What do Muslims have against dogs?

Scooby Doo

Registered Member
From the Hadith:

"Angels do not enter a house witch has either a dog or a picture in it."

"If somebody keeps a dog, he loses one Qirat (of the reward) of his good deeds everyday, except if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of livestock. "

What is the reason behind this? I am a dog lover, and don't know why Islam would preach against them.
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You're all over this Islam stuff like a Jew on his wallet, huh?

Religion is vastly aggrandized superstition. Why search for a glimmer of reasoning in its inky haze of hoary, antiquated cutom?
Try <a href="http://www.understanding-islam.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=500">here</a>
Can't explain it exactly

Devotee or Deviate?

It has something to do with this. The dog is a fairly negative symbol in the Abramic tradition.

Be warned, it's a strange article.

I have never pursued the symbology of the dog in Abramism to any great length, though, so this is the best I can come up with for now.

Edit: Great link, Okinrus. Thank you.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by Scooby Doo
You know, you are probably right. Islam is nothing more than an antiquated custom. We are in full agreement there.

I have spent some time trying to reason with all of the religions that I know of. Call it a midlife crisis, or search for the truth, but I have come up fairly empty on all of them, quite frankly.

I believe religion and science can co-exist in the most literal term of the word. Have you heard of "The Zero Field" ? or any energy unitary theories yet?
Perhaps to actually understand our purpose we must redefine old customs. I believe a new revolution in science is coming and aspects of life will be revealed. I guess quantom physics havent eliminated darwins theory yet..:bugeye: we need a re-adjust.
Originally posted by Scooby Doo
....What is the reason behind this? ..../B]

A roommate I had from India told me Islamic people don't like dogs because a dog or dogs gave away the position of an islamic fundamentalist. That fundamentalist might have been Mohammed, Allah's prophet.

That disgust with dogs is similar to Amish disgust with snakes. My grandfather had to tell his Amish assistant to not kill snakes on my grandfather's property. The Amish man thought, because a snake corrupted people in Genesis, all snakes should die.

Religious fanatics who fundamentally believe their religion can generate an inherent hatred against the antagonist figures of their religion. To Amish it is a snake. To Islamic fundamentalists it is a dog.

Some people like their reptiles and other people like their dogs. Any companionship between pets and owners may never be comprehensible by those who are programmed to hate what represents the antagonist of their religious foundations.

It is extremely hard to reprogram those broken brains. But, reprogramming is possible. An example might happen when an islamic fundamentalist is saved by a saint bernard or when an islamic fundamentalist is allowed mobility freedom with a seeing eye dog. Clearly fundamentalists could forgoe the seeing eye dog, step into an active intersection and die; or, enjoy the companionship of the dog which will let the owner know when to cross the street.

For people to have induced hatred by religion, they need to fundamentally believe in the religion or have the sense of hatred drilled into their heads frequently. I knew muslims and jews who spent holidays together. Some people are peaceful and others are inherently evil. Extremists tend to be evil.

Re: Re: What do Muslims have against dogs?

I can’t quite remember exactly, however, I seem to remember reading that ancient Romans had a dislike for dogs because - once when Roma was almost attacked, their dogs didn’t bark during the night and instead it was a flock of geese (or some sort of bird) that warned the city and thus they were able to prevent being attacked. So supposedly thereafter dogs were on the outs and geese/some bird was in :) So maybe it's not all that uncommon to dislike dogs for stupid reasons.
I've heard that story but in reality one area of rome was probably angry with their dogs for a day and then they would have got over it. Romans were very fond of dogs, but they expected to much of them, they would routinely make them fight lions and tigers and even elephants.

As for muslims :rolleyes: Muslims are gay.
Knowing the extreme nature of the followers that litterature has probably inciting serious cruelty.
I have no respect for any culture with superstitious beliefs about animals, madagascan tribes believe the bony fingered lemurs are evil spirits because of their unique appearance so they kill them whenever they can.
Its stuff like that that shows humans have the ability to be far dumber than any animal ever could be.
Religion is vastly aggrandized superstition. Why search for a glimmer of reasoning in its inky haze of hoary, antiquated cutom
Because there are reasons for why God has given us the laws he has! :)

From what I can make out those passages merely state that those who keep dogs for pets are 'evil-doers':
except if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of livestock.
Maybe this is an example of people taking an animals free-will away from it for no good reason. :) It is tantamount to rape (taking something that doesn't belong to them, forcefully), a rape of free-will if you like.

