We've finally found god!

An interesting analogy using the scientific method (sort of). :D

The potential of the internet to enable near instantaneous communication from anywhere on the planet that has access is an amazing thing, when one considers how quickly it has transpired.

From computers that required whole rooms of space to hand held personal devices with massive memory and processing speed.....the ride has been a rush.

Will technology bring about a change in spiritual beliefs?

That remains to be seen.

Technology is fallible and belief systems seem to require the infallible as a foundation.

Infallible is not logical, yet logic also has it's limitations. :bugeye:



Evidence of Google's existence is abundant. There is more evidence for the existence of Google than any other God worshiped today. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If seeing is believing, then surf over to www.google.com and experience for yourself Google's awesome power. No faith required.
So much of time and money invested for fun and entertainment. Funny facts. One thing probably we forgot to take note of here the stats generated includes look outs by non believers as well. :) So non believers are made to believe in some scientifically based god as per their wish. WOW! God granted their wish without their knowing it even. ;)

Now, let the atheists cry foul over it for they being forcefully converted as Googlist(believer in Google) without their knowledge... :shrug:
@murdoch --

You realize that nobody actually believes this hogwash right? It was started as a joke and was intended to ruffle the feathers of believers. Given that believers have been systematically torturing and killing us for the last ten thousand years or so, can you really begrudge us our fun?
@murdoch --

You realize that nobody actually believes this hogwash right? It was started as a joke and was intended to ruffle the feathers of believers. Given that believers have been systematically torturing and killing us for the last ten thousand years or so, can you really begrudge us our fun?

Great, get ready for the anti-holly crusades. Will you blame me for what a man of a different ideology did to a man of your ideology?
"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer"
-Albert Pike on WW3, and in a whole the plan of the one world government put forth by Free Masons, Illuminati, and other underworld workings (take this for what you will).

Do not fight for your nation, nor your ideology, only so your sons and daughters may live free.
@Arioch --

It was said with light mood and not seriously. I am wondering the temperament of atheists. Why can't a believer take part in non believers fun.

So it was a party only for atheists only. But their was no Notice Board for it on the thread or probably I just didn't noticed it. :(
@murdoch --

Sorry, I responded without having my coffee first. My humor circuits don't function without at least three cups.
Google's "Omnipresence" isn't quite accurate, it's still stuck to the linear direction involving time arrows, so it can only respond when events have already played out, as opposed to identifying events prior to playing out. So it misses the "T" value in any mathematical assumption of a God.

If it managed the "T" then you'd be looking at more of a Laplace Demon than Search Engine. (incidentally that could well be carded for the future, An Omnipresent Artificial Intelligence or Intelligence Clone that manages to "Bridge" certain aspects of time to gain a conclusion. It would certainly be the basis for actually proving the existence of Multiworld's and likely end up with a whole bunch of people attempting all forms of espionage to either control or destroy it as a potential)

It's all right! :) It happens in competing environment(theist - atheist).:cheers: