What did Planck (Max) do wrong?


since most all of physics is based in Planck's constant;

perhaps looking over the paper can help a few to identify where the error is

On the Law of Distribution of Energy in the Normal Spectrum
Max Planck

Annalen der Physik
vol. 4, p. 553 ff (1901)


here is a hint from his own paper

I showed that the physical foundations of the electromagnetic radiation theory, including the hypothesis of "natural radiation," withstand the most severe criticism; and since to my knowledge there are no errors in the calculations, the principle persists that the law of energy distribution in the normal spectrum is completely determined when one succeeds in calculating the entropy S ....

sounds almost like the same thing much of the current folk follow and now we have dark junk sticking to the shorts of the standard model

who can help?
Should not the title be "What did Planck do?"

why? are wanting to say play 'tic tac toe'

the thread is about the error to the benchmark of the standard model of physics

if you are going to join in maybe read the publication by Max before tapping keys

the idea posted shares that maintaining a specific law was the reason.....


let me guess, you are happy with believing the universe is composed of newly created creations of the universe (74') over 75% of mass and energy (dark matter/energy) is what is within our own solar system all the whole we and no one on this earth can identify, define, describe or locate..... but it's there kind of junk

and then chaos and equlibrium are the same laws that govern life; its evolution, purpose and existence?

all, just chance, right?

You not going to go God on us are you?

please don't tell me, that magic spins the angular momentum of per se photons......

how about reading a little and understand why most of the scientific community needs to grow up and realize;

it's time for a paradigm shift

if you few goofs are good at your math; if you sit and ask a few questions within a few days you will wake up

but the first part is you must be honest and willing to do a little homework on the items you are not sure of

if a one of you can share something i have not seen; i will be reading

but please do not think i have not hammered through Planck longer than most on this site have been alive; if there was a way to make it work, i would have already; the fact is the whole frame of reference must change

and the reason why, is the direction is fixed by angular momentum affixing set points of change (particle)

this isolates the time to the system; leaving no ability to observe 'distance' ......... the environment....... the entangled energy to that very orientation
It's not that physicists have since just assumed Planck was right and never checked, Plancks constant is constantly being updated in it's measurements by people testing quantum mechanics. He just guessed at some way to solve the Ultraviolet Catastrophe and it worked. Since then we've come a long way in our understanding of quantum mechanics and the role of h in it.
It's not that physicists have since just assumed Planck was right and never checked, Plancks constant is constantly being updated in it's measurements by people testing quantum mechanics. He just guessed at some way to solve the Ultraviolet Catastrophe and it worked. Since then we've come a long way in our understanding of quantum mechanics and the role of h in it.

a fine post with actual words that apply to the thread

way to go.....

to refine h, then the change rolls through everything..... ie.... the correction to the joule displacement; rolls through all data verification

the idea of momentum and distance in relation to the proportions of energy is incorrect.

that is why angular momentum to a unit of energy is non-sense

the end all argument is that each unit of energy has no angular momentum

when energy associates upon mass, then angular momentum to energy is the orientation to its entanglement to the associated environment.

that dissipation of heat can be changed simply by changing the environment of that 'black body radiation'. (kind of common sense)

so the proportions do not maintain consistancy and why they keep correcting the constant

basing energy to the spectrum is correct, yet the fixed constuct of angular momentum limits the observed rate of change in time

the rate of change can be observed in the ratio of change between systems; sharing 'potential' with the environment.

the entanglement is based on the associating energy between the mass; that so called angular momentum but is varied by the displacement of time and space the 'f' of the wavelength.... ever wonder why the higher energy is the shorter wavelength (f)? well now you do...

energy associates mass to increase its potential

almost like breathing; the influx is based on the associations/likewise in both directions (to equilibriate) as if to resonate

the purpose is not of one direction; that is the error (entropy)
something told me that post may close a few down

guys, i will not put it to print.....

but ask questions

the error in today's physics is not the process so much as the plancks used are not a solid foundation

it has to do with the reality of that 'spooky action at a distance'

(incorporating gravity as it truly is within an environment; its entanglement)