what are you?


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
if you're in the marines... you're are a marine.
if your're in the navy seals, you're a navy seal.

if your in the air force your a____________?
if you're in the nave, you're a ___________?
if you're in the army your a _____________?

i mean.. i thought of some other terms. but, they just didn't fit...
if your in the air force your a pilot? paratrooper? mechanic?
if you're in the navy, you're a squid? a seal?
if you're in the army your a soldier? ranger? green beret?
no.. you can be a soldier in anything.. and not EVERY person in the armny is a green beret, and only navy seals are seals.. what are the other poeple in the regular navy.. and again., a pilot is just a job.. not eveyone in the air fore is a pilot..

i meant something like.. "air forcean" cept that doesn't exist.. and i dont think people in the navy would appreciate being called "navels"..lol..
Airforce is generally reffered to as an officer.
Navy members are always sailors.
Ground forces are all solidiers.

The first one may be wrong as I am quite drunk. But I'm pretty sure of the other two.
ohh.. cool.. that helps alot. lol.. and the airforce one makes sense.. i think ive heard my dad say that.....

i was trying to figure out what my uncle was.. now i know he's a sailor... better than a navel..
Not all air force are officers. My dad was in the air force and was military police but still wasn't and officer - I still haven't figured that one out!
If your in the Air Force, your lazy
If your in the Navy, your weird
If your in the Army, your just plain crazy
Not all air force are officers. My dad was in the air force and was military police but still wasn't and officer - I still haven't figured that one out!

i asked my mom. and i guess my dad isn;t eaither. but its been hard to get a strait answer from her lately.
If you're in the Australian navy, you're an idiot. The pay is crap.
'In the Navy'
'Where you can sail the seven seas'
'In the Navy'