What Am I?

Anarcho Union

No Gods No Masters
Registered Senior Member
Heres an overview of my very thought out views on God. I do believe that Jesus was the Son of God. However, when people ask me if i am a Christian i quickly say no. I despise church of any type, and refuse to go any longer. I believe that the New Testament does not ban homosexuality, responsible drug or alcohol use, sex before marriage ect. I proudly wear a Bad Religion pin with a cross with a circle and slash through it. I do not think that God is a constant part of our lives, rather the universe is purely random reactions caused by random actions. In saying that, i do not believe that we are born as part of a "divine plan" and i do not believe God has any set "path" that we are supposed to walk ect ect. I believe God allows us to pursue whatever we wish as part of free will and is not active in our world and lives. Im not sure what to say when people ask me my religion as i despise religion. Any help?
Heres an overview of my very thought out views on God. I do believe that Jesus was the Son of God. However, when people ask me if i am a Christian i quickly say no. I despise church of any type, and refuse to go any longer. I believe that the New Testament does not ban homosexuality, responsible drug or alcohol use, sex before marriage ect. I proudly wear a Bad Religion pin with a cross with a circle and slash through it. I do not think that God is a constant part of our lives, rather the universe is purely random reactions caused by random actions. In saying that, i do not believe that we are born as part of a "divine plan" and i do not believe God has any set "path" that we are supposed to walk ect ect. I believe God allows us to pursue whatever we wish as part of free will and is not active in our world and lives. Im not sure what to say when people ask me my religion as i despise religion. Any help?

You say you believe Jesus is the son of God...That would make you, by definition, a Christian.
im confused at what you are asking

Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or immaterial reality, an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.” Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; such practices often lead to an experience of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self; with other individuals or the human community; with nature or the cosmos; or with the divine realm. Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life. It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature of the world.

not necessarily. I believe in communism, but i am an anarchist.

I wasn't implying you're a practicing Christian..

Just that in believing that Christ was the son of God, by definition would make you Christian..

I'm an agnostic/atheist myself.

But, I do believe Jesus existed, and was a wise and just man.

I just can't wrap my brain around God though.
Heres an overview of my very thought out views on God. I do believe that Jesus was the Son of God. However, when people ask me if i am a Christian i quickly say no. I despise church of any type, and refuse to go any longer. I believe that the New Testament does not ban homosexuality, responsible drug or alcohol use, sex before marriage ect. I proudly wear a Bad Religion pin with a cross with a circle and slash through it. I do not think that God is a constant part of our lives, rather the universe is purely random reactions caused by random actions. In saying that, i do not believe that we are born as part of a "divine plan" and i do not believe God has any set "path" that we are supposed to walk ect ect. I believe God allows us to pursue whatever we wish as part of free will and is not active in our world and lives. Im not sure what to say when people ask me my religion as i despise religion. Any help?

You have created your own religion. You can name it what ever you like. try picking your name and slap an "ism" on the end.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Our Universe is a book sitting in God's bookcase. It has many pages- each one is a Planck Unit of time from beginning to end; each page represents the entire Universe at that moment in time.

God reads this book and- being God, is free to make changes to the book as He sees fit.

God works by changing a moment in time, then the book rewrites itself to allow that event to naturally occur over time- it ripples back and forward.

I see God's hand in everyday things. Case in point- that damn car in front of me that's going the speed limit, when no one goes the speed limit on this road! That is God's way of slowing me down for a few seconds to avoid an accident I otherwise would have had, had that slow car not been there, I would have sped up and gotten into that accident. Thank God.

The Universe is an imperfect place. And it's God's hand to make these changes to reality to make it more a positive outcome than not.

I often wonder- why did Jesus appear 2,000 years ago? And the answer is obvious- if Jesus came here today, no one would listen. I firmly believe this. Jesus came when he was needed- when the locals were fighting not only oppression but religious oppression- both from the Jews and Romans equally. Jesus came when he did to change history, so it resonates through time to produce simple truths, which is all we as humans ask for. Simple things like the Sermon on the mount which resonate through the millennia.

And let's not forget that we're not the only sentient life form in the universe! By my estimation, at this moment there are billions of civilizations on billions of planets all technologically equal and all with desires as a species (and there are quadrillions of planets with simple life, but life nonetheless on them). They all fit into the equation as well!

