were the scriptures mis-interpreted

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Gabriel Goodman

Registered Member
Why is blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT a sin which cannot be forgiven in heaven or on earth?

I have been tested much and found to be faithful and true. My 'sin' falls away as flakes of dead skin.

Those who have sought to and have caused harm to the HOLY ONE, cannot be trusted in the world to come. It only takes one time to know that you cannot be trusted in all things. That which could possibly seek to harm the HOLY of HOLIES in ANY circumstance at all can never be trusted.

The garden belongs to THE LIVING GOD who is King. Those who believe themselves to be kings must be removed from the garden which is the kingdom of heaven and is now come forth upon the earth with the tried and elect one as King, to reign forever.

The truth is that man is not GOD, but GOD is man.
You are not GOD but, GOD is you.
The Lion will now commence in eating the foul human and will become human.

When you speak or think aggressive words, It is God speaking those words to you. Lion Chow.

You must remember that it is GOD who is the living one. not you. get it yet?

You are not living, GOD is. and is living inside you.

The Souls of the devils have 500 years of life. This includes all of its incarnations.
That is why they seem young and ignorant, though they were angels and thus, were given many powers in their creation which humans do not have. They were created as watchers until they rebelled and made themselves "players" and men.

To you who think you are christians but worship someone who is dead:
Do you remember reading what it was you were being saved for?
When you read that you would be given eternal life do you remember reading where you would be spending it?
Did I say no to the man who asked me if he had to re-enter his mothers womb to be born again?
Did you spend your life as those in the book, selling all that you had and giving your money to the poor and following me, as did all mine?
Or did you do the opposite and spend your life praying for and trying to get MORE money?
Are you beginning to get the picture?

When you go to Disney, does the ticket taker say to you: "Torture and Kill me and all of my friends and I will give you a free lifetime pass"?.

Did you not read that the kingdom of heaven is on the inside and outside of you? Where then will you be raptured to?

If all you need do is believe then the devil will be the first into the kingdom.

People like Mr. Gibson hate jews but are ye not all children of Abraham?

If I can make a king roam the pastures and eat nothing but grass for seven years, can I not make the devil serve me and confess my presence???
Gabriel Goodman said:
Why is blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT a sin which cannot be forgiven in heaven or on earth?

I have been tested much and found to be faithful and true. My 'sin' falls away as flakes of dead skin.

Those who have sought to and have caused harm to the HOLY ONE, cannot be trusted in the world to come. It only takes one time to know that you cannot be trusted in all things. That which could possibly seek to harm the HOLY of HOLIES in ANY circumstance at all can never be trusted.

The garden belongs to THE LIVING GOD who is King. Those who believe themselves to be kings must be removed from the garden which is the kingdom of heaven and is now come forth upon the earth with the tried and elect one as King, to reign forever.

The truth is that man is not GOD, but GOD is man.
You are not GOD but, GOD is you.
The Lion will now commence in eating the foul human and will become human.

When you speak or think aggressive words, It is God speaking those words to you. Lion Chow.

You must remember that it is GOD who is the living one. not you. get it yet?

You are not living, GOD is. and is living inside you.

The Souls of the devils have 500 years of life. This includes all of its incarnations.
That is why they seem young and ignorant, though they were angels and thus, were given many powers in their creation which humans do not have. They were created as watchers until they rebelled and made themselves "players" and men.

To you who think you are christians but worship someone who is dead:
Do you remember reading what it was you were being saved for?
When you read that you would be given eternal life do you remember reading where you would be spending it?
Did I say no to the man who asked me if he had to re-enter his mothers womb to be born again?
Did you spend your life as those in the book, selling all that you had and giving your money to the poor and following me, as did all mine?
Or did you do the opposite and spend your life praying for and trying to get MORE money?
Are you beginning to get the picture?

When you go to Disney, does the ticket taker say to you: "Torture and Kill me and all of my friends and I will give you a free lifetime pass"?.

