what do u think


Registered Senior Member
ok.... do any of you think that the aliens are trying to make contact with us? cause they probobly are..... we just dont know it.
for one thing they could use a totally different kind of communacation devise, wich explainse why our boys at setii havent picked up anything. also if aliens were trying to make contact, the government would just tel the aliens that they had made contact, then tell us.... the real world. that there is no suh thing. but i do agree a little because of the fact that people would revolt and say that they wanna live with the aliens and a bunch of stuff like that.

Yeh I think they may well be trying just as hard as we are, with just as much clue as to where we are as we have of where they are. Its far far worse than trying to find a needle in a haystack for starters we do not know what the haystack looks like and if we did find it then try to describe the needle.

Go look at the image of the signal the SETI people are sending out, if you were an alien amorphous blob would you understand it ?, I sure as hell wouldn't and I'm a member of the race that sent it, assuming that is you could a) receive the signal and b) translate it back to the original image.

PS Dexter - glad its not you sending the signal your typing skills leave a lot to be desired.
Contact has already been made to a few of us. People communicate with them all the time. Ie. Whitley Streiber,Bud Hopkins,and there are others i need to look up again. I myself have spoken with 2 species. The Subterraneans and the unknown species

Eric Cooper
thanx marvin. i've been typing for a long time, gut i'm only 13, so.......... but i agree about that needle in a haystack.we are confined to one kind of signal,so how the hell would the aliens have developed the same kind??? i mean its possible, but very unlikely. and faerieshaman, what are the subbterrarian speicies? and how do u make contact with them?is it telepothy? cause i beileive that some race has made contact with me through my mind, i was lieing in bed, and i just started seeing pictures it was really weird, i could of been a dream, but then it scared me so much that i fell out of my top bunk and had a bruise the next day. and what are the unknowns???
