What do ET look like (if they exist)


Registered Senior Member
Personally i hate it when people talk about greys and stuff, why would a alien look like a "grey", surely they would be whereing some knid of suit or equitment or even mechanical enhancements....

What are your thoughts????
actually that would depend on which race you were talking about. Some of them could look like whatever they want.
I think that they look like this

but in reality as I've heard they reflect our inner fears of what we may become in future

cold scientifical minds, no body hair [we have it less than monekys now;)], long, weak arms without good muscles (we don't need them to work with a pc much, i.e., going away from the manual labour), they don't need physical strenght to dominate,huge head to support big brain, etc , etc
I suppose the lack of genitals, finger and toe nails, coupled with the lack of hair (Facial and body) makes them alien right?

Heres some points I made before:
Firstly, If you were to roam around someones house as an intruder it would be possible to get DNA evidence from the scene that would be used to identify anyone thats caught in the area. Now I'm not saying an aliens going to get caught in the area, however If they had hair or even an epidermal layer like our own which flakes. The "alien" would leave a genetic finger print behind.

As for the lack of sexual organs, I suppose people will say "Obviously they use the DNA to clone" but who said they are DNA in origin, they might be silicon life or machines (Androids).

Admittedly this is based on "greys" however the likelihood is that the more you look at the information the less likely the chance of them existing in reality.
From reading accounts of abductions, they (the greys) seem to described as insectlike. Their bodies are small and lightweight (Which would make their bodies less prone to inertial effects while doing maneauvers in their ships that would kill us) with bone structures much simpler than our own. Perhaps they have an exoskeleton. Skin is leathery beige. A slit for a mouth, pointed chin, round head, and of course, those enormous jet-black eyes.

There are also varieties of the grey type. There are shorter stocky kinds with round eyes.

But what I don't get are the eyes. How can they be that big? I mean, ours look beady by comparion, yet are actually quite large. Theirs must be HUGE... unless they're the compound kind.
The guy, Whitley Strieber postulates in his book, Communion that they are a hive mind. He came to that conclusion, as an abductee, because he watched them move. He described them as quick, precise, cold, and their movements as choreographed. Also mentioned that they have very little sense of individuality.

Kind of anti-human.
What do "they" look like?
You , me, the gal on the next boat over, a playboy bunny, Busch, and with super genetic knowledge and ability to manipulate genes as they want they could look any way they wish.

Some say there are many different races that are interacting with humans, some look like us and could pass for human in an everyday setting. Others are radically different in their appearances from us as some say.

Time will tell, and some day we will know the truth.
you have three basic types of intelligent life forms aka aliens;
all of them will be homonids, because 2 arms/2 legs is the most ideal configuration for an intelligent being (at least in this corner of universe)

also, like its been said here, they may have cloaking abilities, or transformation abilities due to their high advancements in genetic engineering, plus the fact that they are on higher overtones of molecular density.

1) Human homonid - these look just like us, except aliens of this type would typically be very "aryan" in appearance, very clear eyes and seemingly "perfect" skin, hair, etc. due to advanced evolutionary processes.

2) reptilian hominid - these would be the serpent races which are depicted alot in ancient texts, such as the bible or sumerian tablets. some of these are also mentioned in the 'lacerta files' - they are known as Draco Mothmen to some. These beings are scaled, and even have tails... but these beings are said to shapeshift to avoid detection

3) insectoid homonids - these would be the Greys, and other smaller, Big-black-eyed beings. they think these are related to insects due to their skinny and bony stature, their huge black eyes, and they very advanced "hive minds" which is similar to how insects communicate (with antennae)

beyond these three theres only one other option for intelligent life, the Ceteceans. yes, like dolphins. it is said there are intelligent cetecean lifeforms out there, but they would be more subtle, as they must stay submerged in water most of the time... this hinders their ability to evolve intelligently. but they are peaceful, and according to some, they monitor the planets' status thru the water grid that connects everything.

yes, this is all speculation, but alot of people agree on these premises.

but, for our own sake, here and now, you can bet that ETs can look pretty much like we do, and if they can shift shape, then theres no telling. but if you came in contact with one, i think you would 'feel' it. almost like that feeling that someone is watching you... maybe someone is.
Maybe we call them gray becuase that's what your skin looks like when it doesn't get enough sun for the rest of it's life (in the aliens case of corse ^^)
Wanna see how one of the aliens look like, here we go. We often call them greys, the short greys. Believe it, or else go away.

Maybe we call them gray becuase that's what your skin looks like when it doesn't get enough sun for the rest of it's life (in the aliens case of corse ^^)

now you're talking.
Greys claim to have gone thru very ugly wars and nuclear/toxic contamination resulting in those wanting to survive heading underground.

they lives there for generations, adapting and thus it might explain the loos of pigmentation in the skin. this seclusion also is what caused them to find new ways of life, change their old ways, and prosper as a "new race" almost.

underground civilisation also can explain their enlarged eyes, which some say is their ENTIRE PUPIL DIALTED ACROSS THE ENTIRE EYEBALL, ALLOWING THEM TO SEe IN THE DARK UNDERGROUND.

from here its a nice story about a race of people who didnt want WAR or turmoil anymore, and i think i said it already, they did away with their emotions (as they thought this was the root of the problems) and they soared in intelligence, up to the point where their craniums increased to a hazardous size to give birth for. thus, using their newly found knowledge they began cloning processes for reporduction, since the females couldnt handle giving live birth to babies with such huge craniums (remember they also lost most of the full structure and became very thin)

this has all been said before, yet no one wants to take it seriously.

this information has been channeled by the Greys themselves, thru numerous channellers.

i dont know why people discredit them. Moses channelled God's message, along with several other disciples (who wrote the bible) yet everyone believes them ??

its quite similar actually.

now- heres something i wanted to get across to some of you true psuedo'ers;

theres talk about "Aliens are God" and such. i want to clarify some of these claims, because they are not entirely true but they arent false either.

Yes, Aliens WERE IN THE BIBLE, as ANGELS etc... but those were Aliens of different origin that the Zeta Reticuli Greys of the Orion Greys.
The Aliens in the BIBLE are more of Pleidiean/Lyran/Vegan Descent, and of course, REPTILIAN (the Serpent)

just something i think should be clarified, because alot of newcomers get this overwhelming information here and it confuses and distorts things.

your thoughts ?

this above picture is shockingly realistic. where is this photo from?
Then there is that bible type of demon, fallen angel, Bad ET, that can inhabit people, and even animals like pigs. No wonder they have the attitude of pigs and losers. ET Delinquents.
