What about the saints? Did they exist?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: The question "does Jesus exist" has been plowed through many times. I'm just wondering about all those saints. Did they exist? (Not talking about New Orleans). I'm inclined to think not.
Did anything exist?

Because even Shakespeare can be a fabrication.

Its a matter of belief. Do you want to believe that that particular saint existed? if yes, than here are some of the texts written by him as a proof. If no, than those texts are probably a fabrication and were written by someone else.

Its all a matter of belief and faith.
Did anything exist?

Because even Shakespeare can be a fabrication.

Its a matter of belief. Do you want to believe that that particular saint existed? if yes, than here are some of the texts written by him as a proof. If no, than those texts are probably a fabrication and were written by someone else.

Its all a matter of belief and faith.
M*W: True. As a catholic, I believed the saints existed, but now I don't see the point. If Jesus didn't exist, the saints wouldn't have existed. What a fairy tale!
M*W: True. As a catholic, I believed the saints existed, but now I don't see the point. If Jesus didn't exist, the saints wouldn't have existed. What a fairy tale!

What matters is how we live the life we are given, not what really happened. But what we believe has happened.
People were made into saints . People who worked for the church for free and asked for nothing in return were the ones who were really liked and were the ones chosen to become saints. So if you work hard for nothing, and do as you are told, you might become one as well today! Yes, they still are making saints, Mother Tersea I believe was going to be a saint or is a saint.
here is a visual aid:


M*W: I've never claimed to be a saint. Wouldn't want to be one. Funny, but since you don't know me, how can you rate me on potential sainthood?
M*W: The question "does Jesus exist" has been plowed through many times. I'm just wondering about all those saints. Did they exist? (Not talking about New Orleans). I'm inclined to think not.
if they didn't exist, then who did all the marching? :confused:
M*W: The question "does Jesus exist" has been plowed through many times. I'm just wondering about all those saints. Did they exist? (Not talking about New Orleans). I'm inclined to think not.

What, all of them?
What about Gianna Beretta Molla? Do you think she never existed?
Yes, they still are making saints, Mother Tersea I believe was going to be a saint or is a saint.

That would be sainte, with an e, feminine you know.:D

Mother Teresa publicly expressed doubt about a loving God before she croaked, not sure if she was canonized. Maybe somebody who cares could tell us.
M*W: The question "does Jesus exist" has been plowed through many times. I'm just wondering about all those saints. Did they exist? (Not talking about New Orleans). I'm inclined to think not.

Which saints?

Some seem to have been real people, though their alleged escapades are no doubt over blown. Some are just made up and / or stolen from other cultures.