What do Jews say about Jesus?


Musical Creationist
Registered Senior Member
I have a link to the Jewish encyclopedia regarding Jewish history. Most Jews I have spoken to tell me they believe Jesus existed (the man his followers regard as the messiah) and that he died on a cross, but they do not believe he was the messiah or that he did miracles. Jews typically regard him as a prophet.

I would like to get a sampling on this from the jewish community. Anybody know of some good jewish forums?
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The best Messianic Jewish Page I know of is Scott Nelson's http://www.judaismvschristianity.com/

Then there is this compilation http://www.yahuah.org/Paul.html

The largest difference between what Messianic Jews would believe in regards to Jesus, and what traditional 'christians' believe is centered upon how Paul is regarded. Christians believe that Paul was a fully authorized 'Apostle' whose legitimate mission was to bring the "church" to the gentiles. Much of what Paul wrote attacked Jewish Law and Traditions. So, of course, Jews would have a problem recognizing the authority of Paul.

If one really looks at it, there is enough internal evidence even in the Christian Scriptures to cast doubt upon the Paulist Dispensation. it seems that the only person who recognized the authority of Paul is Paul. Christians believe Paul because Paul asked them to believe. One wonders why no other blasphemous heretic in History has been given the same benefits of the doubt as Paul. I suppose the reason why Paul was believed was because he was the best at telling people exactly what they wanted to hear -- that they would be forgiven of all their sins, would go to heaven, and that they would never have to obey any laws. Wow! Great! But rather too good to be true. And then there is that matter of the message being ... well, against the interests of Religion. What good does it do Civilization and how does God benefit in the least when people are told that by murdering Messiahs, all sins can be forgiven. One would think that Religion should be about a greater demand for Moral Behavior -- a greater stress upon moral accountability. Not less! and it is because Paul so undercut any notion of moral accountability that the Jews discern that Paul was the Antichrist.
Many Jews I know, including me think he was a righteous dude, and maybe he did some extraordinary things, but he was a man that died. The resurrection was probably just a vision or apparition, but who knows I wasn't there.
SG ,

Thanks, the jews know the history of Jerusalem better than anyone. They lived there when Jesus came.