what do you think? sasquatch/bigfoot


Registered Member
hello to all, as i am new here i wish to extend my canadian "niceness" to everyone and pose the question "what do you think regarding bigfoot, a hoax, or real? i live amongst the rocky mountains and my opinion is a deffinate yes they are real! hyp.
and what sort of good would going around decieving us into thinking that sasquatch exists do ?

along that line of thinking he could be pretending to be joe redneck and trying to decieve us into thinking morons exist

I think it is quite possible that many unknown species exist including but not limited to bigfoot and yeti
I would like to start this by welcoming hypmo to the forums. It’s always nice to see new blood.

I have often wondered about such. All over the world are reports of creatures that we don’t know about. It is rapidly approaching the point that either we will know for sure that they do or do not exist. I say this because unknown territory is rapidly becoming an endangered item. All these reports come from isolated areas, mostly wilderness. If they exist they are running out of country to live undetected in.

It is not impossible that such do exist. In the last 50 years or so I know of at least 2 species of fish thought to be extinct that have been discovered to still be alive in the planet’s oceans.

But oceans and land are two different things sadly. Primarily we are a land-based genus. And we go to those isolated spaces. Not in mass, but there are those rugged individuals that those spaces still call. So even isolated areas are not safe from our enroachment. More and more we intrude on such and that gives less regions for such to hide and be unknown except by the occasional sighting.
The stories are many...

Hmm...Bigfoot. I heard that he and his buddies are growing pot up there in the Cascade Mountains. It's a sizeable, organized drug operation. There's also a rumor that the Saint Helens eruption was, in truth, a Bigfoot methlab explosion.

Some folks in Washington claim that the Bigfoot critters are nothing more than a hoax, perpetrated by ugly Canadians who have crossed the border illegally in an effort to find LA.

Believe what you want.
Thanx for the input of humor Bowser. I couldn't decide to ridicule or give a reasonable responce to this one. Got both, nothing wrong with that.
phew! rsvp or what!

ask and ye shall receive...for you lyndale...as for bowser, the ugly canadians have more than found L.A. actually they took the most profitable part of it back to Canada with them and are selling it back to you...Hollywood i mean! also be nice or else we will shut off all your lights! yes your nightlight too!! ha ha...that is of course only until you all get mad! better we just stay friends and share. ok? hey wet1, you are right, there is no more room!especially here in overcrowded Canada! best you pass that info around to all your freinds lest they waste their time trying to move here! thanks in advance, i can hardly breathe as it is with all this oxygen around. after all we are almost at 40 million people here, not to mention bigfoot! discord5, you are right.. satan could come as a dumb redneck at least then he could effect the kind of chaos he so loves with maximum results. maybe this explains jeff foxworthy's popularity... shivers!!... bigfoot is real!, i've personally stood in the middle of his/their forest sanctuary, and nothing else could have snapped off 20ft. green treetops without climbing them or leaving marks on the trunks, even snow load was ruled out by the fact that these green broken tees stood next to intact and fully needled dead trees that would have fallen if snow or wind was the cause. there were about 12 of the broken ones forming a roughly spaced circle about 500 yds in dia. we had packed in after elk at least 5 miles from any road. remote to say the least safe even for them. this is a fun group so far, i hope we can be friends!...hyp.
To be honest I know next to nothing about Canada. I understand that it is mostly settled in the southern part and not so much in the northern part. If this is true or not I personally can not say. I can not envision living that far to the north for any extended period of time. I tried Germany once and all I could think of was “What is a Florida boy doing here”. I’m sure it is beautiful and has it’s own attractions! So in this case I give you your due of full benefit of your experience. I have nothing to give contrary to it. I simply do not know enough to argue one way or the other.
…as I stated in another post, “ain’t nothin’ like a green Christmas”!
Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Almas, Yeti, Buquass...whatever the name it goes by.......sure as shit it's real. Anthropologists seem to think that the so-called "fossil-record" is as indicative to the actual truth as federal laws are to liberty and justice. MORONS.......
i wasn't picking on Canadians, they just fit well into the mystery of Bigfoot--location, location, location.
Canadian eh?

oh if only the world had not been infected with the eastern Canadian stereotype i hate it! here in western Canada we do not say ooout or abooout or hooouse or ruuf and are treated like the preverbial loser brother inlaw as far as the east is concerned! they take our money through taxation though, and spend it out there! they love our gas and oil reserves and water power generation but transfer back a pittance compared to what they take as the population base is there.. you know ontario, quebec and so on. here in b.c. the people have a hard time relating to strange brew but i really like our comedians that have made it big in the states such as Mike Myers (Austin Powers, Waynes World)
and Jim Carrey and so on. Don't feel bad about not knowing too much about Canada our own children know more about the U.S.A.
than Canada as well...the power of mass media right! I like to think of us as the continent of North America as we all rely on each other one way or the other... if our big brother America farts we smell it!! and vice versa. guess i'm totally off subject now... oh
well this is fun anyway!! all the best hyp.
Originally posted by Bowser
i wasn't picking on Canadians, they just fit well into the mystery of Bigfoot--location, location, location.

The US has it's own stories of bigfoot as well even with out all that land.

Welcome Hypmo to the Board!!! You seem pretty cool... but I have one question? What's wrong with Jeff Foxworthy? Am I that Old???LOL
pretty cool

hi sethmac! so i seem pretty cool huh? just so you know not only am i pretty cool i'm totally HYP as well haha! i tryed to send in another reply complete with another bigfoot story but i think it got lost in cyberspace somewhere! oh well, will wait and see if i must type it out again! as for foxworthy i think he's pretty funny although he could use a new schtick...how about.. (you know Canada is taking over when....) just a joke....honest...america has nothing to worry about the meek.... right lyndale?here's hoping my previous story finds it's way out of the mists of electronic exile! check back later... hyp.

I have seen many diffent home videos about bigfoot, he seems to look diffent in every one of them.. but who knows... i am not sure to the extent of home video editing... And the video was made in the 80's! What do you guys think?