What can I do?


Registered Senior Member
Hello Everybody! (Hi Dr Nick)

I'm interesting in bio ingeneral and i hope to do it at uni but I'm not sure what, if any, job i could do once I'm out. There don't seem to be any obvious jobs about in the field.

What am I to do!?!?!?:eek:
as a scientist the obvious career path is:

1 PhD student

2 post doc

3 assistent professor/groupleader/professor

just remember that there are hardly any positions of the third kind and most people have to drop out in between step 1 and 2 or 3 and 3.
am i seriously restricted to a lab? isnt there a chance that i could work in the field somewhere?
just stay way form cell Bio., Biotech., Molec. Bio. and you should stay out of the labs most of the time. I'm going into biochem. and it is not very competitive here in the states. Go to some seminars and see what biologist really do.

if i did do a bio course, could that lead to things like archiology?
I'd be pretty happy with ecosystem studies and evolutional studies... i dunno if there are jobs that specific....
some of you (i won't mention names) should try to stop being so pretentious in the name of science. I think i will start a rumor, ...ok...yeah. i know, i know...but, i can't help myself...so, here goes...i think Spurious Monkey, Shrivled Fetus and Tyler are really all one in the same person. and, they seem like a prentious, unhappy lot. :D
Oh wow that’s a good theory there... ask the admin. to check our IPs. they can prove if that’s true or not. I in my heart I know I am me and they are they. But having watching the anime "Serial Experiment: Lain" I’m not sure anymore: they could be me or I could be them? That’s was the most @#$% up Anime I have ever seen!

Anyway back to the subject: what’s that got to do with helping Dudeyhed find a career?
because you guys are giving him pretentions advice, IMO....nothing wrong with becoming a teacher of science is there....??? hmmm.....? is there? you guys seem to stress the amounts of money that his future career in science will procure him, rather than the satisfaction of doing what he would best excell at.
I never said such a thing! I love my work greatly and I don't get a dime yet! (only research credit.)
ok, then. there is only one me, too, on this forum and i AM a female! are we all squared away on this little matter? yes? good. just because i don't rant and rave like most women, doesn't mean i am not one. i'll also tell you something else shocking about me...i hate shopping and i don't like painting my fingernails and toenails and yakking on the phone all night long .. i hate primping. i guess you could say i am not your typical female. but.....one thing you best not forget....i LOVE MEN...and, i LOVE sex. i am glad we have this settled....now, have a nice night.:D
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
ok, then. there is only one me, too, on this forum and i AM a female! are we all squared away on this little matter? yes? good. just because i don't rant and rave like most women, doesn't mean i am not one. i'll also tell you something else shocking about me...i hate shopping and i don't like painting my fingernails and toenails and yakking on the phone all night long .. i hate primping. i guess you could say i am not your typical female. but.....one thing you best not forget....i LOVE MEN...and, i LOVE sex. i am glad we have this settled....now, have a nice night.:D
Now who's being pretentious? ;)
Re: Persol

Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
look up the meaning of pretentious, why don't cha?:rolleyes:

pretentious - Making or marked by an extravagant outward show

Seems to fit to me :p
i think not, you don't know me, you can't assume that. i was trying to explain/defend (you probably don't know what was going on at the time..concerning rumors about my sexuality) myself, and, in doing so giving reasons why i was not a typical female...such as toenail/fingernail painting etc.