What are the factual Christian statistics?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: We all know that www.adherents.com states that 33% of the world's population is Christian. I would like to know, from this percentage, how many of these people "claim" to be "Christian" but do so only as habit and never attend church, read the bible, or pray.

Statistically speaking, how many alleged "Christians" use it as a catchall? Can Agnostics still be considered "Christian?"

Out of all the Christians in the world (33%), how many of those are babies and children who they themselves have not chosen "Christianity" as their religion?

I think the numbers are skewed and there are fewer "Christians" in the world than the statistics indicate.
good question MW,

I often hear people talking about how christianity is getting stronger in the US, but I think that is BS. most people who would check the Christian box on a survey are not really very religious, but they grew up as Christians so check it as default. moreover, many agnostics don't know what agnosticism is, so would probably just check Christian if their parents were, even though they are really agnostic.

a good project for some student would be to have two surveys, one that just asks for religion, and another that asks the same people (after they pick a religion) if they thought that it was possible to know god, or to know which religion is actually correct. I would bet a good deal of people who checked [Christian] would a say that it is not possible to truly know which god was correct, thus putting them in the agnostic category.
Jaster Mereel said:
There are still a hell of a lot of them. I'd still bet it's the largest religion.

M*W: Yes, that's what Christians would say. Even when presented the religious pie chart, they vehemently deny it.

Fact is, 2/3 of the world's population are Christian.... NOT!!!
It depends on the survey...

Before 2003 I would have ignored the 'atheist' box and probably ticked the 'catholic' box in a survey asking me my religion even though I was a passive non-believer.

Although if asked the simple question 'do you believe in god?' I would have ticked 'no' beyond 11 years of age.

People who are passive towards religion wether they be believers or non-believers, will both probably identify themselves with the religion they have had forced on them. But of course it might not take much persuading for them to tick the 'atheist' box if they can get over the stigma of such a name.
cato said:
good question MW,

I often hear people talking about how christianity is getting stronger in the US, but I think that is BS. most people who would check the Christian box on a survey are not really very religious, but they grew up as Christians so check it as default. moreover, many agnostics don't know what agnosticism is, so would probably just check Christian if their parents were, even though they are really agnostic.

a good project for some student would be to have two surveys, one that just asks for religion, and another that asks the same people (after they pick a religion) if they thought that it was possible to know god, or to know which religion is actually correct. I would bet a good deal of people who checked [Christian] would a say that it is not possible to truly know which god was correct, thus putting them in the agnostic category.

M*W: The buzz word here is "default." I totally agree with the rest of your statement. Exactly what is the percentage of "default Christian statistics?" Even the Christian-right admit they are massively losing their sheeple. Still, the sheeple claim they are scorching the Earth far beyond the statistical 33%! The lies, the lies!

Christianity is dying. They cannot deny that! Was it their antiquated philosophy? Was it their passe mystical beliefs? Was it the canibalistic tendencies of the sacrament? Was it having absolutely no proven dying demigod savior? Who knows? Christianity is a farce that offers nothing but a glimpse of retribution from one's Earthly existence. No heaven. No hell. No limbo. No creator god. Man created the idea. He created the symbol. He created the cosmology. There is nothing holy, nothing sacred, nothing blessed. Mankind is the image of god. Mankind is god. Mankind is creator of the universe. The universe is dying (i.e. the melting ice caps). Mankind sucks. The only reality is there is no god.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Yes, that's what Christians would say. Even when presented the religious pie chart, they vehemently deny it.

Fact is, 2/3 of the world's population are Christian.... NOT!!!
Um, I'm not a Christian and I am still saying that it's probably the largest religion. Maybe, just maybe Islam beats it if you factor in how devout practitioners are. Of course, I'd like someone to post up some (reputable) statistics on the subject, like perhaps census data from around the world if possible. I wonder if the U.N. keeps these kinds of statistics?

M*W: The buzz word here is "default." I totally agree with the rest of your statement. Exactly what is the percentage of "default Christian statistics?" Even the Christian-right admit they are massively losing their sheeple. Still, the sheeple claim they are scorching the Earth far beyond the statistical 33%! The lies, the lies!

Christianity is dying. They cannot deny that! Was it their antiquated philosophy? Was it their passe mystical beliefs? Was it the canibalistic tendencies of the sacrament? Was it having absolutely no proven dying demigod savior? Who knows? Christianity is a farce that offers nothing but a glimpse of retribution from one's Earthly existence. No heaven. No hell. No limbo. No creator god. Man created the idea. He created the symbol. He created the cosmology. There is nothing holy, nothing sacred, nothing blessed. Mankind is the image of god. Mankind is god. Mankind is creator of the universe. The universe is dying (i.e. the melting ice caps). Mankind sucks. The only reality is there is no god.
Oh, I'm sorry. I was under the impression that this was actually a thread meant to determine the real prevalence of Christianity amongst the world's populace, instead of another one of your "Let's bash Christianity" threads. Forgive my false impression of your motives... I shouldn't have expected so much.

