What bible?


Valued Senior Member
This might have been mentioned before, and if so I apologise.

In another thread, I've been drawn into a debate about "which bible is better".

I quoted some biblical text, to which I was then set upon that those words weren't right, (so sayeth a different version), and that my version was either written for catholics who apparently know nothing, or written by certain translators who apparently know nothing.

As a result I would suggest that all of us read the exact same version and prevent future issues.

The question would be.. What version, and why that version?
I would say that the only good Bible would be one that is translated directly from the original texts and is all inclusive.

We need to have what the original texts really say, so we can't have our team of translators changing or deleting things. We need to translate the originals meaning-for-meaning, so as to avoid misconceptions and misunderstandings.

Why leave out things? Let's include it all. The Torah, the New Testament, the Infancy Gospels, the Book of Mormon, the Koran, the Apocrypha, the Pseudopegrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, everything. It's all the Word of God, isn't it? But we should leave out the letters different people write that have been included in the cannon. They aren't the Words of God, but the thoughts of the different people. Don't include them.

Those are my thoughts.
the best bible is no bible at all, just live your life and don't let a book tell you how.

p.s. even if you get the original text it will be just as impure as any translator will make it. Unless you thing it was written by the hand of god, then you are just sad.
NRSV. The committe consists of Christians from 30 different denominations which include Catholics and E. Orthodox plus 1 Jew. It has no theological axe to grind.
If the Christian god cares so much for mankind as Christians would have us believe, why then is his message (the Bible) so confusing as to engender the many different denominations and Bible versions we have today? And furthermore why are his people so divided? All the arguments for the devils influence, the sinful nature of man, free will, etc. don`t change the fact that this god wilfully allows division regarding his word. It seems a waste that Jesus purportedly died so tragically and the message that he died for is so disputed and misunderstood.

"In biblical studies, the old divisions between Old and New Testament areas of research, never very meaningful except to the Christian theologian, become even less valid. As far as the origins of Christianity are concerned, we must look not just to intertestamental literature, the Apocryphia and Pseudepigrapha, and the newly discovered writings from the Dead Sea, nor even merely to the Old Testament and other Semitic works, but we have to bring into consideration Sumerian ewligious and mythological texts and the calssical writings of Asia Minor, Greece and Rome. The Christian Easter is as firmly linked to the Bacchic Anthesteria as the Jewish Passover.
Above all, it is the philogian who must be the spearhead of the new enquiry. It is primarily a study of words.
A written word is more than a symbol: it is an expression of an idea. To penetrate to its inner meaning is to look into the mind of the man who wrote it. Later generations may give different meanings to
that symbol, extending its range of reference far beyond the original intention, but if we can trace the original significance then it should be possible to follow the trail by which it developed. In doing so, it is sometimes possible even to outline the progress of man's mental, technical or religious development." (The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, John M. Allegro)

Allegro useus biblical quotes from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. tried to find the bit where he explains reasons for doing so, but couldn't as of now. from my memory of readings of his work it has to do with that bible more authentic translations from original texts

if i find the passage where he explains in more detail i'll post it