What are Ghost/spirits made of?


Registered Member
What are peoples general scientific opinion on what Non physical subspace intelligent entities would be comprised of? If we can see them then they must have a weight?
An active imagination.
The erroneous belief in the reliability of one's senses.
A proclivity for the mysterious.
Food for authors who like to make money off those who have a propensity for the mysterious.
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What are peoples general scientific opinion on what Non physical subspace intelligent entities would be comprised of? If we can see them then they must have a weight?
Do you know the difference between a statement and a question?

If you do, kindly use the correct syntax.
Do you know the difference between a statement and a question?

If you do, kindly use the correct syntax.
Oops sorry. Youre right. The last statement shouldnt have had a question mark. Thanks for making me aware of that. Slightly patronizing but alas
An active imagination.
The erroneous belief in the reliability of one's senses.
A proclivity for the mysterious.
Food for authors who like to make money off those who have a propensity for the mysterious.
I like that haha. Besides that, the issue is that although we can conclude that enough evidence exists to suggest that intellegent consciousness exists out of physical form. Im curious about measuring these entities. Im giving a lecture at a Freemason conference next month about 'Perfecting Ritual' and was hoping for a tad more science than science fiction
Latent psionic energy superimposed on a series of 10-dimensional quantum fractal matrices, resonating to a cascading bovinafaecalic harmony.

maybe 10-dimensional, rest is bs. it would be funny if a thousand years from now it is discovered your guess made in jest was correct because you assume it must be all imaginary like the tooth fairy. ghosts/spirits may be dimensions of other living entities similar to fleeting shadows.
I like that haha. Besides that, the issue is that although we can conclude that enough evidence exists to suggest that intellegent consciousness exists out of physical form. Im curious about measuring these entities. Im giving a lecture at a Freemason conference next month about 'Perfecting Ritual' and was hoping for a tad more science than science fiction
Me too. There is no ghost science, it's fiction. Ghosts are made of the human imagination. Why not give a lecture on the scientific method, and explain why ghost hunters ignore it?
What are peoples general scientific opinion on what Non physical subspace intelligent entities would be comprised of?
Is that what ghosts and spirits are? I thought...
Scrooge talking to the ghost of Jacob Marley.
“You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!”

Charles Dickens, 'A Christmas Carol'. I think the bold part is funny.
If we can see them then they must have a weight?
The average weight is about 0.000 gram per cubit ale yard.
the issue is that although we can conclude that enough evidence exists to suggest that intellegent consciousness exists out of physical form. Im curious about measuring these entities.
Can you link to this evidence?
Im giving a lecture at a Freemason conference next month about 'Perfecting Ritual' and was hoping for a tad more science than science fiction
Wait until their truly boozed-up before giving the lecture.
''Perfecting Ritual'' what's that?
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we can conclude that enough evidence exists to suggest that intellegent consciousness exists out of physical form. Im curious about measuring these entities.
We could conclude that. But, let's not. That way we don't have to be curious about measuring them. See? Problem solved...
What are peoples general scientific opinion on what Non physical subspace intelligent entities would be comprised of? If we can see them then they must have a weight

I don't believe that "subspace intelligent entities" exist. (What does 'subspace' mean?)

But before we get too smug and superior, here's some very similar questions that aren't so easy to dismiss...

What is the color red made of? The taste of an orange, the pain of a headache?

Or for that matter, the number three? Or logic's 'if-then' implication relation? Or the laws of physics?

How much do they weigh?

I'm not convinced that everything that exists has the same kind of existence. I'm certainly not convinced that everything is a physical object or is composed of whatever quantum something is hypothesized by the latest trendy 'theory of everything'.
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Science can only measure that for which it has the instrumentation.

I suspect that it is folly to deny the existence of something simply because we do not have the requisite measuring technology.

For the time being-----that which we could call "ghosts" or disembodied intelligence remains beyond the scope of scientific measurement.

A little over a century ago, we could not prove nor measure radioactivity. More recently, we did not know of Pluto's existence, nor had the means to examine dna nor prove that it existed.

I once had a dog who (when left with my uncle while i traveled) would start howling when I was coming in but still 30 miles out.
My uncle recognized that particular howl, and would put on a pot of coffee for me, knowing that I would be there in about 30 minutes. He said that the dog was mostly silent while I was gone, but was infallible in knowing when I would return.
ok (assuming that my uncle was not completely insane)
beyond the detection and measuring ability of current technology
but not(it would seem)
beyond the ability of a dog.
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