I'd still like someone to find some reliable statistics on it, though. I'm just too lazy to find any good ones myself.
Jaster Mereel said:
Um, I'm not a Christian and I am still saying that it's probably the largest religion. Maybe, just maybe Islam beats it if you factor in how devout practitioners are. Of course, I'd like someone to post up some (reputable) statistics on the subject, like perhaps census data from around the world if possible. I wonder if the U.N. keeps these kinds of statistics?

Oh, I'm sorry. I was under the impression that this was actually a thread meant to determine the real prevalence of Christianity amongst the world's populace, instead of another one of your "Let's bash Christianity" threads. Forgive my false impression of your motives... I shouldn't have expected so much.

I'd still like someone to find some reliable statistics on it, though. I'm just too lazy to find any good ones myself.

M*W: What a phony ass you are! Statistics cannot be be denied. You're the lazy one. You're so lazy that you believe whatever it is you've been spoon fed. Why don't you do some research? Maybe you'd find out the truth. You're an uneducated baffoon.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: What a phony ass you are! Statistics cannot be be denied. You're the lazy one. You're so lazy that you believe whatever it is you've been spoon fed. Why don't you do some research? Maybe you'd find out the truth. You're an uneducated baffoon.
The above, in actuality, makes no sense at all. In fact I'm thinking you didn't read the post. Maybe you got past the first couple lines, and then your indignant rage compelled you to barf out this gem all over your keyboard.

However, why don't you help us "baffoons" out by providing us with some links to start our research? Where are these undeniable statistics that you haven't even quoted?
A good litmus test for Christianity is whether people believe in hell. It's easy to believe in heaven, or at least to say you do. It's not so easy to believe in hell without it having a major impact on your life.

The last survey I saw said that something like 85% of Americans believe in heaven but only about 20% believe in hell.
Um, I'm not a Christian and I am still saying that it's probably the largest religion. Maybe, just maybe Islam beats it if you factor in how devout practitioners are. Of course, I'd like someone to post up some (reputable) statistics on the subject, like perhaps census data from around the world if possible. I wonder if the U.N. keeps these kinds of statistics?

That's probably not fair though, you are comparing modern societies who have had to deal with centuries of increasing secularism to much of todays Islamic world which is on a par with Christianity in medieval times. If that comparison is more or less accurate, then I think Islam is behaving alright.

Interesting though, that the one place I can think of that Christians still have power (the US), their morals are distorted back in time. Forgiveness, love, peace and good will being boasted as the main points of Christianity certainly isn't shown by fundamentalist Christians...
baumgarten said:
The above, in actuality, makes no sense at all. In fact I'm thinking you didn't read the post. Maybe you got past the first couple lines, and then your indignant rage compelled you to barf out this gem all over your keyboard.

However, why don't you help us "baffoons" out by providing us with some links to start our research? Where are these undeniable statistics that you haven't even quoted?

M*W: www.adherents.com The statistics I care about are the non-enumerated ones: babies and children who cannot speak for themselves; those who are in prison are issued bibles and are statistically significant for elevating the numbers in Christianity. Phony christians, those who default to Christianity for lack of option of other religion or non-religion; how many "so-called" Christians out there who never go to church, don't own any bible, never pray, but enjoy their vices, and flat don't believe in any god. What about these statistics? Are they included in the 33% of the world's population? I doubt it. Let's come clean, people. You know it, and I know it. Christianity scrapes the bucket at far less than 33%.
Fraggle Rocker said:
A good litmus test for Christianity is whether people believe in hell. It's easy to believe in heaven, or at least to say you do. It's not so easy to believe in hell without it having a major impact on your life.

The last survey I saw said that something like 85% of Americans believe in heaven but only about 20% believe in hell.

M*W: They talk about hell by far more than they talk about heaven. That's fucked-up, don't you think? But they worry about blaspheming the holy spirit (whom, by the way, doesn't exist!). Then who are they blaspheming?

Modern prophets dispell the holy spirit, the trinity, and the virgin birth. What's love got to do, got to do with it? What's love, but a second-hand emotion? All praise Tina Turner!
cato said:
I often hear people talking about how christianity is getting stronger in the US, but I think that is BS. most people who would check the Christian box on a survey are not really very religious, but they grew up as Christians so check it as default.
What type of christian would you prefer to have a profusion of - a Pat Robertson, or someone who just believes in God, prays, and tries to live their life without hurting people?
I like christian 2.0 better as a population, if the first version is the fanatical hypocrites.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: www.adherents.com The statistics I care about are the non-enumerated ones: babies and children who cannot speak for themselves; those who are in prison are issued bibles and are statistically significant for elevating the numbers in Christianity. Phony christians, those who default to Christianity for lack of option of other religion or non-religion; how many "so-called" Christians out there who never go to church, don't own any bible, never pray, but enjoy their vices, and flat don't believe in any god. What about these statistics? Are they included in the 33% of the world's population? I doubt it. Let's come clean, people. You know it, and I know it. Christianity scrapes the bucket at far less than 33%.
Can you provide some statistical evidence that these "secular Christians" are a predominant demographic?


