What are the freemasons?


My grandfather, whom I was named after was wealthy, genius, and a freemason.

I have read that they practice Luciferian Rituals in the 32nd degree but hide them from their lower level members.

Also I have read that Christianity is rule by them by people like: Paul Crouch, Billy Graham, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts, Robert Schuller.

What is the story?
witnessjudgejury said:
My grandfather, whom I was named after was wealthy, genius, and a freemason.

I have read that they practice Luciferian Rituals in the 32nd degree but hide them from their lower level members.

Also I have read that Christianity is rule by them by people like: Paul Crouch, Billy Graham, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts, Robert Schuller.

What is the story?
From what i am learning, Freemasonry' as it is believed by even someof its lower-rankin members to be--with tier 'christian charity work' etc--is a FRONT. that the real deal its gullibles are being used for is an lluminati agenda

that also tery are led to believe i is like a pyramidical hierarchy...that as soon asthey begin ising they are told more and more of te 'secrets' ...but in reality this isn't true. te real top dogs are very varefully chosen, and 'breedin' and vast sums of money and power are the only considerations for being let in on the actual Luciferian ideal in tis world

what is more fascinatinng me...and for the life of me i have tried--not only recently here--but on the web itself. have tried to discss trhe preponderance of christian sites who--savvy to te Illuminati--condemn it and analyze it,YET in doing so also condemn homosexuality, nonprocreative sex, psychedelic experimentation......do you get me? ie., tey are accusing people into that as being part of the Illuminati...!!

of course tat's utter crap. and i have tried to find an alternative voice online, but cant. its 'funny'

i have wanted to create BLOG to offer such an alteranitive voice and offereing a space to explore it, but because my system is limited--i cant access the meansvia google o start a BLOG....frustrating
duendy said:
the real deal its gullibles are being used for is an lluminati agenda

You have your cart before your horse, duendy.

The Illuminati were born AFTER the Masons, and adapted masonic rituals for their own use.

The Illuminati while still in existence, _never_ boasted the membership or power of the Masons.
phlogistician said:
You have your cart before your horse, duendy.

The Illuminati were born AFTER the Masons, and adapted masonic rituals for their own use.

The Illuminati while still in existence, _never_ boasted the membership or power of the Masons.
wellllll, you SURprise me. usually you are such an 'evidence-demanding' typ of guy, yet you assertwhat you say with NO sources to back it uuuup....? i should just take your word for it?
You didn't cite any sources in your initial misguided post either. But ther fact stands that you're wrong, and it's common knowledge that the Illuminati were founded after the Masons anyway.

Go look it up on a reputable website!
Here are some of the scripures taken from the actual rituals and the Masonic Bible.

The 28th Degree, Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept
In the 28th Degree, under Knight of the Sun, this is what we read from the Ritual: Ah the mysteries of Magism, all the symbols of the gnosis, all the figures of the occult philosophy, all the kabalistic keys of prophecy, are summed up in the sign of the pentagram, the greatest and most potent of all signs (28th Degree, Knight of the Sun, Ritual, page 413).

The 26th Degree, Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian
We discover, as we continue six more Degrees, in the 26th Degree that Masonry is a Worship, but one in which all civilized men can unite (26th Degree, Prince of Mercy, Ritual, page 380).

The following copied from a Masonic Bible:
143. SYMBOL What is derivation and use of a symbol? Latin, Symbolum. A word derived from the Greek sumbolon from sumballein, to suspect, divine, compare; a word of various meanings, even with the ancients, who used it to denote a sign, a mark, watchword, signal, token, a sealring, etc., its meaning is still more various in modern times. Freemasonry is a complete system of symbolic teaching, and can be known, understood, and appreciated only by those who study its symbolism, and make themselves acquainted with its occult meaning. To such, Freemasonry has a grand and sublime significance. Its symbols are moral, philosophical and religious, and all these are pregnant with great thoughts, and reveal to the intelligent Mason the awful mystery of life, and the still more awful mystery of death. Ro 16:25
George Washington was illuminati, which is why the principal of freedom of religion, not christianity, is part of the constitution.

Also, this is why we have a "pentagon", the symbol found inside the pentagram.

Also, this is why the Masonic symbol appears on the dollar bill with the words translated "new world order" written underneath.
If anybody has suspicions about the masons why don't you just go join, last I heard they now accept memberships without a recommendation.
Did you know that freemasonry is the only religion which denies it is a religion and is so secret that it is publically documented that they make death threats to anyone who would expose their secrets.

They may tell you they are a christian organization but they worship Osiris and Isis.

doesn't sound very christian to me. Such is the Religion and the Government
"Ruled by the people".

Also the United Nations is run by freemasons.

I also notice that the Fraternal Order of Police uses the pentagram as its symbol.
Can you present any credible web references to freemason activities? I'm curious to see some independent and authoritative analysis on this.
phlogistician said:
You didn't cite any sources in your initial misguided post either. But ther fact stands that you're wrong, and it's common knowledge that the Illuminati were founded after the Masons anyway.

