What cause mentally retarded child?


Valued Senior Member
What cause mentally retarded child?
Both parents are intellect but the child is mentally retarded.
Both parents do not smoke, not drinking alcohol.
Chance. Could be some unfavorable genes coming together or perhaps complications at birth or during pregnancy.
Why genes? Both parents are normal, their nearest ancestors are not retarded.
But why suddenly their child can be mentally retarded?
Why genes? Both parents are normal, their nearest ancestors are not retarded.
But why suddenly their child can be mentally retarded?

There could be many things that affect the child. As was already pointed out and mutated gene could happen at anytime. Just because your nearest ancestors don't have any genetic problems others that lived longer ago might have and their genes could have "skipped" a few generations before reappearing again. Then there could be problems with pollution and altered food products by chemicals like pesticides, fertilizer or herbicides.
There could be many things that affect the child. As was already pointed out and mutated gene could happen at anytime. Just because your nearest ancestors don't have any genetic problems others that lived longer ago might have and their genes could have "skipped" a few generations before reappearing again. Then there could be problems with pollution and altered food products by chemicals like pesticides, fertilizer or herbicides.

Could be the result of anoxia during delivery too, there are many potential causes as you have noted. WebMD lists the following potential causes:

Genetic conditions. These include things like Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome.
  • Problems during pregnancy. Things that can interfere with fetal brain development include alcohol or drug use, malnutrition, certain infections, or preeclampsia.
  • Problems during childbirth. Intellectual disability may result if a baby is deprived of oxygen during childbirth or born extremely premature.
What cause mentally retarded child?
Both parents are intellect but the child is mentally retarded.
Both parents do not smoke, not drinking alcohol.
This question can be answered so many ways, and there are so many factors involved. First off, let me state that any substance that is consumed during pregnancy can have adverse effects on the child - 90% of the time this is not the case (as with food and light drugs).
Children can come to have mental retardation through any number of ways, so I'll just name a few: Drug abuse, asphyxia, autosomal dominant disease, recessive diseases, chromosomal deficiencies (non-inherited), Over-stimulation (shaking baby syndrome), Infections, Elevated ICP, Structural abnormalities (non-inherited), Severe injury etc.
My biology professor once told me that genetics are a game of chance, there are an immense amount of variables that need to be accounted for. Two completely regular parents can give birth to a child that has a genetic disorder even though the parents do not have the disorder (be it recessive, OR dominant).
TLDR/couldn't understand: Genetics are a game of chance, there is no surety in the status of a child unless a karyotype is performed. Parents can be normal and have children with abnormalities (it happens all the time)

I hope this helped you out :)
What can the parents do to 100% avoid producing mentally retarded child?
There is no way to be 100% accurate at avoiding retardation. The best way would be, as I said, karyotyping. There are so many possible complications that there is no way to be positive about the child's status.
Too much know how, and no action for one side, and the others 50% suffer belief in a skeptical world. I believe the over riding problem is intrinsic and knowledge based. A lot of mentally ill children are the smartest people. They just can't possibly communicate their advanced way of thinking yet. They lack a 'how' function in nature, yet they retain intelligence.
What causes autism? More and more children diagnosed with autism.
Why more boys than girls get autism?
What causes autism? More and more children diagnosed with autism.
Why more boys than girls get autism?
Autism is a genetic disorder - we don't know much about 'how' the genes are effected, because the gene(s) that cause autism haven't been found. We do know that it affects the X chromosome, but we don't know what alterations to the X chromosome cause autism. This alteration (ASD) is found much more frequently in men, but can still be seen in women. Autism itself is an inherited disease that affects brain structure and ones' ability to display healthy social behaviors. The reason why autism has become more and more common is a hard question to answer because there are so many factors involved. The likely culprit is probably some sort of nutritional or environmental factor - as the (ASD) trait doesn't appear to be dominant in lineage.

If anyone can fact-check my post, it will be greatly appreciated. I'm not that familiar with genetic autism, so I tried to answer the best I could.
What causes autism? More and more children diagnosed with autism.
Why more boys than girls get autism?

I think that what causes autism is to much focus on any subject

Or to much introvertsion by both parents

Silicon Valley is known for its above average incidents of autism
How should our society treat autistic people?
Autistic people should enjoy the same human rights?
I think that what causes autism is to much focus on any subject

Or to much introvertsion by both parents

Silicon Valley is known for its above average incidents of autism
False, autism is a structural disorder. Nurture has nothing to do with it :)

How should our society treat autistic people?
Autistic people should enjoy the same human rights?
Of course they should have the same rights! All humans should have the same rights regardless of their race/condition.

Autistic people should have all the Human rights that we all have

At some point autism will be eliminated
There is no evidence that autism will be eliminated anytime soon - the spread of autism is rising at an alarming rate.

Is there a specific project targeting genetic code responsible for autism?
Autism is almost certainly multifactorial (which complicates our ability to pinpoint a genetic fingerprint) research is being done, but it's really a "hit and miss" type study.