Were there unicorns in the bible?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: The KJV of 1611 claims there were "unicorns." This is another proof that the bible is full of myths and errors.

The OT refers to a creature with the Hebrew name of "re'em" (Numbers 23:22, Job 39:9, Psalm 92:10). The Greek translation from Hebrew tells of this animal "re'em" to me a "monoceros." It's Latin name is "unicornis." The KJV of 1611 calls it a "unicorn." Modern scholars believe this animal to be a rhinoceros. Most late versions of the KJV refer to the unicorn as a "wild ox."

Why did the KJV of 1611 refer to unicorns, since unicorns never existed? Does this mean that there are other fallacies in the KJV. Yes, it does.

The KJV also refers to satyrs with man like torsos and the hind end of a goat. And just what is a "cockatrice" mentioned several times in the KJV? And, of course, let's not forget dragons. Even modern versions of the KJV tell of dragons, serpents, whales, wolves, sea monsters and jackals.


Lang, J. Stephen.: What the Bible Didn't Say: Popular Myths and Misconceptions About the Good Book, Fall River Press, MA, 2008.
What the Bible Didn't Say: Popular Myths and Misconceptions About the Good Book[/I], Fall River Press, MA, 2008.

Unicorns aside, did the author include God?

I think the unicorn reference as well as dragons and possibly a few others are due to bad paleontology. But a least they were trying and one can almost detect the beginning of man's inquisitive nature combining with our need to know.