were are they from?


Registered Senior Member
nobody knows excactly were the et's are from, they could be from a different dimention, or the future. they cold be from a different planet too. but i was wonderi=ng what you all think, i think thast the so called greys are related to us, cause they have a lot of physical charactaristrics that are the same.
Without seeing them approach from an orbital observation platform, it would be impossible to tell, astronomically, where they were from exactly, per se. However, my opinion is that they are from a planet with low light and a very humid atmosphere. The gravity would be low and I don't believe the temperature would be very high. This is all, of course, assuming that they followed evolutionary laws similar to our own. I do not believe they are related to us, only genetically similar.
One thing that this has got me thinking about is that in abduction reports of people being elswhere, supposedly on alien craft, the gravity of the room is earth-like. To my knowledge there haven't been any reports of aliens with walkers or stumbling around. Unless they happened to evolve on a planet of roughly the same gravity, perhaps a series of steps or further space evolution has caused their adaptations. This goes for the eyes as well, it's pretty dark out there in space.

To go into further speculation, assuming that they evolved similar to us isn't that big of an assumption. The conditions necessary for a bipedal species to evolve, are as far as we know are unique to the diversity of a planet like ours.
We look like them because they have been here before many times. Man is made in THEIR image. The image of the elohim. They helped God to create us in the days before Adam. These remnants are the offspring of the sons of God breeding with the daughters of men. They were of this earth for many years, and they were "men of renown". That is why God flooded the earth, but they left before, and now they are back, to accomplish the same thing that they were trying for before. To perpetuate the demon seed (abduction and hybridization).

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited September 08, 1999).]

All I can do is ask you if you truly believe what you just wrote? Further more I would be interested in knowing which God you are refering too, there are just so many these days, even more if you include ancient Gods from ancient religions!

Yes I do believe what I just wrote, for crying out loud. If you think about it (which I'm sure is a mute point), it's just about the only plausible explanation. Given ALL of the information, from abduction testimony, messages received through alien contact, and all kinds of prophecy (not JUST the Bible), it's really the only thing that makes sense. What don't you believe exactly? That the aliens are spiritually enlightened? Well then, ask an abductee what they think. Everyone I've ever heard about seems to think FOR SURE that they are. They speak telepathically, practice mind control, and can appear and disappear at will. Basically, point by point, they have the EXACT same characteristics as the angels (elohim) described in the Bible. That's why so many people are convinced that they wrote the Bible. They are enlightened (not to mention that they claim to have written it). Enlightened but evil. What do you think the odds are that as soon as they do arrive, we transform into a "new world order"? What are the chances of the alien presence ushering in every single bit of Biblical prophecy relating to end times events? Pretty slim, huh? Well, you just wait and watch then.

And OF COURSE SILLY, I'm talking about the God of Isreal, Yaweh I believe His name is. You know, the Father of the Son???? Is this ringing any bells with you? Where have you been for the past 2000 years, in a cave somewhere in the Appalachians? Another very intriguing arguement made in this book, is that the ancient gods of which you speak really were gods of a sort. The same gods that I'm saying are aliens, or are responsible for them. It is our egotistical nature to assume that people of ancient civilizations believed in these mythological gods because they were just stupid, and didn't know any better. A much more plausible explanation is that they really were worshipping real gods (fallen angels), just not THE REAL GOD. Same thing today; polytheism and self-worship are back in style. I guess we've really progressed over time, huh? LOL!

God loves you and so do I!
On the contrary,
The eyes being the way they are ( black almond ) points to a bright system, more than likely a binary star system. That being the case - they would be quite muscular ( and shorter? ) because gravity would be greater in a bi-star system.
Okay Lori,

My first point is, I asked you which god you believe in simply because there are six billion people on this planet and less than one eighth are Christian. I feel it's disrespectful to use the general term God and assume everyone knows which god you believe in.

I don't believe in Aliens, angels, ghosts, goblins, fairies and pixies.

However, I am interested in not so much other peoples beliefs, but their need to believe. I'd be interested Lori to find out why you so passionatly pursue "and I've read some of your posts" such an extremist angle on the whole alien concept?
Instead of a thread always piling up with replies, I am going to add instead.

