Well just something that should be documented


Registered Senior Member
This morning I got a phone call from a lady I know in a northern town in Canada. Seems that there had been a number of calls to their local radio station about peoples clocks being advanced by 10 minutes. Anyway, I guess a few people commented about UFO's which of course sent her imagination wild. I had consoled her with an explanation that due to the earths magnetic poles moving, that maybe there was a magnetic surge in the core affecting here area. Could I have possibly been right? Has there been other incidences of peoples clocks in different areas being advanced? Is there any documentation of towns electronics going out of whack?
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A magnetic pole fluctuation wouldn't be so localised I don't think.

Need more info on the clocks, really. You can buy clocks which automatically set their own time via a radio signal. If the clocks that advanced were of that type, maybe a stray radio signal upset them, or there was a glitch with the local transmitter?

Maybe they were normal clocks that people all set using the same source, ie, the time from a teletext service, which may have been wrong at the time, and corrected later, showing the discrepancy?

Maybe the clocks just have cheap movements which run too fast? Been a clock sale on in that area recently?

Anyway, wrt time itself, I thought people reported 'lost time' during alien phenomena, ie clocks stopping during the event, so they'd be behind time, not 10mins ahead, wouldn't they, if that was at all a feasible solution.
Maybe the powersource to the clocks is suffering from a fluctuation in current that is causing the clocks to work slower (If it's from a powergrid a power spike or two could upset it, or even a power outage)
maybe the times are changing

quite literaly

and if aliens can slow down time im sure they can speed it up phlog

want to know another 'possiblity' ?

imagine that the military/gov't wanted to test something. they wanted to test how people would react to a delayed/advancement of Time, according to CLocks. in other words, they want to see how people will react to a time discrepency, if they even notice.

now, as to how they did this is up for grabs- you know the military and their ways of doing WHATEVER THEY WANT, WHENEVER THEY WANT.

it could have been as simply, as phlog stated, as getting a News station to display the wrong time, and people set it according to that. it could also have been as comlplicated as using electromagnetic equipment to alter the clocks in that area, but that seems more up the alley of extra terrestrials...

yes, some info on the clocks would be useful, namely:

- were both DIGITAL and ANALOG clocks affecting by this time dialation ?
zonabi said:
and if aliens can slow down time im sure they can speed it up phlog
If the 'pace of time' was different than the outside many things wouldn't work:
cell phones
and most things using electricity from an outside source

Basically, anything which has a frequency.
Maybe the powersource to the clocks is suffering from a fluctuation in current that is causing the clocks to work slower (If it's from a powergrid a power spike or two could upset it, or even a power outage)
He said the clocks were fast 10 minutes though... otherwise I'd agree. Explain them as being behind is easy... but most clocks now are digital (even the ones with the analog displays). I've never heard of a higher current making a clock run faster... but I might be wrong.

There really isn't enough information to guess what it was.
Persol said;
There really isn't enough information to guess what it was.
Persol it’s not a “guessing game” it has to do with accepting these things and trying to discover what happened. Most of all it takes a real interest and willingness to search out stuff on your own. Try legends and history.

Digital vs. mechanical would be a good and interesting thing to know. And very few clocks run on an electric motor that is house hold current driven anymore. Those would be the only ones that would be affected by an increase in voltage which would make them run faster. Some of the older ones anyway. The newer “older” ones would have a transformer and circuit to govern the exact voltage for accuracy.

I have seen some great discussions on forums about these strange time shifts. There seem to be more of them in recent years.
Stryderunknown said:
Maybe the powersource to the clocks is suffering from a fluctuation in current that is causing the clocks to work slower (If it's from a powergrid a power spike or two could upset it, or even a power outage)
As it turns out, that was the problems. The power feed, was increased causing the clocks to run faster.
I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. It's funny you mention this because like 3 or 4 days ago, I had set my alarm clock so that it was 15 or 20 minutes slow, just because it was late and i was too lazy to put the exact time. When I woke up the next morning, it was about 20 minutes fast! It's not 10 minutes, but it's kinda wierd too.
zonabi said:
imagine that the military/gov't wanted to test something. they wanted to test how people would react to a delayed/advancement of Time, according to CLocks. in other words, they want to see how people will react to a time discrepency, if they even notice.

LOL whose government? CANADA'S?!?! Believe me, our government does not have the time, money, or the need to mess with us like that. They're too busy worrying about the deficit and sleazebag politicians. :m: