What are they thinking about abortion?

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Publicity Whore
Registered Senior Member
Well, since Goofyfish decided to edit my post without consulting me about what to cut, then I guess there's no point to this thread. I thought the title was pretty clear about the intent of the post. There was no plagerism. It was my paper and there were only two sources. Both were given.

So meh.
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Hmm, apparently believing in talking goats, devils and men who rise from the dead has warped our little fundie's brain so far that he cannot understand our terms of service.

" A fetus is not just some random person."

True, it's not a person at all.
And so what if it is?
That's one HUGE ass post and I'm not reading all of it because, surprisingly, I have stuff to do.

But here are my thoughts on abortion. If you want to do it, do it, if not, don't!

Why should people who want abortions have to suffer because some other person thinks it's immoral. That's not freedom of choice at all. And it's not right to force morals onto others.

So let them be for Jebus' sake!
it's not a person at all
I don't see what the huge difference is, I'm just glad at least some kinds of murder are legal.

Sometimes I wish people had it their way and no one died ever again untill human beings filled every square inch of the planet's surface and were stuck together screaming in a muffled suffocating agony for all eternity.
And you know I'd bey they'd still be stupid enough to breed.
Why would someone think a fetus is a person? It has the ability to develop into a person...but it surely is not yet one.
"That's one HUGE ass post and I'm not reading all of it because, surprisingly, I have stuff to do."

Yeah, I really was asking too much of this forum.


No one has accused you of plagairism.
You chose to post without, apparently, reviewing the site rules.
I edited you post accordingly and moved it.
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