what do you think of this video?

Richard is a little confused, I don't blame him, it's a confusing theology. Also the caller is a bit of an asshole.
It made me think that Richard is clueless.
The caller exposes the contradictions of christian dogma and scriptures that can not be answered if you are a traditional (orthodox) christian; it seems all they do is repeat the Bible without really explaining anything with their own words or by experience. He is also asking many retorical questions; he never intended to ask anything, but to expose poor Richard.
Also these christian dudes could not deal with these questions so they decided to experience "technical difficulties" with the phone line.
hahaha... Richard.... Dick.... Richard :p

I love that Richard's voice is on echo and I love how he has no idea what he's smoking or on about either.... We're having a bit of difficulty .... line is cracking up.

What do you think of Muslims?
I don't think a lot...


I'm thinking I will call a Christian or Muslim hotline live and do something similar :D That should be a lot of fun.

I find it hilarious that the whole monotheism paradigm is sinking and these two are STILL going at it!
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1. God created all things. In this sense he is a father.
2. He permeates all of his creation. In this sense he is a spirit.
3. He took human form. In this sense he is a son.

These are all manifestations of the same omnipotent God, and such things should certainly be possible for any omnipotent being. Seriously guys, the trinity is as basic as it gets. Of all the things we could seek to understand about the proposed nature of God it's the easiest to comprehend. So why do people carry on as if it's some kind of sophisticated philosophical absurdity?

I'm an atheist myself. But carrying on about how the trinity doesn't make sense just makes atheists (or anyone else) look unintelligent, which is why I'm responding.

Regarding the video, the caller was asking valid questions. The host is just a fucking moron who knows very little about his own religion.
Very grainy.

Poor quality video and audio to it, obviously an inexperienced uploader put that on YT.
They need to work on their PR, because they are doing a terrible job of promoting it.

Richard is vague, and his call screener set off my gaydar. I think Richard may also be flouting some old testament rules.

Liked it.

Richard is a little confused, I don't blame him, it's a confusing theology. Also the caller is a bit of an asshole.

I don't see him as an asshole. I see him as someone who is just pointing out the obvious flaws in Richards approach and beliefs.

EDIT: Ok, with exception to his big-nosed Jews comment. Not cool.

I think it reminds me of how retarded (as in retarding growth) the concept of god is

Completely agreed.