What do you think about Luigi Cascioli's book-"The Fable of Christ"?

I could give you a link,but...

..there is no point if <ou haven't read the book.I must admit I didn't read that book,because I have some difficulties of find it.It still have to come in my country.
Sorry,I screwed up something...

I meant to say there is no point to give you a link,if you didn't read a book.I must admit,I didn't read it also,but I will as soon as will come in my country.
I wonder why it does have to wait that long...
The point would be for me to asses what the author is putting out there, read a few excerpts, possibly a few reviews, details of the writer's point of view and what he is putting out there.

Basically some information to help me determine if the book seems interesting and worth my time it would take to read the book.

("Atheism attacks christianity in a lawsuit against Jesus Christ and the catholic church, which through the Holy Inquisition, defended a fraud based on false documents, the Bible and the Gospels, and on the moral subjugation operated on the masses through satan, exorcism, and al the forms of superstition. The author has irrefutably demonstrated that the facts presented as true and historical in the "Holy Scriptures" are in reality false. This is especially true in regard to the figure of Jesus-Christ, which has been based on a certain John of Gamala, son of Judas. At the end of the book the author has included a DENUCIATION-LAWSUIT against Ministers of the catholic church for "abuse of the popular credulity" (art. 661 of the Italian Penal Code) and for "impersonation" (art. 449 of the Italian Penal Code)."), he says:

"Within the framework of recent atheist literature the book “THE FABLE OF CHRIST” by Luigi Cascioli draws our attention for its courage and irrefutable historical documentation, supported by a convincing and rigorous rationality of its conclusions.
Considering the Bible as a simple legendary narration in which a monotheist cult was invented and superimposed for political aims, nobody before Luigi Cascioli has ever demonstrated the inexistence of Jesus Christ.
Following his own specific course the author reached the same result that the materialist thinkers reached on a general philosophical level, in particular the most modern of these, the scientist and dialectic materialist Friedrich Engels.

Professor and Engineer Adolfo Amoroso. (Rome)"

That's what is all about...
The link:http://www.2think.org/fable_christ.shtml

http://www.luigicascioli.it/atheism christianity.html-right now this link is out of use,I just hope it will work again.