what do you make of this??

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
What do you make of this photo?


UFO over Mount Popo

It´s the most dangerous vulcano in the world. Should he explode, more than 25 Million people are affected - Mexico City, the world's third largest
city, is only 45 miles away. Since October 2000, the Popocatepetl, the "smoking mountain" in the highlands of Mexico, is active again. For several times, between October 2000 and January 2001, ten thousands of people living in its immediate surrounding, were evacuated. Mexico's authorities are under constant alert, since the sleeping giant (altitude: 5452 metres) does not rest. Between January 22 and 24, 2001, several ash eruptions were recorded. But the most violent eruption happened in the night of December 18/19, 2000. For several hours, the vulcano spat glowing lava, released gigantic ash clouds towering above its crater. Brave press photographers followed the spectacle from a safe distance; among them Alfonso Reyes of the news magazine "Milenio".

When the first light of the dawn appeared, at 6.10 a.m., he shot a spectacular photo for his magazine, using a 20 seconds exposure. In this very moment, a luminous disc came down from the skies, circled around the fire-spitting crater and shot off again - all banned on film by Reyes. The photo appeared on the front page of "Milenio" on December 21, 2000. What you see here is an original print Michael Hesemann just obtained from Mexico (thanks to Daniel Munoz). Since the beginning of its activity in 1994, again and again UFOs were seen, photographed and filmed over the Popocatepetl. "Obviously Extraterrestrials have a strong interest in this very dangerous vulcano", concluded Mexico's prominent TV host and UFO researcher Jaime Maussan. For several times he was able to predict vulcanic acivities just because of an increase of UFO sightings over the mountain.
A two-layer PhotoShop image would do the trick.

Volcano image on bottom layer, top layer with... ohhhh... how about an enlarged flatbed scan of a single human hair, with follicle attached made with the scanner top open to get a black hi-contrast background? Blue the hair a bit, set it to screen mode...

:m: Peace.
mmmmm mabey, go to the actual web site and tell me what you think then
I have to agree, it looks more like it was done in Photoshop (Maybe Illustrator?) the edges of that line are just way too sharp to seem as if they go with the rest of the picture, and there is no real glow from it, as there would need to be if it's supposidly a disk shaped object streaking toward the vulcano at an unreasonable speed.
everyone is always a skeptic when it comes to photos, but the guy that made the site is a total religious nut and is publishing a UFO book with the actual photos inside

my findings are: notice how at the top of the photo the light streak is a lil bit bigger, meaning the object was closer and while decending it moved farther away, and when it begins to curve the streak of light gets thinker again...
im no expert but ive seen light do this
I don't know, looking at the photo isn't very convincing at all but when ever lots of people are reporting ufo's in an area around the same time I get a little suspicious. Like I wasn't convinced of the roswell incident by that bogus alien autopsy or anything but rather the accounts of the people who saw strange things. I've seen recent interviews with the guy who the government forced to hold up the weather balloon for a cover up in 1951 and I can honestly say I'm 100% certain that guy is telling the truth. I consider myself to be an excellent lie detector and you can trust me when I say that guy is clean.
yah that alien autopsy is a load of crap

but ive seen some VERY compeling fotage on TV of UFOs...

really creepy stuffff

as for a buncha poeple seeing the same UFO at the same time (mass sightings) and when they all get it on film or or photo.... its hard not to belive.... there was one such incedent i saw on TV... it was crazzyyy
Anyone see that "best ufo evidence ever caught on tape" documentary?
Really awesome stuff there, in fact I'd kill to see it again, I wonder where I could find it...
is that the one thats hosted by the guy who played scotty on star trek???

cuase if anyones seen that one too... wow

The photo really intrigued me. I simply couldn't get it out of my mind...something was there! Being an amature photographer myself I decided to see if I could possibly uncover anything futher about it. Now, how disconcerting is this?!!!

<IMG SRC="http://bellsouthpwp.net/r/a/rainctrl/scifi/smallufo1.jpg">

<FONT COLOR=BLACK><FONT SIZE=3><FONT FACE="CASTLET">Extreme blow up with three dimensional image inhancement reveals!!!</FONT></FONT></FONT>
<IMG SRC="http://bellsouthpwp.net/r/a/rainctrl/scifi/x_guy.jpg">

<EMBED SRC="http://bellsouthpwp.net/r/a/rainctrl/scifi/Takeoff.mp3" VOLUME="0" HEIGHT="0" WIDTH="100" AUTOSTART=TRUE LOOP=FALSE>
(sorry, couldn't resist)
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