizing their free will in accordance with god's will - as you so kindly pointed out, the statistics tend to indicate otherwise

(if its possible for a person in this life to perform sinful acts there is no reason why a person, like say a five year old girl, may not have performed identical sinful acts in a previous life ....)
(if its possible for a person in this life to perform sinful acts there is no reason why a person, like say a five year old girl, may not have performed identical sinful acts in a previous life ....)

Can you kindly provide evidence that an individual could have had a previous life?
Can you kindly provide evidence that an individual could have had a previous life?
of course i can: before you were born you were nothing, you didn't exist. now you exist. you went from nothing to something.

so if you become nothing again when you die, Perfect Logic tells us that you can become something again.
"All these things happen through karma, cause and effect, if believing in an all-powerful, all-loving God gives the girl's parents hope, then whats wrong with that?"

The obvious rational answer to the first quote is a simple "No". You cannot believe in an "all powerful" and "all loving" god who allows this to happen. This god is then either impotent, or evil. Or non-existent.

Nice call stretched. You too Godless (for the post right after stretched's).

"If a deity is willing to stop evil, but unable, then he/she is not omnipotent.
If a deity is able to stop evil but unwilling, then he/she is not benevolent."

I got that quote from www dot godisimaginary dot com, which hits on various topics supporting your answer.
it's actually a quote by Epicurus 341-270 BC ancient Greek philosopher “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?”
"All these things happen through karma, cause and effect, if believing in an all-powerful, all-loving God gives the girl's parents hope, then whats wrong with that?"

The obvious rational answer to the first quote is a simple "No". You cannot believe in an "all powerful" and "all loving" god who allows this to happen. This god is then either impotent, or evil. Or non-existent.
How is the obvious answer "no"? God would still remain all-powerful and all-loving since it happens through karma.....during some time period the world will become perfect and free from sin, but that would be because of karma too...

No! this basically proves that god is not omnibenevolent, since he allows evil to happen. But then again the theist will resort to "free will" thus evil happens cause of evil men. Alas! but what do they say if the little girl dies in an earthquake? It's god's will of course!

No matter how you try to educate the theist of the impossibility of god, by using reason or logic, they'll resort to their sense of warped logic, to excuse god of any wrong doing! Thus if the parents of the little girl are religious zealots, and this malevolent act of loosing their little girl to a rapists whims happens, they'll resort to "god's will" They more then likely blame themselves of doing wrong in the eyes of god, and are being punished.
All things happen through karma....I see no impossibility of God...
it's actually a quote by Epicurus 341-270 BC ancient Greek philosopher “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?”

Sweet. Thanks for the source/paper trail for that one. I love that quote. It makes so much sense.

Religious apologists might say something like god will not prevent evil because he must allow us to do our own thing and not interfere. Really? Then what's the f@#%^! point of praying?
Or that he allows evil to exist to tempt us and test our faith. Really? What kind of sick fuck does that to their children/supposedly beloved/greatest creation?
I think perceptions is a better word for it than thoughts.
My perception of what's evil may not be what you percieve as evil.
that depends whether you are prepared to undergo the necessary prerequisites for determining the face value of evidence

Show us evidence that your "qualified";)
LMAO! LOL, LOL, LOL What a retard!

undergo the necessary prerequisites for determining the face value of evidence

This suggests that YOU!! have had the necessary prerequisites to have determined the value of evidence as you see fit!

Please explain what is your EVIDENCE! That's what you claim all the time, that one has to be qualified, to understand the evidence, so are you qualified? LG! :shrug:
LMAO! LOL, LOL, LOL What a retard!

This suggests that YOU!! have had the necessary prerequisites to have determined the value of evidence as you see fit!

Please explain what is your EVIDENCE! That's what you claim all the time, that one has to be qualified, to understand the evidence, so are you qualified? LG! :shrug:
skinwalker's greatly impartial infraction aside (apparently he also thinks that it is somehow possible to determine evidence without a platform of knowledge or qualification to operate from - to the contrary of any professional involved in the field of teaching or learning :shrug: ), if I said yes, how would you know if I was lying and if I said no how would you know if I was lying?

In other words what is the point in discussing personal cases in regard to qualification when one has bypassed the issue of what qualification is (what is the value in discussing who has gold unless one first has knowledge what gold is)