I find interesting the catagorization of the 'meats', i.e. what is considered to be 'okay' to eat, and it seems that it is okay for humans to eat vegetarian animals but it is considered disgusting for a human to eat a carnivorous animal.

Some examples: cows are okay to eat and so are geese, pheasants, pigs, deer and chickens...while dogs, wolves, snakes and spiders are all considered revolting (over here anyway!)

This could however easily be because there are large dangers in catching carnivorous animals, and the ancestors who went after these foods had less chance of survival. Interestingly snails are not carnivorous and they must be easy to catch with little danger, however they are not considered to be suitable for food.

Fundamentally it seems that it is okay to eat animals that do not eat other animals (those who feed on plants) but not to eat animals who feed on other animals!

I think a lot of the customs here have come from the major foundation religions: one major Eastern religion has the cow as a sacred animals. Could this be because it is a vegetarian animal that provides large amounts of meat? Is it sacred in this way?
Originally posted by Scooby Doo
From the Hadith:

There is no mention of dogs in the Quran which is the main book of Islam. Hadith is a bunch of bull shit anyways and god tells us in the Quran that the Prophet is not a teacher, just a messanger, and that the Quran is a continuation of god's word which was preceded by the Torah and the Enjil that you call the bible.

Originally posted by Scooby Doo
"Angels do not enter a house witch has either a dog or a picture in it."

Bull shit, and superstitous influences from old arabic traditions that made themselves by mistake or intentionally into the religion. This have nothing to do with Islam, but the likes of you would run to defame the religion of god using such obvious errors on the human parts to disrespect god. Much like Zeus father and Jesus son theology entered christianity, while it has nothing to do with christianity.

Originally posted by Scooby Doo
"If somebody keeps a dog, he loses one Qirat (of the reward) of his good deeds everyday, except if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of livestock. "

I find dogs to be dirty and diseace transmitters, much like all other pets, and having pets is a stupid idea that many idiotic humans who are not confidance relies on to keep their lonely inept souls in the company of a weaker animal. Animals have to live in their environment and flourish with their packs or on vast land like agricultural areas. Keeping dogs and cats in little apartments to sleep with humans and get locked all day while we go our ways is not just cruel, but dirty, and disgusting.

Originally posted by Scooby Doo
What is the reason behind this? I am a dog lover, and don't know why Islam would preach against them. Mine is only kept as a pet, so I guess that I have been losing a lot of Qirat's, whatever those are supposed to be.

Fist, Qirat, is an ounce....It is a unit of measurement, and you can't hide your mood full of hate behind your poor choice of words. Second, Hadith is illigitimate and full of corruption, third, who the fuck cares if you are a dog lover or hater.....Islam preaches that each soul is for it's own salvation, so we don't give a crap what you do with your own soul......But you will find the arabs and their customs willing to cut your head off if you disagree with them and it has nothing to do with the religion, they just have little patience with your likes from the tons of sun exposure they get in the desert.

Originally posted by Scooby Doo
Yet another illustration that Islam is a set of 7th century Arab customs, and not much beyond that.

You illustrations are a set of garbage, hatered filled, no logic bunch of crap.....That don't survive past the moment they are uttered. The religion of god have survived thousands of years and have passed the test of time that will humble and embarass the hell out of you and your dog.
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I find dogs to be dirty and diseace transmitters, much like all other pets, and having pets is a stupid idea that many idiotic humans who are not confidance relies on to keep their lonely inept souls in the company of a weaker animal. Animals have to live in their environment and flourish with their packs or on vast land like agricultural areas. Keeping dogs and cats in little apartments to sleep with humans and get locked all day while we go our ways is not just cruel, but dirty, and disgusting.

I'll let this rest slide, but this comment is fucking dumb. Dog's are clean, well natured, and do not tend to share diseases with humans. Dog saliva has more antibodies than human saliva and thus their mouths have fewer bacteria. About the only problem dogs can carry into a house are fleas and a well cared for dog will not have them.

As to keeping dogs as a pet being cruel, that shows an ignorance of history. Dogs and humans are partners. As the first domesticated animal dogs found that humans offered companionship, a source of food (in that we share witht them, not eating us), and a warm fire to sleep by. Humans found that dogs could pull sleds, provide friendship, track, hunt, and play with children. While certain Muslim traditions may frown upon dogs, nomadic people of the east have been using them since prehistoric times. The Saluki, the fastest breed of dog was breed in the middle east for herding and companionship.

