What about the people who never hear of God?


Registered Member
To go to Heaven I have heard that you must believe in your heart that Christ is the savior. Well what happens to those who have never heard of God who die? Do they go to hell because they have never heard of God? What I mean by that is, say someone living in the outback of Australia never sees another person in his life and he dies before he hears about God. What happens to him?

From what the crusaders tell me its either:

1. Goes staright to hell, he should have had the initiative to look for God.

2. Jesus saves his sinful ass from hell.
How could he search for God if he had never heard the word of God? I get what you mean but still...

He would feel an empitness in him, but how could he ever understand what it is? How could he ever realize that Jesus died and rose again for him?
I'm not sure about Christianity, but the Quran is very clear on this subject.

The Light
[24.61] There is no blame on the blind man, nor is there blame on the lame, nor is there blame on the sick

The Lame is really the criteria for a person who has no touch with the message of god. In arabic it clearly implies those that are left behind, forgotten, isolated, ect.
Originally posted by Flores
I'm not sure about Christianity, but the Quran is very clear on this subject.

It has similar a response.

But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

Luke 12:48
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Really, whats the difference between someone who has never heard of god and someone who doesn't believe? How can it be someones fault if they don't happen to be convinced?
Is someone evil purely because they question a books credibility?
In reality no one has any reason to believe the bible is true, to do so is to prove you are easily persuaded and nothing more.
Couldn't you just get to hell and say "oh, I wasn't sure, I thought maybe someone just made the bible up, turns out I was wrong, sorry about that" and what could the devil say but "oh, yeah fair enough, you didn't have alot to go by I guess, here have this heaven pass" ? Nothing, he's got nothing, surely we can't be held responsible just because god is so camera shy.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
"oh, yeah fair enough, you didn't have alot to go by I guess, here have this heaven pass"

Dr Lou,

I just wanted to say that I love your posts! :)
No one can do any good without God. I'm sure it's possible to do good without mentally aknowledging the existance of God. So they will not necessarly go to hell. Also those who do know the will of God but acted wrongly will beaten lightly.]
Well, Doctor Lou, according to Scripture it's your obligation to God to be convinced. If you aren't, you're to be condemned.

This is, of course, rather backward, seeing that it was God Himself who gave every man his lot before the fact, preordaining each soul to its ultimate destination.

On account of His astronomical superiority and extra-dimensionality, God couldn't have actually granted us any choice in the matter. Whether you were born to squalor or wealth, stupidity or sagacity, hazard or safety, disfigurement or health, wisdom or folly, was never up to you. He was the First Cause. He is omniscient. He is responsible.

This reinforces my view of a final judgment and distribution of souls as nonsensical and ludicrous.
Originally posted by okinrus
No one can do any good without God.

Likewise, no one can do any evil without God (if you believe in God).
What is your point?
Really, whats the difference between someone who has never heard of god and someone who doesn't believe? How can it be someones fault if they don't happen to be convinced?
The Holy Spirit will tell you if it's true. Of course, you also need to know how the Spirit tells you this, and for that, the Bible is not enough.
The answer is simple. They will go to hell.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

This is very clear and unambiguous. You cannot reach God unless you have accepted Jesus.

Now we could argue that there is a judgment after you die and all your actions will be assessed and you will be given a chance to ask for forgiveness and accept Jesus as your savior. This would be justice. However, if this is true then why are there so many people on earth trying to convince others to accept Jesus while they are alive? Religion (Christianity) doesn’t’ seem to have any purpose if we are justly judged after we die.

So if God is a just and fair god then we will have a chance after we die to see the error of our ways and genuinely ask for forgiveness, in which case religion on Earth is unnecessary.

If religion is necessary in order to spread the ‘word’ then those who never hear the word will be condemned to hell, in which case we could hardly call God fair and just.

But what of the person who does hear the word and doesn’t find it convincing and rejects it, i.e. a strong atheist? If he has led an exemplary life, perhaps better than many very sinful Christians, but there isn’t an afterlife judgment, then he will simply go to hell; clearly no justice there. If there is a judgment and all the truth is revealed then surely heaven will be the result and all the Christian evangelism was indeed a waste of time.

Every way this is examined it would seem that Christianity is unnecessary or that God is unjust and cruel. If you believe a god must be fair and just then it seems perfectly reasonable to completely ignore Christianity.
This is very clear and unambiguous. You cannot reach God unless you have accepted Jesus.
Yes you must accept Jesus in your heart. This does not mean that you may know what Jesus looks like physically or that you even know his name. Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and Moses all went to heaven without knowing the name of Jesus or what Jesus physically looked like. Anyone who does any true good must do it through Jesus and so there are other ways to know God.

Ok this is good. And since Abraham and co went to heaven but Christianity hadn't been invented at the time then we can safely state that Christianity now is irrelevent, right?
No, not at all. Abraham did not know the full truth of God. God told Moses that he did not announce his true name, Yahweh, to him. So as the human race has grown up we know more about God.
What does "accepting jesus" even mean? I honestly have no idea how I could go about doing that. How then, can I be held responsible?
I've heard it said that the people who don't hear about God, or are mentally unable to hear God will get their chance before the judgement of God.