Did you not read that the kingdom of heaven is on the inside and outside of you? Where then will you be raptured to?

If all you need do is believe then the devil will be the first into the kingdom.

People like Mr. Gibson hate jews but are ye not all children of Abraham?

If I can make a king roam the pastures and eat nothing but grass for seven years, can I not make the devil serve me and confess my presence???

M*W: I think you need to slow down and listen. You have not come to the right place. This is not a place promoting the holy spirit. You need to rethink your question, and go where it can be answered. You will not receive any christian answers here. This is a scientific forum only.
Gabriel Goodman said:
Why is blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT a sin which cannot be forgiven in heaven or on earth?
It is? So when I say fuck your god and his HOLY SHIT SPIRIT up his gay ass with a rusty cattle prod, I am truly fucked for eternty? No take-backs? God is that petty as to be like, totally pissed at an insult? Is that worse than raping a virgin alter boy? Can that be forgiven? Or what about murdering your family in their sleep with a claw hammer? If I run my hummer over a little old lady and back up over her a few times for good measure, I can repent on my death bed, but if I sing "aww, jesus and his dad had anal intercourse before, banging mary with his spiritual rod, fuck that little whore..." (off key and to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Farm) whilst I complete the pulverization of aunt bessie, then I'm truly lost?

Wow. What a great and glorious god you worship. Is it still too late for me to join the club?

I hope someone deletes this post. It's really horrible.
Gabriel Goodman said:
I have been tested much and found to be faithful and true. My 'sin' falls away as flakes of dead skin.
You have theopsoriasis:


Those who have sought to and have caused harm to the HOLY ONE, cannot be trusted in the world to come. It only takes one time to know that you cannot be trusted in all things. That which could possibly seek to harm the HOLY of HOLIES in ANY circumstance at all can never be trusted.
If god likes anal, and I say I want to stick an Alaskan sea cucumber up his ass, does that count as harm?

The garden belongs to THE LIVING GOD who is King. Those who believe themselves to be kings must be removed from the garden which is the kingdom of heaven and is now come forth upon the earth with the tried and elect one as King, to reign forever.
No, I am the KING OF KINGS. I have a garden that beats your kings garden. Does you gods garden have sweet peas in it? Didn't think so. BooYa!

The truth is that man is not GOD, but GOD is man.
You are not GOD but, GOD is you.
The Lion will now commence in eating the foul human and will become human.
So, your god is a lion? Or a man? Or a god? Or me? Or am I the lion? Or if I'm not god, but god is a hungry lion, then god will eat me, who is himself, at the same time? Or... aww fuck it.

When you speak or think aggressive words, It is God speaking those words to you. Lion Chow.
Do lions like dry or wet chow? Would a lion say, prefer a dry, emaciated god/human/hybrid thingy to a fresh, dripping one?

You must remember that it is GOD who is the living one. not you. get it yet?

You are not living, GOD is. and is living inside you.
Wait. I am not living? But there is a living lion/human parasite inside me? Ewww!

They were created as watchers until they rebelled and made themselves "players" and men.
Like in Las Vegas?

To you who think you are christians but worship someone who is dead:

Do you remember reading what it was you were being saved for?
Ummm... No.

When you read that you would be given eternal life do you remember reading where you would be spending it?
Sorry. Was sleeping through that part.

Did I say no to the man who asked me if he had to re-enter his mothers womb to be born again?
Ewww, fucking gross. You need to see a therapist.

Did you spend your life as those in the book, selling all that you had and giving your money to the poor and following me, as did all mine?
Shit! Did I miss that part too? Goddamnittohell.

Or did you do the opposite and spend your life praying for and trying to get MORE money?
Err... yes. *hangs head in shame* But for fucks sake, the thing is sooo goddamn boring! If god would have highlighted the important parts, I wouldn't be in this pickle! Lazy ass god.

