Welfare Payment Hysteria


Sweep the leg Johnny!
Valued Senior Member
Came across some information the other day that surprised me.

Apparently the cost to the british taxpayer of businesses evading sales tax (called VAT in the UK) is 6 times greater than the cost of people who cheat on welfare payments by working at the same time as claiming.

Thing is we have TV commercials, Radio commercials, Poster campaigns etc encouraging us to snitch on benefit cheats - but I've yet to see anything like this regarding VAT fraud.

Now I'm as against a welfare culture as anyone, and particularly anyone who cheats the system, but it seems that there is a clear skewing of priorities and publicity over these issues.

Any thoughts on why that would be?

cost to tax payers of VAT cheats £12 billion

Cost to tax payers of benefit cheats £2 Billion:
http://www.barnsley.gov.uk/bguk/Economic_Finance/Benefit Fraud