what are UFO's?



Are UFO's ufo's? I had a thought one day that kinda made sense.
Image that we can go back in time, doesn't matter where in time we find how to, just some time in the future. ( If time travel is possible, and we can do it, then we will. It doesnt matter how far into the future we need to go before we have good enpugh tech to do it because its time travel and they can go back to our time now whenever and as mant times as they like) What do you do? GO BACK IN TIME , so they/we do. And guess what, we see humanity from the future and think its UFOs. The gov would cover it up, because if we (normal people) found out there would be a unpresidented reaction. Also theres that problem of time which no-one really knows what will happen, (e.g. you kill you father before your born) so the less who know the better. Also if theres a war and we fall out with say Russia, and everyone knew about time travel Russia could try time travel themself and it would create a lot of problems.

Tell me what you think about it, or any sugestions about what could happen if this did/already happened. :)