Where they are from could be anywhere if you ask me. But i again want to ask the question.

How many years have we had to develop technology? The industrialized world started in the mid 1850's i believe, so compared to how old this world is, and the estimate of how old the universe is, there could be races out there millions, if not billions of years old. If there are such races out there which i believe is, then i would also think that their ways of transport is unimaginable for us, and to reach this little speck of dust in the void, would not be much of a problem if there excist such races. And the possibillity for that there are many of them is what? since we do not know how big the universe is, how can we then estimate how many races there are? Right now we are basing our facts on estimates times estimates equals fact..

You be the judge
That's a good question I guess. Why do I passionately pursue? Because something just ain't right. As a matter of fact something is terribly wrong!!! People are being abducted, and they're scared, and no one understands the alien motive or purpose. People are being treated as puppets and lab rats, and taken against their will. If I thought that these creatures were completely "biological" in nature, then I would be more afraid for myself, and afraid in a different kind of way. Afraid to become something's pet or slave. But it seems that these beings are a lot more than just biological creatures, and people's souls are at stake here. Deceived by the master of deceipt. Shit, we can easily be deceived by humans for crying out loud; it's very very likely that humans would be deceived by gods. Once upon a time, I was like you, and I didn't believe in anything. Or I was apathetic about it anyway. I know what it's like to be without God's influence in my life. I was still a good and nice person, just like you. I guess that you don't believe in intuition or the holy spirit either, right? I know it sounds insane to you, but I've been shown things. Things I never even wanted to know really. Why? So I can come out here and spread the word I guess. So I can provoke some thought, and give a warning. Just promise me you guys that if things start really getting weird, and the things (prophecy) I've talked about starts coming to life, then please, please consider what I've said. What I can't understand is why anyone would ASSUME that they have good intentions, especially given the horrendous things they've done to people. It doesn't make sense to me.

God loves you and so do I!
H-Kon: Have you ever heard of Drake's Equation? I don't think it's ever been solved. I'll send it to you if you like, as it has much to do with what you posted.

Lori: You fly off the handle pretty easily. Sit back, take a deep breath, and come back when you can practice some of the patience that your messiah preached.

All: I figured a low gravity world because of the reports of their large heads resting on skinny necks. Unless their skulls are abnormally light or their skeletal structure abnormally strong, this wouldn't make sense in a high gravity environment. Of course, it's also possible that they are wearing environmental suits instead of running around naked. I've seen many different types of E-Suits and it doesn't take a big stretch of the imagination to describe it as an alien.
Oxygen: Don't tell me what to do.

God loves you and so do I!
Lori, get a life--stop preaching, damn im sick of christians--the only ones that have to shove their damn religion down your throat--get a grip not everyone believes the same way Lori--and your not going to convert us. You're the first person ive seen call themselves a christian and cuss as much as i do, and damn you talk about a hypocrite?
Anyway,anyone have a fax line,i can fax this dna sheet to someone with a scanner,its been a long day and my moods not the greatest,but yall take care lol i'll be checking the board periodically.

Eric Cooper
Lori is expressing herself on this board. You don't have to read her posts...nobody is forcing their opinions down anybody's throat. Just scroll past them when you see her name on the left! Nobody is forcing you to read them. How many of you read the ads that this Bulletin Board has on every page??
It's so easy , isn't it.
I listen to Plato go on about the brain
I listen to Boris go on about science
I listen to Xeno go on about "no such thing as aliens here"
I listen to Faer go on about his abductions
I listen to Flash crack a wise one every post
I listen to Alien begging for an answer, as I always do here
I also listen to Lori put her view across and not once has anybody had the decency to respect her point of view and say, OK that's how she sees things... Instead she gets bagged and slandered and then when she gets her back up, as a normal person trying to get through life would, ( because she has told us so many times she is not perfect - so accept it, guys! )everyone starts with the 'hypocryte' lines.
Finally, the whole point of the thread gets lost and it all turns to crap. Then we all go to the next thread and the circus starts again.
Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm part of the problem too. I know I should be more diplomatic than I am but I, too, am only human.
Why don't we ALL take a breathe and have more fun on this board. Share our thoughts with others and slow down on the bagging!??

