What are the chances that U have met aliens???

What was the result of the test that you have got???

  • 0-9: a very realistic person

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • 10-20: you are a very sensitive person...but there is no any evidence of aliens near you

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • 21-30: If U have been abducted by aliens-you are repress that,but maybe you havn't!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30-35: there are clues about a meeting with aliens!!!...

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • up then 36: you have experienced any meeting with aliens!!!! Follow your memories!!!

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Before you will answer the poll!!!!!!!!!!!

Test yourself!!!!!!!!!!

After you have tested yourself- answer the poll!!!!!!!!!
Just then!!!!!!!!!!!!

The TestYourself!!!!!!!!!

To every question there are points(1 or 3 or 5)-
check your final points at the results at the end of the test!!!!!(and then answer the poll!!!!)

An answer of "no" has no any points!!!

The points key:
questions 1-7 : 1 point per a positive answer(yes)
questions 8-18 : 3 points per a positive answer(yes)
questions 19-28 : 5 points per a positive answer(yes)

And now.....the questions!!!!

1) Have you ever dreamt about enimal's eyes that are watcing you?
2) Do you wake up sometimes at night without an outward reason?
3)Do you have a feeling that your time is wasted from day to day?
4) Have you started lately to take a big amount of vitamins?
5)Do you hear pips(chirps) which very soon disappeared?
6) Do you dream at night that you are walking in the air?
7)Have you started lately to interest in ufos?
8)Do you think that you have unusual powers?
9)Have you become a vegetarian person ?
10)Do you feel very deep inside you that you are different from other people?
11)Are you afraid from doctors?
12)Have you ever wanted to be in a desolated place?
13)Do you have dreams about operations?
14)Do you dream about walking in the air through closed windows?
15)Had you an imaginary friend in your childhood?
16)Do you wake up sometimes with dizzinesses?
17)After a long night sleeping, do you feel an anxiety/horror?
18)Are the clocks in your house stopped frequently?
19)Do you have a thirst to learn & study things like history and astronomy?
20)Have you happend that you couldn't restore what happend to you while 1-2 hours of your time?
21)Have you ever seen a ufo?
22)Have you been excited from watching at pictures of ufos or aliens?
23)Do you have on your body strange signs like scratches or white scars?
24)Did you wake up in a place that you hadn't gone to sleep?
25)Have you ever happened that you woke up with overturned clothes?
26)Have you ever noticed at mysterious shapes/characters near to your bed?
27)Have you ever heard voices from the tv/radio when they are turned off?
28)Do you feel that to a superior entity has a contact with you?

Now check your points and then go to the poll!!!!

Editoned by Gil

all rights reserved to Uri Geller
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Everyone ! go and vote!!!

Dear "Darline47610"
(-Hey!!! I have remembered your number!!!) ,

I hope you will find this test interesting, and I wish you health & happyness in your life!!!
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Re: Everyone ! go and vote!!!

Don't be lazy!!!
Please answer & vote!!!
It's important!!!
Interesting poll, but some of the symptoms are common in childhood, such as imaginary friends, and a beeping in the ear is more likely a result of air pressure changes and tinnitis.

Have YOU been abducted?
I answered yes to most of the statements. I don't fear doctors, I'm not a vegetarian, I don't take vitamins, and my clocks are all running fine. I'm pretty sure I answered yes to the rest. I scored in the 60s, I believe.

I do believe in the abduction phenomenon, and I believe it's probably happened to me. (In 1991 I had an experience that unlocked a flood of memories that I am still sorting out. Until that point I thought the whole thing was silly. Suddenly I began to voraciously devour every UFO report I could find, hoping to make sense out of my 'memories'.)

Unfortunately, and I see this a lot in Dr. John Mack's work, memories and experiences that can be traced to very terrestrial causes are often held up as UFO encounter evidence by over-zealous believers.

I enjoyed the poll, and I usually answer polls like this when I come across them, just to see how I rate. Did you create this one, or is from another source?
i have a problem with this

i think this poll would make about 99.99999% of the population of the world into abductees. The questions were not chosen that carfuly. May i suggest
1) have you ever been abducted by aliens
2) are you sure?
3) was your memory of the entire ordeal convinently erased after the incedent, and then brought back after you locked youreself away from socioty for 8 months with nothing but a copy of "Communion"
4) if yes to 3 ... what did you eat? Man it must be hard to stock up on 8 months worth of food.
5) who is john galt?
6) that last one was not a coded message
7) do you wake up with cybernetic implants shoddaly inserted into the dermal layer of your flesh?
9) does missing time prevent you from remembering what question #8 asked you

im kind of sorry for mocking you, but please if you expect yourself to be taken seriously dont ask questions like
1) have you ever gone to sleep?
2) have you ever woken up from this "sleep" not quite refreshed as you think you aught to be?
3) do you ever get a general omonous feeling about anything inparticular?
4) do you think you once knew the capatol city of Elbownia, but now you cant remember it?

(If you answered yes to any of these then my god run for your life cause the men in black and the evil reptile men from asteroid XP-098B are after you!)
Re: i have a problem with this

Ha ha ha ha ha.....

Yes, I've already read that y o u a l l have problems with this poll, so first- P l e a s e don't kill me, and second- I must explain that I have translated this test from different language (Hebrew) so maybe it caused lot of meaning problems, but anyway- I think it's still a good test. Of course the result don't say that you have must been abducted!!!