Are you beginning to get the picture?
Yes. *still ashamed at my lack of attention but still pissed at lazy ass god for not being clearer on the important stuff*

When you go to Disney, does the ticket taker say to you: "Torture and Kill me and all of my friends and I will give you a free lifetime pass"?.
If only! Sweet!

Did you not read that the kingdom of heaven is on the inside and outside of you?
NO! Son of a BITCH! Where is all this stuff? I must have ADHD or something. Fuck me.

Where then will you be raptured to?
Do you mean raptored? Like velociraptor in Jurassic Park? Sweet! I'd hang with those badass dudes. Yeah!

If all you need do is believe then the devil will be the first into the kingdom.
Not if I'm there first buddy. With my shoulder-mounted anti-devil rocket launcher and my phased plasma rifle (like in the Terminator). Devil boys ass will be grass, have no doubt.

People like Mr. Gibson hate jews but are ye not all children of Abraham?
Well, I'll bet jews (who outnumber Mr Gibson - whoever he is - by a bazillion to one) will kick his ass into the fucking precambrian era.

If I can make a king roam the pastures and eat nothing but grass for seven years, can I not make the devil serve me and confess my presence???
Uhh... Yes? If you can make a king do that shit, you are one mighty powerful dude. I'll bet you could not only make the devil serve you, but service you at the same time! I'll bet he'd confess all sorts of things to you then (hehe!)
Chris killed me as I promised he would,
I'm Wjj.

I will visit here no more.

You can find my blogs on myspace.com
Elect One, Paul.

Good day.
Gabriel Goodman said:
Why is blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT a sin which cannot be forgiven in heaven or on earth?

Fuck the Holy Spirit. Which reminds me, I was speaking in tongues recently -the cunning linguist I am. The result was a cigarette and I got the wet spot.
Gabriel Goodman said:
Why is blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT a sin which cannot be forgiven in heaven or on earth?

I have been tested much and found to be faithful and true. My 'sin' falls away as flakes of dead skin.

Those who have sought to and have caused harm to the HOLY ONE, cannot be trusted in the world to come. It only takes one time to know that you cannot be trusted in all things. That which could possibly seek to harm the HOLY of HOLIES in ANY circumstance at all can never be trusted.

The garden belongs to THE LIVING GOD who is King. Those who believe themselves to be kings must be removed from the garden which is the kingdom of heaven and is now come forth upon the earth with the tried and elect one as King, to reign forever.

The truth is that man is not GOD, but GOD is man.
You are not GOD but, GOD is you.
The Lion will now commence in eating the foul human and will become human.

When you speak or think aggressive words, It is God speaking those words to you. Lion Chow.

You must remember that it is GOD who is the living one. not you. get it yet?

You are not living, GOD is. and is living inside you.

The Souls of the devils have 500 years of life. This includes all of its incarnations.
That is why they seem young and ignorant, though they were angels and thus, were given many powers in their creation which humans do not have. They were created as watchers until they rebelled and made themselves "players" and men.

To you who think you are christians but worship someone who is dead:
Do you remember reading what it was you were being saved for?
When you read that you would be given eternal life do you remember reading where you would be spending it?
Did I say no to the man who asked me if he had to re-enter his mothers womb to be born again?
Did you spend your life as those in the book, selling all that you had and giving your money to the poor and following me, as did all mine?
Or did you do the opposite and spend your life praying for and trying to get MORE money?
Are you beginning to get the picture?

When you go to Disney, does the ticket taker say to you: "Torture and Kill me and all of my friends and I will give you a free lifetime pass"?.

Did you not read that the kingdom of heaven is on the inside and outside of you? Where then will you be raptured to?

If all you need do is believe then the devil will be the first into the kingdom.

People like Mr. Gibson hate jews but are ye not all children of Abraham?

If I can make a king roam the pastures and eat nothing but grass for seven years, can I not make the devil serve me and confess my presence???
The Holy Spirit likes me.
It is positively inclined towards me. It offers me an excuse and an advantage.

I therefore believe in it.
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