Kind regards,
Dave- I mean no disrespect to anyone. I only read Lori's posts when they refer to something that has my interest. I just wonder about the sincerity when a person (and there are many, so Lori, I'm not singling you out) preaches love while shaking a clenched fist.

Lori- I understand that you feel passionately about your faith. More power to you. I lost my faith years ago, by choice. Maybe I can clear the air about what I mean when I say to step back and take a deep breath. Your posts are good reading, but they lose a lot of their flavor when the name-calling begins or when condescending phrases are used. It's like putting car ads in the middle of the bible. (Yes, I've read the bible. All of it.) "And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever." Isaiah 32:17. I ask you, as one of the fallen, stay your sword hand and spread peace. Feel absolutely free to e-mail me at any time. Believe it or not, I kinda like you. You write better than most I've dealt with and your arguments are intelligent.

All-The Net is not for the faint of heart. Be careful what you post. You don't know whose feathers you're ruffling, and not everyone prefers the peaceful approach.
I thought this was an Aliens post? Not religeous, unless you accept Lori's beliefs in which case the two are intertwined.

But one thing, why is the general consensus that aliens are evil. Assuming they've been here for several thousand years then why now are they a threat?

Why do they have to have evil intentions?

If they created us, and we prove to be a danger, then surely they consider the right to destroy us? Like a Mother aborting a pregnancy.

I'm not a believer in Aliens or Gods, but if we were created as an experiment, for what purpose? How long will we be of interest? What happens when our creators exhaust all areas of our exploration? What happens when they decide to leave? Are we alone now or will we be alone in the future or have we always been alone?

Lots of questions with no answers, I think the sad thing is most people don't want real answers, they're just happy to live and die holding their beliefs like so many others before.
I believe that we tend to assume that they are "evil" because of the traumatic reports by abductees. My personal feeling on the matter is that they are more like zoologists than an invading force. They hunt us, run us down, tranquilize us, put a tracker or two in us, then let us go. It's the same thing we do to wild animals to observe their living habits.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited September 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited September 10, 1999).]
Why Oxygen, are you quoting Bible verses to me? *blink, blink*

I think that Chris Rock said it best when confronted regarding his foul mouth...

I could say "you need to fucking go to church!"

or I could say "excuse me kind sir, but may I offer you some heroin please?"

In other words, it's more what you say than how you say it. I'm not trying to offend anyone, that's just how I talk. Dated too many rednecks that talked like sailors, I guess. Then again, I've dated a few sailors too. LOL!

Also, you are contradicting yourself. Let me see if I've got this right...you can't stand Christians because they are so "holier than thou", and trying to shove their beliefs down your throat, and being all judgemental, right? Well, the fact that I cuss like a sailor must tell you and everyone else that I am NOT holier than thou, and I'm not putting on some hypocritical front to show how Jesus-like I am, because I'm not. Not even close. For many Christians, they think that if they ACT a certain way, or SAY a certain thing, that is what makes them a Christian, but they are missing the entire point of the religion. I am a Christian because I believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God. It doesn't have a thing to do with how I talk. It has to do with my beliefs, and my beliefs influence my intent. What is my intent when cussing? To communicate expressively. Is this wrong? No, it's not, unless it offends or embarrasses someone. So if you cuss like a sailor too, then why are you so offended???????? LOL!

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited September 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited September 21, 1999).]

I was trying to say that what they look like might be very different than what they originally looked like on their planet/moon. Considering the possibility that they are millions or even billions of years old, evolution would continue. And that's not even factoring in any adjustments they might have made for themselves. I agree that more gravity would mean a comparitively more muscular alien, but you're saying that a binary system would be bright and that this would cause their eyes to be large? And if the two stars were of equal mass and equidistant,at a minimum how far would they have to be apart? I don't know so I'm asking.

I have heard about it, and even thought about making any sence of it. .It is still an estimate times estimate equals fact.. and its wrong.

Until someone comes down here to hand us the encyclopedia galatctica, even then i would think they are estimating the numbers out there.

How many galaxies are out there?

......."there is no life out there".....sorry but i cannot understand that.