Go look it up on a reputable website!
actually it's besides the point, but i am still curious as to the whereabouts of your reputable source isall

what is to th point is that NOW freemason lodges are fronts for 'secret' Illuminati....secret in commas because they dont caree. they know that the majority 'wont believe'...so they are smug. a big reason their audacity in leaving their symbolism all over their staged atrocities!
Some will find this curious.

My grandmother was instructed that after Grandpa died and I was grown and married, to give me his mason book. She even told me how to read it. I refused to accept it.
This was the least that was passed on to me by dear old grampa.

As a child, I had an un-natural obsession with drawing pentagrams. If you gave me a piece of paper, I would fill it with little pentagrams. You don't want to know how my life has progressed from there. Let's just say that I have something which can not be gotten rid of. I've prayed the sinners prayer thousands of times, and I talk to God without ceasing, but what is in me will not go away. I doubt if the illuminati even have a clue, though of course I could use more input.

I'll keep gardening. Watering the flowers, turning over stones, pulling weeds and collecting bugs and snakes. It's what I do best.
witnessjudgejury said:
Did you know that freemasonry is the only religion which denies it is a religion and is so secret that it is publically documented that they make death threats to anyone who would expose their secrets.

They may tell you they are a christian organization but they worship Osiris and Isis.

doesn't sound very christian to me. Such is the Religion and the Government
"Ruled by the people".

Also the United Nations is run by freemasons.

I also notice that the Fraternal Order of Police uses the pentagram as its symbol.

Yeah right super secret blah blah blah here

Who can become a Freemason?

Our fraternity has a wonderful history, which dates back more than three centuries. It is one of the world's oldest secular fraternities, a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Founded on the three great principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, it aims to bring together men of goodwill, regardless of background and differences.

People might think that to become a Freemason is quite difficult. It's actually straightforward.

The essential qualifications for admission is that you have a belief in a Supreme Being.

It is usual for candidates to be "mature men of 21 years and over", but in some circumstances candidates between the ages of 18 and 21 can be admitted.

From the "about freemasons" section

The Three Great Principles

For many years Freemasons have followed three great principles:

Brotherly Love - Every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and behave with kindness and understanding to his fellow creatures.

Relief - Freemasons are taught to practise charity and to care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole, both by charitable giving, and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.

Truth - Freemasons strive for truth, requiring high moral standards and aiming to achieve them in their own lives.

EGADS those dastardly masons!!!
I suppose ignorance is bliss for the ignorant, at least until they die, or learn truth by searching for it. A study of symbolism may be in order for the interested.
A freemason can be likened unto an inncocent woman who has purchased a beautiful egg. She is told that all the world is buying them and that the egg will be the solution to all of the worlds problems and will unite mankind with one true religion and wonderfull principles for humanity.

As the woman cares for the egg, gives it warmth and light and love as she sees fit, the contents of the egg begins to influence her life. She is told she will have the contents of the egg revealed to her when she is ready and depending on the amount of love and care she gives to the egg.

She never knew until it was too late that a serpant was growing in the egg and when it hatches it will devour her and when they all hatch, they will devour the entire world.

Does brotherly love make death threats.
See the movie in blockbuster video entitled "The truth of Angels and Demons and Freemasons". It was a new release a few weeks ago.
Here are the fruits of freemason labor. Due to my grandfathers genius, curiosity, experimentation, and rituals of freemasonry, I was born the freemason and illuminattis ultimate goal. A spiritual alchemist and alchemist of the spirits and Gods. I was given no instruction or knowledge regarding what I was "blessed" with. Cursed is obviously more like it. I have never been a freemason or Satanist or member of any cult.

I have Love which I was also born with but can't find in existence anywhere else in beings. I have learned to hate all lies and deception and things kept purposely hidden. I have extreme need to know but nowhere to find. I have lived a life of horrible depression, manic depression, superficial multi-personality, and these are the least of which were given to me by my grandfathers organization of brotherly love.
witnessjudgejury said:
I have read that they practice Luciferian Rituals in the 32nd degree but hide them from their lower level members.

i was told this also by a pastor in a christian community centre where i done some voluntary work a while ago. she told me that the 33 degree initiaion in freemasonry was a satanic initation and only 33 degree initiates know this. right i thought how does a pastor of a church know the supreme secret of the highest initiates of the secret societies. surely my pastor was not an 33 degree initiate, if she was had she just initatied me by telling me the supreme secret of her most holy order.

maybe and more likely she was gullible enough to believe any bullshit she was told. what worries me is that she is a pastor and she is passing this bullshit on as the truth. i thought it was funny that some one who held such the lamp of truth as the pastor of a christian community church was still walking in the darkness
The pentagram. The reason that this figure keeps cropping up in numerous places is that the orbit of Venus, when viewed from earth is exactly a five pointed star. Over 260 days it goes out and back from its central point five times and then returns to almost exactly where it started to repeat the whole exercise. The Mayans based their calendar, which was more accurate than ours before the use of the Atomic clock, on it. More importantly the ancient Egyptians knew of it from the very start of their known history. Indeed ALL the monotheistic religions were derived, in part, from this fact. Hence the universal importance of the pentagram.