You hatred toward animal lovers is disgusting and ignorant.
Originally posted by spoilsport
You hatred toward animal lovers is disgusting and ignorant.

At least you got one thing right....My hatred is not toward the animals, but toward those who claim they love animals while they know nothing of animals and how animals want to be loved.

I think dedicating my career to the study of environmental engineering qualifies me to understand ecosystems, nature, ect.....Do you ever drive in a street and think how terribly did we disconnect and screw up many animals migration patterns????? Do you fight with developers on daily basis and get an ulcer and seizures from demanding the fish ladder in the stupid embankment or the extra meander in the artificial stream or the beware of dear signs on the roads. I think not, because to me you seem like those developers who each have a couple of dogs at their million dollars home while they resist to spend just a little more to help the true environment. Your tunnel vision regarding animals is a hypocrite one that is skewed toward your selfish desires.
Re: Re: Re: What do Muslims have against dogs?

Originally posted by Scooby Doo
"spoilsport" is right on target. I could not have described canines and our love for them any better.

Flores, I would like to extend my congratulations to you. Your anti-dog post is the lamest post that I have ever seen in any forum! Keep up the good work...

Scooby Doo, watch out for the tree instead.......You keep slamming yourself against the wrong objects during your short uneventfull stay at this site. My precarious prediction for your unwelcomed stay here is 45 painful posts in about 3 more weeks or so.
Originally posted by Flores
At least you got one thing right....My hatred is not toward the animals, but toward those who claim they love animals while they know nothing of animals and how animals want to be loved.

I think dedicating my career to the study of environmental engineering qualifies me to understand ecosystems, nature, ect.....Do you ever drive in a street and think how terribly did we disconnect and screw up many animals migration patterns????? Do you fight with developers on daily basis and get an ulcer and seizures from demanding the fish ladder in the stupid embankment or the extra meander in the artificial stream or the beware of dear signs on the roads. I think not, because to me you seem like those developers who each have a couple of dogs at their million dollars home while they resist to spend just a little more to help the true environment. Your tunnel vision regarding animals is a hypocrite one that is skewed toward your selfish desires.
I can relate flores, and it seems you are one of the few that truely notices the terrible trials humans carelessly put animals through on an everyday basis with their everyday lives.
But something you have to understand with dogs is they became very much dependent on humans thousands of years ago.
I would be against owning a dog if we were getting wolf pups out of the wild but dogs aren't competent wild animals anymore due to humans breeding fit for the wild traits out of them.
I do believe that dog owners should learn the politics of the pack before buying a dog though so you can treat it accordingly and it won't have to live confused life.
But there are tonnes of dogs out there in rescue shelters that would really enjoy living with someone. In case you haven't noticed a well cared for dog wouldn't have it any other way, they really can enjoy life with a human a whole lot, maybe more than a wild dog can. You know how wild canines usually die right? Their teeth inevitably rot with old age and then they starve to death. Surely a life with a nice people would be a better life than that.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
But something you have to understand with dogs is they became very much dependent on humans thousands of years ago.

I agree that dogs are an easily domesticated animal and that dogs and humans benefit one another and could coexist in a positive way under the right circumstances, and this is exactly what god wants to tell humans. I know you don't' believe, but god as the creator of all holds the manual to the operation of this world and he knows what sort of things can easily throw things out of balance, and all the rules and regulation are just intended to keep things in balance.

Dr. Lou, my beef is not with dogs or dog owners at all, I'm just trying to make a point that religion is not completely out of line questioning or amending the relationship of an animal to a human for there is so much that is not understood. Religion is not out of line as the author of this thread tries to portray when it states that dogs are not fit for houses but for the outdoors and herding.
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Originally posted by Scooby Doo
can you please tell me what your faith is (Muslim, perhaps, or other)? I would like to know who is on the other side of the fence,

I only share my believes with those that have the equipment to understand, and you seem to be a perfect SOB with preset ideas and stereotypes and no desire to learn anything and only to confirm what you already know. You see, sharing with you my belief is equivalent to milking a bull. No matter how hard you squeeze those bull nipples, nothing would come out.