What did the Gentiles look like?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
and2000x has stated the reason for the 'hook nose' is because the Jews interbred with Gentiles, yet he has never given a cited reference for his statement nor has he offered any explanation for such stereotyping. I wish some of you learned folks out there can answer this. If the Semites were the Jews and Arabs, and they looked alike, why would Gentiles from the SAME area look any different? Weren't the Gentiles simply people who were neither Jewish, Muslim or Xian?
  1. and2000x is worthless pro-nazi racist scum
  2. gentile originated as the Vulgate translation of the Greek translation of the Hebrew (ha goyim) referring to any of the non-Jewish nations.
Non-Jewish nations

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
and2000x is worthless pro-nazi racist scum
(Thanks, CA, and that's why the scum wouldn't answer my question.)
gentile originated as the Vulgate translation of the Greek translation of the Hebrew (ha goyim) referring to any of the non-Jewish nations.
(My question then is were these people of the same gene pool as the Arabs and Jews? Were the Gentiles culturally similar to the Semites, or were they just non-believers of Judaism and Islam?)
(I knew and2000x was making a disgusting racist remark. That's why he chose not to answer or cite a reference--the Pig.)
Re: Non-Jewish nations

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
My question then is were these people of the same gene pool as the Arabs and Jews? Were the Gentiles culturally similar to the Semites, or were they just non-believers of Judaism and Islam?
It depends on who was using which term and when (and, therefore, why). If I talk about "the other nations", the term would include everything from Afghanestan to Zimbabwe. Perhaps I could provide a better answer if I better understood your concern about "gene pool".
Re: Re: Non-Jewish nations

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
It depends on who was using which term and when (and, therefore, why). If I talk about "the other nations", the term would include everything from Afghanestan to Zimbabwe.
(This seems to answer my original question.)
Perhaps I could provide a better answer if I better understood your concern about "gene pool".
(I used the term 'gene pool' because my interest in the Gentiles as a group of people was to find out why and2000x would make such a bigoted statement as he did about Jew's noses. If the Jews and Arabs are Semites, then my question is, what is the genetic stock of the Gentiles? My thoughts on the subject are that they would look pretty similar to the Semites, wouldn't they? The only difference between the Semites and the Gentiles would be their religious beliefs and not their physical characteristics. I guess I am looking for their genetic origins if they are different than the Semites.)
(After having traveled the world and seen many different ethnic groups, even in the different regions of the USA where physical similarities are noticable, I have an interest in 'gene pool' characteristics. For example, I am proud that I come from the 'gene pool' in Appalachia. In all seriousness--no pun intended!)
Re: Re: Re: Non-Jewish nations

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
If the Jews and Arabs are Semites, then my question is, what is the genetic stock of the Gentiles? My thoughts on the subject are that they would look pretty similar to the Semites, wouldn't they?
Perhaps I'm being unclear: goyim does not refer to "genetic stock", and the term would have applied equally well to both semitic and nonsemitic peoples. To speak of Jews and Arabs as Semites and others as Gentiles is a misuse of the term -- the bulk of the goyim were, in fact, semitic formations.

I generally dislike investing import in, or deriving pride from, any particular "gene pool". :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Non-Jewish nations

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
Perhaps I'm being unclear: goyim does not refer to "genetic stock", and the term would have applied equally well to both semitic and nonsemitic peoples. To speak of Jews and Arabs as Semites and others as Gentiles is a misuse of the term -- the bulk of the goyim were, in fact, semitic formations.
(Thanks, CA, you have answered my question, and you confirmed what I originally thought when and2000x refused to respond.)
I generally dislike investing import in, or deriving pride from, any particular "gene pool".
(Yes, I can see where that kind of "pride" could lead to prejudice and discrimination or worse, but I was speaking more about taking pride in one's heritage and family.)
the Gentile nations apparently descended from Japheth, one of Noah's 3 sons.

The Semites descended from Shem, Noah's youngest son.

Semite nations included Akkadians, Phoenicians, Jews and Arabs.

All others must have been gentiles.
M*W :

the 'hook nose' is because the Jews interbred with Gentiles

He did have a point , the trait of such nose is more common amongst slavic and turkic peoples , it is mixing and adapting culture that has created a Jewish person with such trait .

If the Semites were the Jews and Arabs, and they looked alike, why would Gentiles from the SAME area look any different? Weren't the Gentiles simply people who were neither Jewish, Muslim or Xian?

Its not the same era , its going into Russia and Europe . Also these traits are common amongst Ashkenazim Jewry , which is the Jewish identity that flourished amongst European populations related to Slavs and Turkics .

My question then is were these people of the same gene pool as the Arabs and Jews? Were the Gentiles culturally similar to the Semites, or were they just non-believers of Judaism and Islam

The gentiles who are responsible for those infamous traits are not semitic .

Tablariddim :

the Gentile nations apparently descended from Japheth, one of Noah's 3 sons.

The Semites descended from Shem, Noah's youngest son.

Semite nations included Akkadians, Phoenicians, Jews and Arabs.

All others must have been gentiles.

Gentile says nothing about Shem really ........
Akkadians are Arabians . Arabs is not a racial/tribal classification .
Ghassan & Consequent

Quote from Jewish Encyclopedia.com

In modern times the highest criterion of kinship between nations is the possession of a common language, or languages which have a common derivation. This criterion is not infallible; but when checked by other tests, kinship in speech is most important evidence of kinship in race. When determined by this test, the catalogue of Semitic nations differs somewhat from the Biblical list. It includes the North-Arabians, South-Arabians (Minæans, Sabeans, etc.), the Abyssinians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Arameans (consisting of many widely scattered tribes extending from the Persian Gulf to Lebanon and the Hauran), the Phenicians, Canaanites, and Hebrews, together with the kindred of the last-named, the Moabites and the Edomites. The list in Gen. x. classes the Phenicians and Canaanitcs with the Hamites; but the linguistic and historical evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of their kinship to the Semites.

Quote from Dr. Ken Matto, a Christian writer

The political definition of a Semite is one who is a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs. It is one who is a descendant of these people. They are a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language.

Who were the Gentiles?

According to The Catholic Encyclopedia it's (their assertion)...

(Heb. Gôyîm; Gr. ethne, ethnikoi, Hellenes; Vulg. Gentes, Gentiles, Graeci).

A word of Latin origin and usually employed in the plural. In the English versions of both Testaments it collectively designates the nations distinct from the Jewish people. The basis of this distinction is that, as descendants of Abraham, the Jews considered themselves, and were in fact, before the coming of Christ, the chosen people of God. As the non-Jewish nations did not worship the true God and generally indulged in immoral practices, the term Gôyîm "Gentiles" has often times in the Sacred Writings, in the Talmud, etc., a disparaging meaning. Since the spread of Christianity, the word Gentiles designates, in theological parlance, those who are neither Jews nor Christians. In the United States, the Mormons use it of persons not belonging to their sect. See PROSELYTES.