Were these People Real or Fake?

Select people that were real with 50% or greater likelihood

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Musical Creationist
Registered Senior Member
Through history a lot of names of men and women have been mentioned. This poll is to assess the likelihood they probably indeed existed. A "yes" vote means that you think there is greater than a 50% likelihood they existed.
what do ya mean with "real"... all of them are real... even though all of them maybe didn't exist physically... the 12 disciples represent the signs of the zodiac... it's possible that jesus had 12 diciples... but unlikely... it's too much of a coincidence...
c7ityi_ said:
what do ya mean with "real"... all of them are real... even though all of them maybe didn't exist physically... the 12 disciples represent the signs of the zodiac... it's possible that jesus had 12 diciples... but unlikely... it's too much of a coincidence...

"Real" means real as in George Bush the current President of the USA.

So let's get this straight, if I take out my vote, then Gilgamesh and Odesseus have a greater chance of being real people than Jesus and brother James. It shoes me what kind of credibility a Christian has on this forum. Good to know.
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well they're all based off of real people, even if the name was made up or not affiliated with the person who made the same actions. and anyone's account of that person is not going to be exactly how that person was, so in essence, all of them are both real and fake.
RoyLennigan said:
well they're all based off of real people, even if the name was made up or not affiliated with the person who made the same actions. and anyone's account of that person is not going to be exactly how that person was, so in essence, all of them are both real and fake.

In today's terms would that person's name be on his/her birth certificate. This is not a poll to justify what they did or did not do in their lifetime. As for Satan, is he a real being?

With Jesus (founder of christianity), for example, if you believed he was a real person and a religious teacher in the 1st century, but did not believe he did miracles and such, then you would vote "yes."

If you thought Jesus was an assumed name for someone else that did the same, then the answer would be "no."

If you thought Jesus was mistakenly identified with Christianity then the answer would be "no" because he did not start christianity, rather his identification was stolen and used fictitiously.

In other words a "yes" vote does not mean you believe god exists. An atheist can vote yes and be consistent with atheism.
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sorry people, I f**ked up, I went to press julius caesar and pressed the one above in error, f**k I voted for jesus, so I'm saying here and now my vote is void and jesus'es stats should be reduced by one.
and julius'es increased by one.
I had no other recourse than to choose julius caesar, every other name up there has no real records, other than in mythology, even Pilate is found there, you may as well put all the characters from the tolkien trilogy, and lets say Bob Geldorf, one real the rest, fictional.
well according to you yorda, we are ourselves god, so why state the obvious, it should read "you made you do that" should'nt it.( well she did, duh)
it was just a error, you dick.
yeah, i think mis-t-highs' higher self made mis-t-highs do that.

what is an error? why do people make errors? because we must punish ourselves in order to learn.
geeser said:
I had no other recourse than to choose julius caesar, every other name up there has no real records, other than in mythology, even Pilate is found there, you may as well put all the characters from the tolkien trilogy, and lets say Bob Geldorf, one real the rest, fictional.

I thought about including peter cotton tail.
I voted all but two were "real", with greater than 50% probability. I'd like to say that doesn't mean I think all the things said or written about all these people are "real", though.
James R said:
I voted all but two were "real", with greater than 50% probability. I'd like to say that doesn't mean I think all the things said or written about all these people are "real", though.

That's correct. For example, You could say the apostle Paul was a real person (and perhaps a christian leader) but did not write any of the bible.
Gilgamesh tomb believed found

"Archaeologists in Iraq believe they may have found the lost tomb of King Gilgamesh - the subject of the oldest "book" in history.
Gilgamesh was believed to be two-thirds god, one-third human

The Epic Of Gilgamesh - written by a Middle Eastern scholar 2,500 years before the birth of Christ - commemorated the life of the ruler of the city of Uruk, from which Iraq gets its name.
