What did I see?


Registered Member
I visited USA 14th 19th of March 2003, I came home to Sweden today. I visited Washington and took a bus from Washington to New York, 15:00 17th of March. After a while, maybe 20 –30 minutes. I am not sure but it was a few miles before an exit on the road called 109A. The weather was cloudy but no rain. The temperature was approximate 15C. I saw above the trees on the left hand side of the road a strange thing in the sky. I do not have a clue to what it is but I took up my camera and took 6 photos. Two came out pretty good. Two others shows the strange thing partly and a bit fuzzy. These two photos was taken approximate 5 seconds in between. First I thought it was close to the road. But I saw it several times between trees and structures. My assumption was that it was far away. The duration of the observation was maybe 3 minutes.

Here are the photos:

Please tell me what is it?
Check, it is behind the lamp post

Pollux V, have a close look. It is behind a street lamp post on one photo. And, I can assure you. I took the photo, it was not something on the window. It was something in the sky.

I have added one of the fuzzy pictures. There you can see that parts of it is behind a street signs.


Any other suggestions?
It looks kind of like a smoke ring. what was going on behind that hill?

And good lord couldn't you crop those pictures a bit? They are huge!
Behind the hill

I saw it for three minutes. in a bus that was driving at least 35 miles/hour. I thought it was behind the hill first. but then understud that it was far away when i keept on seeing for at least three minutes. It moved from window to window until it was behind the bus and I could not see it, or the direction of the buss had changed, anyways I could not see from my position in the bus.

Could it be a cloud of gas?

I know to little about IFO to think it could be an IFO.
If I made any guess my first thing would be to say that it was some sort of kite.
But taking a coser look and understanding it, I'd realise that it's incredibly huge to be a kite, and it could not be a smoke ring, it's far to large. Judging from the shape, I'd probably say it was...gosh, I'm skeptic to say UFO because there are so many reasons not to support that.
I have a few questions to ask. I hope you can answer them.
1. was it moving in ANY way?
2. Did it change shape in ANY way, (even JUST slightly)?
3. Did you see any buildings below it.?
4. What was your GUT feeling about it? Answer completely honest, and don't exaggerate on it.

I have a theary, but I need to know those three things.

The answers to your questions:

1. As I was in a moving bus, it is very difficult to say that it moved. But I do not think it moved. My feeling was that it was not moving.

2. While in the bus I did not feel as it was changing in shape. I have tried to look at the pictures afterwards, and I can not see that it change in shape. But on the other hand these three picture are taken over a period of less than 30 seconds.

3. I am not sure if it was a building under as I could not determent the distance and I did not have a clear view over the landscape. However, I would not exclude the possibility as it was not to far from Washington and I did not feel we were out on the country side yet.

4. It looked to me as a bubble, like oil in water or a lava lamp. It seemed to hold together somehow. I have read once about plasma that floats in the air. But really, I can not think of anything. But I think it is natural, not something from space. But it is truly a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) to me, as I can not identify it and it was in the air. Saying that, I am sure it is natural.

I do not think it is a flying saucer, I do not believe in that.

I am very interested in hearing what you think. Many thanks for trying to resolve this.
Your welcome NisseW.

So it was not moving, it did not change shape and your gut feeling about it was that it was in fact a UFO.

However, the lava lamp oil thing that you mention intriged me. It looked as if it was a cloudy day, yes? Yes. You mentioned that. It was most definitely NOT your eyes playing tricks on you, or something in the camera's lense, and I can tell you it was NOT a spot on the window.
Floating plasma. That may very well be. However, since it was not stormy out that seems highly unlikely.
I doubt now that it was anything from space, but rather something from the atmosphere. It could have been polution.
Did it look FLUID to you, or like a gas? Be very specific please.

Yes, it was cloudy. No rain, but it felt like it was rain in the air.

Yes, it looked fluid. Like a cloud of something that hold together. Possible a gas. Is there any polution gas that holds together in this way. That could possibly be it, in that case!

I am 99.9% sure that my eyes was not playing tricks, I think I have the pictures to prove it. 99.9% sure that it was nothing on the lens, and 100% sure it was not dirt on the window.
I assume it was something in the atmosphere. perhaps pullution of some sort. But...I'm not that educated on pollution. I haven't learned much about it. The truth is, I don't know what it is. I will show the phot to my dad or smeone who might know. I'll get back to you.
Wait, so you think that it could be some sort of "Polution gas" but not smoke? Why is that?

I made assumtions, might be right or wrong, but it seemd to hold together in way I would not expect from smoke. Also, that I can not see from the pictures, it seemd like it was a surface. Surface might not be the right word but it looked as it was something thicker than air. I could see a very weak reflection on it, not like on glas or metallic, not anything close, but still there, very weak. That is why I think it was someting else than smoke. The reflection is not visible on the pictures, as far as I can see.