
But there was a war there a decade ago, and a decade before that, and another 900 years ago...

In terms of Armageddon, what makes this one so special?
It will be a world one.

British troops have been told they may be deployed by February 14.

The Royal Navy is planning its biggest landing operation since the Falklands as the main British effort in a war to topple Saddam Hussein.

A death squad from America's CIA arrived in Britain on a mission to "eliminate" al-Qaeda suspects.

American military planners are preparing airstrikes on Iraq so intense that some Pentagon officials believe a ground war could be won in two days.

:( I cant seem to find things i have seen in the past: the bible predicted the disappearance of the church for 700yrs (i think!) which it did until it was reformed in Europe (again i think). This happened as the bible said it would: i dont think im reading too much into it. It was startlingly correct.
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But there was a war there a decade ago, and a decade before that, and another 900 years ago...

This coming war will be different because both countries have nuclear capability and are very hostile (US bombed countries even in the Clinton era). Yes, Bush Sr did fight Iraq, but this was an indirect war for Quwait, and now this war will be about the US versus Iraq. Plus, the previous war was one of the quickest hot-wars ever.

I think that you live in Austrailia, correct? If you lived in the US you might (im guessing) get the emotions of every one here. I've seen people buying supplies for bomb shelters. Even if this isnt the Armagaedon, its not going to be pretty.

As many people are aware, scientists calculated that every ___ (i dont remember the exact number) number of years, an event occurs that causes mass extinction.... We are way overdue to that number. Think about that...
The Iraqis don't have nuclear capacity and the Americans will lynch any leader that uses them. The nukes will never come out of the closet.
War in the middle east has been going on for a VERY long time. It is nothing new. World war? You might ask. Yes, many nations outside of the middle eastern countries have been involved. For example, the 10 year war between Russia and Afganistan. Or, the French, and well, many places. Even americans have seen SEVERAL battles in the middle east. It IS NOTHING NEW. This new war does not mark the end of days. Get a gripp. Americans often think so becouse we are not used to this terror threat we are exposed to now. For people in the middle east, it is old hat.
Originally posted by moonman

edit: this time Iraq might use 'em. Now that they are fed up.

I'd have to disagree. As far as I can tell, George W. Bush is the only one who REALLY sounds interested in using a nuclear weapon.

In fact, as far as I can tell, George W. Bush is the only world leader who really IS a threat world peace.
Iraq doesn't have the resources to wage a world war. The United States is so rediculously overpowered that Bush now thinks he has to be the world's police man. Isreal and Palestine have been fighting for so long they don't even know what they're fighting for anymore. They could easily live together in Isreal, but no. Britain has turned into America's attack dog on a leash, courtesy of Tony Blair. Canada has turned into the useless combatant ie. distract the enemy while we sneak up behind them. North Korea is too smart to use any nuclear weapons, as is the rest of the world, for even one nuclear launch would start a chain reaction among the world powers. That's my take on world politics at the moment.

And as for Biblical prophesis, they are often a bit vague don't you think? "Sometime in the future there will be a war in the middle east", no? Really? There's a shocker. :rolleyes:
Yeah but when it was written were they even aware of other lands: Europe, America etc? Plus why the middle east?! It could have been 'war breaks out in Asia'.
Yeah but when it was written were they even aware of other lands: Europe, America etc? Plus why the middle east?! It could have been 'war breaks out in Asia'.

Because they lived in the Middle East. But that's partly my point, they could say "A world war breaks out in Asia" and they'd still be right, a world war is just that, a world war. So no matter where they predict it will happen they are right, because it happens worldwide.
It was written in the Middle East and Europe about a Middle Eastern religion.
...A world war breaks out in Asia
Where it breaks out is different to after the war has broken out and everyone is involved. I see your point: it could be said that this war broke out in America on 9/11 but thats not true. America had to declare war! If they do so then then when they attack to war will break out in the middle-east.
Al-Qeada has already declared war on America, so technically it broke out in NA, Bush is simply extending it to the Middle East at this point, or at least trying to. Let me tell you though, if he goes against the UN on this and attacks without their consent it will drive a stake between America and the rest of the world so big it will take years to get rid of.
I'd have to disagree. As far as I can tell, George W. Bush is the only one who REALLY sounds interested in using a nuclear weapon.

oh yes, definately! I should have formulated myself differently.

When I immagine nuclear world war breaking out I couldn't think of any other feasible scenario than Bush dropping a nuke on Iraq.
And even before it hits, the Iraqies have sent out their nukes from hidden silos in retaliation. BOOM both countrys are obliterated and all world hell breaks out.
I Couldn't immagine anyone else being f*cked-up enough to start a nuclear war than the US government.
The world is truely in their hands, is a couple billion tons of Oil realy worth jeoperdizing world safety?
Well, I don't think oil is a good reason to start a war, but the Bush administration obviously does.

It's almost comical that they seem to believe they can fool the rest of world into thinking it's about anything else. Especially now, with the moves North Korea is making. They've proven to everyone that the bush administration isn't interested in armed conflict unless you've got some natural resource they can take control/advantage of.

And the Bush administration is so funny with their comments about not succumbing to blackmail or a pointed gun. Even though that's obviously how they expect everyone else to react to us.

This is the most blatantly hypocritical administration I could have ever imagined. And the fact that they STILL seem to be getting so much support from my fellow Americans really disturbs me.