What about the llamas?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
What is the obligation of ... oh, hell.

Anyway, a local Missouri Synod church sent out flyers to the neighborhood advertising "Vacation Bible School"; former Lutherans shudder at the phrase, but most churches have something similar.

Anyway, the schedule for the advertised week went something like,

Monday: The birth and early life of Jesus
Tuesday: The ministry of Jesus
Wednesday: The crucifixion of Jesus
Thursday: The ascension of Jesus
Special Guest: Thursday will feature a visit by Larry, a real live llama for the children to get to know ....​

My apologies, of course, I keep forgetting to bring the flyer with me when I'm going to be around a network. It's not quite accurate to the letter, but yes, a llama.

What the hell does a llama have to do with Jesus?

Anyone? Anyone?

If you're going to offer stupid frills to attract the children, ought they not have at least something to do with the themes? I mean, sure, it's not gin and hookers or anything like that, but a llama?
Gin and hookers serve a purpose. Llamas are just weird camel creatures I used to see someone farm on the side of the road.
Gin and hookers!

Gin and hookers, sure, but when you're teaching about Jesus ...? Oh, well. A taste of sin might do the Synod some good.
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tiassa said:
What is the obligation of ... oh, hell.

Anyway, a local Missouri Synod church sent out flyers to the neighborhood advertising "Vacation Bible School"; former Lutherans shudder at the phrase, but most churches have something similar.

Anyway, the schedule for the advertised week went something like,

Monday: The birth and early life of Jesus
Tuesday: The ministry of Jesus
Wednesday: The crucifixion of Jesus
Thursday: The ascension of Jesus
Special Guest: Thursday will feature a visit by Larry, a real live llama for the children to get to know ....​

My apologies, of course, I keep forgetting to bring the flyer with me when I'm going to be around a network. It's not quite accurate to the letter, but yes, a llama.

What the hell does a llama have to do with Jesus?

Anyone? Anyone?

If you're going to offer stupid frills to attract the children, ought they not have at least something to do with the themes? I mean, sure, it's not gin and hookers or anything like that, but a llama?

M*W: Well, let's face it, Jesus isn't the big attraction anymore. Maybe that's how he got started... as a gimmick!

Come one, come all, to the greeeaaatest show on Earth, to this big three-ring circus under the Big Top, featuring none other than Jeeesus H. Christ himself. Watch this miracle man giveth and taketh awayeth right before your very eyes. Come see the lions, the bears, the serpents, one and all! Watch Jesus H. Christ defy death by hanging from the trapeze! Get your fresh hot popcorn riiight heeerrreee!