Note that half of the "Nonreligious" group is theistic. Seems to me that most secular Christians would fall under this category, then.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: What a phony ass you are! Statistics cannot be be denied. You're the lazy one. You're so lazy that you believe whatever it is you've been spoon fed. Why don't you do some research? Maybe you'd find out the truth. You're an uneducated baffoon.
Phony? Um... you didn't read my post at all. I'm not denying any statistics, I'm asking you to provide some that aren't so skewed by your obvious, completely irrational hatred of Christianity. I'm perfectly willing to accept statistics that support your assertion that Christianity is dwindling, in fact I agree that it is. I just want you to send me some from some credible sources, because I believe they are out there.

As to the rest, I'm going to ignore the ad-hominem about me being an uneducated baffoon. I'm not even going to try to dispute your claim. Yes. I'm uneducated, and I'm a baffoon. Ok. There. I've admitted it. You're right. Asking you a question that you find inconvenient clearly makes me into an ass. You're so right. Teach me, O' glorious leader. Show me the undeniable truth of your beliefs.
baumgarten said:
Note that half of the "Nonreligious" group is theistic. Seems to me that most secular Christians would fall under this category, then.

How does someone who calls themselves a theists but having no particular religion still be a Christian?
Jaster Mereel said:
Phony? Um... you didn't read my post at all. I'm not denying any statistics, I'm asking you to provide some that aren't so skewed by your obvious, completely irrational hatred of Christianity. I'm perfectly willing to accept statistics that support your assertion that Christianity is dwindling, in fact I agree that it is. I just want you to send me some from some credible sources, because I believe they are out there.

As to the rest, I'm going to ignore the ad-hominem about me being an uneducated baffoon. I'm not even going to try to dispute your claim. Yes. I'm uneducated, and I'm a baffoon. Ok. There. I've admitted it. You're right. Asking you a question that you find inconvenient clearly makes me into an ass. You're so right. Teach me, O' glorious leader. Show me the undeniable truth of your beliefs.

M*W: I wasn't specifically calling you a "buffoon." That term is saved for idiots like Woody and Adstar, so don't automatically assume I mean you are in their ranks.

What I want to know is the "accurate" statistics about Christians. What part of the 33% of worldwide population are truly Christian? I give it at least a 25% rating. Give or take, babies, infants, toddlers, pre-teens, teens, young adults, adults and seniors, who by this time, should be able to enumerate their religious beliefs.

All I'm saying is that 33% is a high estimation for Christians existing in the universe. I think it's more like 25% give-or-take 8% for the douche bags. I am implying that 33% is an inaccurate figure. If we look at that "33%," we can see that it doesn't encompass the phonies, the lying and the defaulted Christians. It doesn't leave the statistics to warrant significantly different values.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I wasn't specifically calling you a "buffoon." That term is saved for idiots like Woody and Adstar, so don't automatically assume I mean you are in their ranks.
Well, you quoted me before writing it, so it's natural for me to assume that you meant me when you said it.

What I want to know is the "accurate" statistics about Christians. What part of the 33% of worldwide population are truly Christian? I give it at least a 25% rating. Give or take, babies, infants, toddlers, pre-teens, teens, young adults, adults and seniors, who by this time, should be able to enumerate their religious beliefs.

All I'm saying is that 33% is a high estimation for Christians existing in the universe. I think it's more like 25% give-or-take 8% for the douche bags. I am implying that 33% is an inaccurate figure. If we look at that "33%," we can see that it doesn't encompass the phonies, the lying and the defaulted Christians. It doesn't leave the statistics to warrant significantly different values.
I would agree with you, actually. I just wanted to know if there were any well established organizations that had more accurate figures than the ones that you present, as a matter of reference.
I have a real litmus test to see who believes in the Christian god, and who just believe that they should believe in the Christian god.

make a survey and ask them if this should be practiced in modern society:

Timothy I - 2:11 (the new international version-bible)

A woman should learn in quietness and full
submission. I do not permit a woman to teach
or to assume authority over a man; she must be

if they really believe that the Christian god is real, then they should uphold this passage, as it is the word of god.

that should be the true gage of the strength of christianity.

also, MW, are you familiar with the work of Daniel C Dennett? I think you would find his work interesting.