I will write another test in the future,
but don't forget! it's just a little test!
It doesn't mean so much!!!
You can say it's all symptoms and so on, and you probably right, b u t ....
Think about the continue alone!

(Worship Michael Jackson....)
hey gill :)
there is an english version of the test :)
if i can remember the site i will send you the adress
so you can have a look, and do your majic :)
groove on all
about the poll.......

I scored a 57 on your test. I'm not really sure what this possibly could mean, but I know that it does not alter my beliefs in the existence of E-T life. Some of the questions may are may not be relevant to an alien encounter, but I can tell you that I know that I personally have experienced some very disturbing things, often perplexing or unexplainable! For at least half of my life I have suffered from insomnia, and I am terribly afraid of the dark....but I have not found a reason why. There were many times when I awoke into a paralyzing half-wake half sleep and felt that there was a presence in my room, but after studying psychology I realized that it is a common occurance and too often confused with alien abductions. Yes I feel that I am different from others...though I cannot move objects or bend minds to my will, I have the ability to predict the future (though it comes and goes randomly) and can feel what a person is feeling and see auras. I have seen many "ufo's", but they are only unidentified and could anything. We cannot be the only life in the universe and others will one day realize this ideology, but at the same time believers must see that this is a major conflict of interest for those that follow the bible as they would have to alter and accept that which has been part of their livelyhood for thousands of years. One day is not that far away!
Gil, I woouldn't trust this Uri Geller. I went to his website which you gave us. I personally think that he is just one of those people who are out there to deceive and make money while doing it. he sells a lot of stuff, and expects you to pay for his information. Why can't he give more information out for free. I suppose if he did give his information out for free then people probably would probably not take as much notice of it which is stupid.

By this test, he wants people to see that they have had an experience and then by his books etc to find out what they experienced. Uri Geller is a smart business man indeed.

Also, I do not have to give up the bible because of aliens. My Lord could have put animals and so forth on other planets no problem. However, my belief is that these aliens are really just demons. Ever seen one? Trust me, they don't have morals, but themselves. They deceive us for there own agendas. They are just out for what they can get for themselves, mankinds' souls, and there worship. Gil, your forefathers at times worshipped others who called themselves Gods, whom the Gentiles worshipped, you do not have to forget your Jewish beliefs, I have already explained to you about how they can be shown to be demons on another thread.

BTW What do you think? Also, as a side note, never stop believing in scripture. Always, use scripture to measure up anything you hear, and not the other way around. Because, not everything you here around the place is true. But history itself testifies to scripture.
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I took your test and scored a 60. The answers I gave were totally normal, everyday occurances that I wouldn't have thouhgt of otherwise. However, i do not believe I have been abducted by aliens or have had any contact with them. For instance, you asked if i had any scratches. Of course, everybody has scratches. there may be an instance when you are running to get somewhwer and you are pricked by a bush or some other obkect and you dont notice it. One morning you may wake up, and seeimg as it is a new day, sunny, cheerful, and fresh, everything is far clearer. taking a shower or shaving or drying off you may notice something you didnt notice before. This leaves a variable open as to how you got it. To assume that during the night you were taking from your bed by a race of 'advanced' beings that somehow insist on using tools of a large size to do painful experiments that achieve things that the aliens could have done remotely is a bit fanciful. Also to assume that because we see them as flying around or using high-tech equipment means they come from outer space is silly. Polls show that alien features, being widely recognised, may connect deeply to our own visions of fear. For gods sake, how could aliens that developed indepantly of us have such humanoid figures? The differences from alien features to human features are, I think, the reason we have so much fear. take the mouth. A gray alien's mouth is small, unneccesary, and doesn't move. Doesn't that somehow relate to our own fear of not being able to talk? The aliens' eyesockets and eyes also bear resemblance to a skull, which is another obkect of terror in the human persona. we dream about these aliens so widely because we all fear the same things in them. Since no pictures have been taken of them, we cant assume that they all look the same. While the possibility for it exists, I think that mainly they exist as memories until one sees a commonly accepted picture of an alien and relates to it. Their memry may not be the same!
my clockes did stop... god damned california blackouts....

other than that... i took the test a while ago and had allt he things except for the vegatarian and vitamins..
hey all
i think the test was supposed to be taken in a seriouse light in reflection of evaluated unexplained things :)

not a small sratch from a twig :D

if for instance if you had lumonescence or a shape/mark
from a well balanced view point!
rather than a bruise on your knee :D LOL
it reminds me of a dream i had that my brain tried to explain a wound on a family member! with some simple investigation it was explained!- so the point i think is to evaluate the unexplained
significant easly identifiable stuff!

i have dreamed i could fly but i have yet to experience this in a conseuse state! :D

if we knew all the answers nothing would be a mistake!

groove on all :)
i forgot one very important point!

uri geller!

there is something just not rite about that guy!

did you see the prog on him that showd his house?

my opinion!= he is in league with some one or thing!
maybe he has been threatened by the aphabet soup people!
he just doesnt ad-up!
how long do you think you would enjoy your one million dollars if-
WHILE LOGGED ON TO HIS SITE-you managed to bend the spoon!

i think you would get a few visitors before you closed the brower window!

groove on all :)
Hey Riple, Uri Geller was on a one hour television prgram last night but I forgot to watch it :( I wanted to see what he was like, I only saw the previews. Your in NZ, was it on there? I completely forgot. :(