You should not turn your back on God as atheists do. Atheists are atheists because God has not touched them in a meaningful enough way for it to be noticed by them- they're all doubting Thomases. And this is sad, because God is all around us and within us.

The ultimate goal of the universe is to have one storyline that defines the universe- made up of the best people and best minds within the Cosmos. Gandhi definetly has a page or two devoted to him, so does Dr. King and maybe Lincoln.
Heres an overview of my very thought out views on God. I do believe that Jesus was the Son of God. However, when people ask me if i am a Christian i quickly say no. I despise church of any type, and refuse to go any longer.

If you believe that Jesus was the 'Son of God', then it's hard to see how you're not a Christian. Who else but a Christian would believe such a thing?

So what you are looking for seems to be some qualifier on the word 'Christian'. You want to clarify what kind of Christian you really are.

I believe that the New Testament does not ban homosexuality, responsible drug or alcohol use, sex before marriage ect.

I can't help you there. I'm not a Christian and haven't seriously studied the New Testament.

But it seems to me that you are probably some kind of theologically liberal Christian. There are millions of them out there. They pretty much dominate some American denominations, such as the Episcopalians.

If you're at a loss, check out the Unitarian Universalists. They are located way out at the free-thinker end of the spectrum and in some cases can hardly be called 'Christian' at all. You'll probably find that most of the UUs have ideas similar to yours and will welcome you.
UU's are dismissalists- they dismiss all controversey between religions and worship God. They are Godists, if you ask me and that's cool.

It is hard to believe in Jesus when there is so little proof and so much conjecture. But Jesus existed nonetheless; irregardless of your opinion.

And Jesus was a Prophet like Abraham- bringing forth new knowledge.

So was He the son of God? I would say yes, just as all other Prophets were sons on God. I don't worship Jesus- I worship God, just as Jesus did.
You have created your own religion. You can name it what ever you like. try picking your name and slap an "ism" on the end.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

hmmm I shall call it ImRightEveryoneElseIsWrongGiveMeYourMoneyBitchesism
I won't force my beliefs on you..
you don't force your homosexuality on me..
other than that i have no problems with homosexuals..
who am i to say whether they can get married or not..
I won't force my beliefs on you..
you don't force your homosexuality on me..
other than that i have no problems with homosexuals..
who am i to say whether they can get married or not..

agreed, but I dont know any people who force homosexuality on people... i hate it when people say shit like that. Or "as long as they dont touch me" You know what, FUCK YOU. Not every gay person is looking at you. Stop being so full of yourself. Btw, thats not directed to you NM. Just my pissed offness -__-
agreed, but I dont know any people who force homosexuality on people... i hate it when people say shit like that. Or "as long as they dont touch me" You know what, FUCK YOU. Not every gay person is looking at you. Stop being so full of yourself. Btw, thats not directed to you NM. Just my pissed offness -__-

it still applies to me..
and i have had lots of gays make passes at me..
i do understand that is not the behavior of all gays,(had several friends that were gay,that i have never felt uncomfortable being around)

its just that there are certain types (the stereotypes) tend to be the ones that are most visible..
and some ppl that is all they see when the term 'gay' is used..they don't see the normals (no offense)
it still applies to me..
and i have had lots of gays make passes at me..
i do understand that is not the behavior of all gays,(had several friends that were gay,that i have never felt uncomfortable being around)

its just that there are certain types (the stereotypes) tend to be the ones that are most visible..
and some ppl that is all they see when the term 'gay' is used..they don't see the normals (no offense)

Its the same thing if a girl you werent intrested tried to make a pass at you. Samn goddamn thing. Just cause he's a homosexual any differently
Given this then, the answer is simple: you are confused.

Wtf does that mean? Oh wait thats right! Communism means China or Cuba right?! Or the reds of Russia! It means totalitarian governments, huge armies, genocidal dictators! Ignorance. Get educated will you?
Wtf does that mean? Oh wait thats right! Communism means China or Cuba right?! Or the reds of Russia! It means totalitarian governments, huge armies, genocidal dictators! Ignorance. Get educated will you?

Learn to read a book or two.