
Whales are conscious breathers so they cannot go to sleep.
Instead they let half of their brain sleep while the other half remains conscious.
Whales are conscious breathers so they cannot go to sleep. Instead they let half of their brain sleep while the other half remains conscious.
It also says that they don't appear to dream. I suppose that makes sense, because the dream would be competing with the reality in the other hemisphere for attention. Wouldn't that be an amazing experience!

That was surprising, because the last report I saw on the subject--quite a few years ago to be sure--indicated that up to that point ALL warm-blooded animals tested appear to dream.
I just added a new whale species to my list last week. Bryde's whale.
O.K my list only consists of three species.

A friend recently witnessed a pod of Orcas making a meal of a baby Blue whale.
Upsetting but impressive at the same time.