What a story, what a story!


Registered Senior Member

Oh man, this is good and funny stuff.

Apparently Angelina Joulie (the model for Tomb Raider) is divorcing her husband (I think they said his name is Billy Bob or some such? it should be on Fox News website)

And you'll never guess why. He was sleeping around with groups of women (strange thing considering how attractive most people think angelina's body is). So in an effort to correct this problem, angelina sent him to a sex therapist. And guess what, he slept with the therapist! :D

Now what is wrong with this picture? :D How could a person dedicated to helping couples do that? She could easily lose her doctor practicing license for violating the doctor & patient relationship, and possibly get fined or go to jail.

And geez, I hope this didn't happen on the first appointment :D I think her husband (or ex soon enough) is like at least 40 years old, not a very attractive dude. I wonder how he could have charmed her into that. Plus she'd get alot of media expose once this deal broke, which it just did.

Ahhhhhh, the wonders of hollywood ;)
Eeeeewww! Over 40?? That alone should be grounds for divorce! Well, its a strange story anywayz, ---- and we know it must be 100% true, seing as it comes from Fox News.:bugeye:

I saw it on their TV station, but the story is probably on their website. They don't lie when they report official things like that otherwise they could be sued for slander. Plus people could prove them wrong. I think I saw it in the paper too the other day.
He is probably an over acheiver at the "DJ" site...:D (Just kidding)

Some people never seem to find the happiness that they started out with. When you start up a new relationship, it is like a blank book with all the pages empty. The couple write the book as they go. Each brings a bit of baggage with them that they have picked up during life before the meeting.

What hurts a lot of the time is that each never truely takes the time to try and understand the other. It is only through understanding that we ever grow together. Your best friend should truely be your mate. Friends have something in common that is all to rarely found in relationships. They forgive and look over the little things. They make allowances for the others faults. That doesn't always happen in relationships. That is a shame.

They forget what is important; each other. That is the death knell for the relationship. People are people and it has and will go on till the human race comes to an end. It is a wonder that we ever find each other in the first place...
Apparently, Angelina Joulie, for all her good looks, wasn't up to the challenge of satisfing Billy Bob in bed.

I'm certain there are lots of lesser men she can hook up with--younger ones, no doubt, too. ;)