What about Galactic alignment / dec/2012 doomsday ?


Registered Senior Member
Just a search of 2012 in Google or youtube and there are a lot of information, but I'm not asking a question regarding Nostradamus / Maya / (put your prophecy here),I'm just asking for the science of the event, I mean the 'Galactic alignment' itself and its consequences if any...

Although in my opinion the event was happened before without consequences, but it can happen 1998+/-20 as fas I know..

Anyway you can check what some people (aka scientists) believes searching in youtube Galactic Alignment 2008-2012 :eek:
I don't see how there could be any consequences of this alignment, it won't change any physical properties like gravity here on Earth.
Just a cool date(yeah because they Maya thought there's no way they'd get to 2012 and they were right).

The actual death of everything, is probably the very first Thursday in 2139. I pulled that out of my ass too.
There is a lot of money to be made selling books, trinkets, and advertising on websites, giving paid speeches, etc. 2012 fear-mongering is a scam designed to separate fools from their money. There will be no collision with planet X, no galactic alignment, no overnight pole shift, no (you name it).

NASA is plagued with such questions. From the Ask an Astrobiologist FAQ page, http://astrobiology.nasa.gov/ask-an-astrobiologist/faq/,
Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?

No: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims, and most of them (such as that Nibiru has been hiding behind the Sun or that it will be visible to the naked eye from the southern hemisphere next year) are ludicrous. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles. More questions and answers about these peculiar claims can be found on this website by clicking on “Most Popular” or using the search engine to look up specific topics.

Is it true that the Sun will be in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in December 2012 and that this will cause a pole shift and massive destruction.

No, this is an Internet hoax, with no basis in fact. There is no alignment of planets or of the Sun with the Galaxy. As far as being in the center of the Galaxy, this is impossible; we are slowly orbiting the galactic center at a distance of about 30,000 light years. The idea of a “pole shift” is also unfounded. Most people seem to mean a rapid change in the rotational pole of the Earth, but this is something that has never happened and never will. Some people are confusing this with the reversal of the magnetic poles on Earth, which does take place regularly, every few hundred thousand years. But there is no evidence that this might happen soon, and even if it did, the magnetic shift would be gradual and there would probably be no consequences on the planet, certainly nothing catastrophic. More questions and answers about these peculiar claims can be found on this website by clicking on “Most Popular” or using the search engine to look up specific topics.​
Just a search of 2012 in Google or youtube and there are a lot of information, but I'm not asking a question regarding Nostradamus / Maya / (put your prophecy here),I'm just asking for the science of the event, I mean the 'Galactic alignment' itself and its consequences if any...

Although in my opinion the event was happened before without consequences, but it can happen 1998+/-20 as fas I know..

Anyway you can check what some people (aka scientists) believes searching in youtube Galactic Alignment 2008-2012 :eek:
Here you go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLSMAWVCxfQ
I see you don't have enough posts to give us the link.

The idea of a major event in 2012 is tied to a concept called the galactic plane. The "theory" will be tested in 2012 which is the point in time when our solar system supposedly crosses the galactic plane.

This plane is associated with the flatness of the galaxy and not with the relationship of our galaxy to other galaxies fyi.

The galactic plane or rift is said to be so thin that our solar system can encounter it and cross through it in a given year, i.e. 2012 in this case. The gravitation force during that crossing is supposed to be compounded by the mass that occupies the plane.

But I don't worry too much about that because gravity is not polarized and therefore the galactic mass exerts the same gravity on our solar system even when we are not crossing the rift (I hope :)).
Throughout time the planets align themselves in many different formations and nothing has happened to the Earth. So why do you think something now is going to happen if nothing happened throughput time.
Throughout time the planets align themselves in many different formations and nothing has happened to the Earth. So why do you think something now is going to happen if nothing happened throughput time.
Just to check if you are seeing the distinction between the planetary alignment within our solar system and the alignment of our solar system with the galactic plane?

Though I too am not concerned, those who are concerned are talking about an event that is much different from a planetary alignment.
Just to check if you are seeing the distinction between the planetary alignment within our solar system and the alignment of our solar system with the galactic plane?

Though I too am not concerned, those who are concerned are talking about an event that is much different from a planetary alignment.

But even that type of alignment has happened before and Earth is still here for over 4 billion years! I really don't think the pull of gravity from that far away is going to affect anything. :itold:
It increases our odds of getting slammed by space debris .. end of the world..oops I meant end of story:D
The idea of a major event in 2012 is tied to a concept called the galactic plane. The "theory" will be tested in 2012 which is the point in time when our solar system supposedly crosses the galactic plane.
The real principle behind this 2012 claptrap is the very well-proven theory that gullible people and money are very loosely bound to one another. There is a little problem with this 2012 galactic plane crossing conjecture: It's completely bogus. The solar system is currently vertically displaced by about 19.5 parsec (63.6 light years) from the galactic plane.

Reference: Reed, B.C., "The Sun's Displacement from the Galactic Plane from Spectroscopic Parallaxes of 2500 OB Stars", Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 100:4, p.146 (2006), e-print at http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0507655
I always enjoyed Terence McKenna's ideas on the subject, but that doesn't mean I believe him. He felt that time had a structure that could be mapped out, and that his charts pointed to something extraordinary happening around 2012.
As DH points out, we are nowhere near the central plane of the galaxy (63 light years is a pretty hefty displacement, and we are moving away from that plane).

The alignment many people are talking about is an alignment between the ecliptic and the apparent mid-line of the galaxy as seen from Earth. Of course as both of these lines are in fact Great Circles they are bound to cross twice at points 180 degrees apart.

By a complete coincidence one of these crossings occurs near the location of the Winter Solstice, and also near the Galactic centre in Sagittarius. Now the crossover of the Galactic midline and the ecliptic has occured near this point in Sagittarius for hundreds of years, and was actually closest to the direction of the centre of the galaxy in 1997/8. The location of the winter solstice is now moving away from the direction of the galactic centre; nothing of significance happened back then in 1998.

The date 2012 has no significance whatsoever in this little celestial dance, so I wouldn't expect anything then either.