What do you think....

Heh, you'd better be more careful specifying what you want to know.

If you're talking about the end of the universe (as in a long time from now), you'd probably see a restaurant, possibly Marvin parking cars.

If you're talking about the other end of the universe (as in a hypothetical side of the universe), you'd probably think it was a waste of your Altarian dollars;).
the resturant better be good if you have to go to the end of the universe for it :bugeye:
absolutly nothing... a deeper nothing than the void of space. So up, no down, no time, no space. Even time would be gone. Just...nothing.

Of course you wouldnt see that because you are a part of the universe so its a moot point.
If you are in a space ship turning on the headlights, the light probably will reflect back making the wall of the universe a perfect mirror OR get absorbed by the wall making it look dark?
A reverse black hole, that doesn't let anything in. But it's not a perfect circle. And it expands faster/as fast as light (you can debate whether or not the end of the universe is infinately large, hence going faster than then speed of light)...so we won't be able see what's on the other side of the fence.

It may look something like this: