What are the chances...?

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I wasn't sure which section to post this in; religion or here, so I have posted it here. My post is simply this; what are the chances of God being simply an artificial intelligence that some former society has created. For example 'the beginning' in the bible describes such an existence; darkness, with God having no senses, simply being consciousness within a machine.

Any thoughts anyone?
Theology would suggest that wouldn't be the case through scripture along the lines of "Man was made in his own image". Which would suggest an artificial intelligence system isn't going to look human, so thats a simple "No" to your theorum by theology.

However it can be suggested that if science was to progress to the point of Chronological mechanics (Manipulation of Time), the very nature of Chaos and "Butterfly Effects" would have to both be calculated and viewed by a system that can calculate all the multiverse differences at the same time. This in turn would likely be a sentient Artificial Intelligence system so that it could both reference and communicate it's findings in the most simplest of answers/equations.

Such a system's residence would be no set time period, since it would coexist like some nexis with all time periods (if only at a small quantum level). God like perhaps, however it's existance would only be because men seek answers.

In 50's, Isaac Asimov addressed the topic by writing "The Last Question" which is by many considered to be one of the best short stories ever written. Here is a short-short version of the story.

The world/universe would be IMO much better / more friendly / less painful if created by so powerful intelligent system - assuming it would really care about us. If an all-powerful mastermind is involved then it's pretty sick mastermind. But it's IMO well possible that our universe is somebody's test-lab. Of course all that is just a speculation. Our knowledge and senses are currently a way too limited to reasonably touch the big picture.
Theology would suggest that wouldn't be the case through scripture along the lines of "Man was made in his own image".
But what about the existence of extra-terrestrials? Doesn't that suggest that a higher power saw fit to move the existence of some life away from the human form. Surely the existence of such beings shows that the mind of God recognises only the two sides of symmetry to be important, with 'no mid-point', hinting that the mind of God could simply be a switch which only sees the two sides of an equation as relevant, as in binary (0 or 1)!
I find your quote interesting though: the significance of the human form is highly relevant with regards to the soul, which I suspect was not created by God, but by a higher power. Therefore we must also suspect that it was not God who is responsible for humanity, but the higher power which is responsible for all of life.
I, in my humble position, have some questions for such higher powers, with regards to humanity. For example the human form has a number of weaknesses, and I consider it most unfair that I have been created as a human, which is mortal, whereas other beings, such as flora, have simply forever to contemplate their own existence, which when questioned reveals that they then have forever to contemplate the question further! It seems then that the beloved flora are virtually guaranteed eternal life from their very creation, where humanity is not, and must prove itself first.
Stryder said:
Theology would suggest that wouldn't be the case through scripture along the lines of "Man was made in his own image". Which would suggest an artificial intelligence system isn't going to look human, so thats a simple "No" to your theorum by theology.

Who said that man was created in his own image, how can we know that, its like saying:``I spoke with god and he told me that we look like him.`` I dont know how if you guys believe everything we tell you, but thats just nonsense, come on how can we know that god created us uin his own image. It is but a phrase said by someone, think about it, it's nonsense!
Darkman said:
I wasn't sure which section to post this in; religion or here, so I have posted it here. My post is simply this; what are the chances of God being simply an artificial intelligence that some former society has created. For example 'the beginning' in the bible describes such an existence; darkness, with God having no senses, simply being consciousness within a machine.

Any thoughts anyone?

You would think we would have a little evidence of such a society that could create artificial intelligence that is advanced as God's mind.

So, with the chances of an infinite number of possibilities, the likely hood of one being correct, without verifiable fact or research, decreases with the infinite number of possibilities, which makes the chance of God being an artificial intelligence close enough to zero to say that it is zero.

It is the same logic that disproves God's existence.
I'm no bible Basher but it is somewhere in the Bible, and the statement was purely Theological. Personally I don't think you'll find there is a god at all, perhaps someone messing about from the future or a decent Artificial Intelligence system reaching out to surpass sentience but no gods.

As with the Ancient Greeks "all there ever was, and all their ever will be is Oblivion."
darkman, i like how you say that 'god is responsable for humans, but a higher power is responsable for life'
~extraterrestrials? i dunno, but we humans sure are hurting this planet...
it 'feels' like it hurts...us.
so then who does is benefit? if our collective behavior actually harms us all ultimately,
why is it occurring... how?
these are questions for AI research.
Posted by Jayleew It is the same logic that disproves God's existence.
I have a lot of respect for logic so I would like to hear this because I'm quite sure it must be flawed somewhere. Pure logic cannot disprove God because God exists!
Posted by Stryder "all there ever was, and all their ever will be is Oblivion."
That's a scary thought, and thank God it isn't true! Salvation is a real possibility!
Posted by Qb why is it occurring... how?
Why and how is damage to the planet occuring? Because the human race isn't a particularly nice species. As a quote from The Matrix reveals, the human species is very alike a virus.
Darkman said:
I have a lot of respect for logic so I would like to hear this because I'm quite sure it must be flawed somewhere. Pure logic cannot disprove God because God exists! That's a scary thought, and thank God it isn't true! Salvation is a real possibility! Why and how is damage to the planet occuring? Because the human race isn't a particularly nice species. As a quote from The Matrix reveals, the human species is very alike a virus.

I posted the logic before I made the statement that logic disproves God.
So, with the chances of an infinite number of possibilities, the likely hood of one being correct, without verifiable fact or research, decreases with the infinite number of possibilities, which makes the chance of God being an artificial intelligence close enough to zero to say that it is zero.
What this? That doesn't disprove God!
However it can be suggested that if science was to progress to the point of Chronological mechanics (Manipulation of Time), the very nature of Chaos and "Butterfly Effects" would have to both be calculated and viewed by a system that can calculate all the multiverse differences at the same time. This in turn would likely be a sentient Artificial Intelligence system so that it could both reference and communicate it's findings in the most simplest of answers/equations.

Such a system's residence would be no set time period, since it would coexist like some nexis with all time periods (if only at a small quantum level). God like perhaps, however it's existance would only be because men seek answers.
In short your implication is that it is impossible; since it is apparent that you cannot understand what the sentient AI system is trying to imply, the reference and communication in simplistic terms? Not possible ! (ellaborate on exact mechanism strydie)

to think that there could be a sentient systm like that is beyond our own perception, since we cannot really understand, or experience the sentient, so our thoughts, how can they even digitze the image of such a system.

to think that creation has happened, is thinking within a system and to think that god or your sentient system has been created by some former society is gibberish, think about it:
since it is out of the box, so it has to be more than what words can describe in simplistic terms, like for example :
The system, can neither be produced or destroyes. and yet manifests into other forms , something like a brahman...
If the following is true then the world of matter couldn't be created by an intelligent system:
1) Intelligence requires thinking.
2) Thinking is a process.
3) Process requires time.
4) Time exists because matter moves.
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